cp -pa presentations/2hr-GPL-compliance-focus/2hr-GPL.md presentations/ccs-report-examples/ccs-examples.md
Plan to reduce this just to the CCS examples.
cp 1hr-GPL/1hr-GPL.markdown 30min-specific-sections/specific-sections.md
Start from the 1hr version to make a short version that talks about just
a few specific sections of the GPL.
The Gitorious URLs are now dead. A few Gitorious URLs continued to
appear in the front matter of the Guide itself. This fixes those links
to with k.copyleft.org equivalents.
The Gitorious URLs will disappear in the next few hours. The canonical
hosting location of this project is now on copyleft.org. Specific
gitorious URLs are generally replaced with k.copyleft.org, which is
copyleft.org's self-hosted Kallithea instance.
The existing paragraph on this issue was inadequate, since it punted
entirely to GPLv2§11 for dealing with critics' claims of
unenforceability. That left a mistaken impression of validity of such
The commit herein adds reference to CIGS, which likely permits GPL's
sort of warranty disclaimer in most jurisdictions, and also bolsters the
reference to the UCC earlier in the section.
However, given academic debate about the applicability of CIGS to
software licenses, this commit includes a footnote referencing the two
sides of that debate.
Tony Sebro and I co-drafted these changes together.
Signed-Off-By: Tony Sebro <tony@sfconservancy.org>
Signed-Off-By: Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn@ebb.org>
While most USA lawyers will know this as simple fact, the tutorial wants
to welcome an international audience and non-lawyers too. As such, this
dependent clause is worth adding.
The intent of this text was to point out that most users don't actually
believe they get warranties, which is still surely correct, given that
GPL disclaims warranties in the same manner nearly every software
license -- proprietary or free -- does anyway.
Also, the forward-reference to the later section's discussion of UCC
should be hinted at here. There is no explicit reference to UCC made
here, but it is encompassed in "many local laws", since the later
section mentions the specific section of UCC involved.
Meanwhile, the reference to UCITA is dropped, but perhaps it should be
reintroduced in other text in the main warranty section. UCITA has had
much less policy impact than was expected when the original version of
this text was written. It might be useful to ask policy folks and
attorneys from Maryland and Virginia who might be able to help explain
what impact UCITA has had being on the books only there.
CCS ultimately wasn't mentioned until much later in the GPLv3 sections,
where, ironically, we have to point out that GPLv3 defined the term as
"Corresponding Source" [0], not CCS, and explain why GPL enforcement
wonks still say CCS.
This rework now introduces the acronym at the natural moment: while
describing GPLv2§3's use of the words "complete" and "corresponding".
Adding that made the section even more disjoint than it already was. I
put in some \subsection's to make it slightly less so, and did some
wordsmith work on surrounding text.
[0] I wish some GPLv3 drafter had asked me what to call the defined term
so that I could point out what fit standard parlance. :)
The existing text of the Guide hints at this point but doesn't discuss
it directly. This FIXME is merely a reminder note to investigate this
issue in further detail and perhaps add text here on the question.