which is anon_token_id. This adds the functions and code necessary to do that. This is probably a bit of a hack.
89 lines
3.3 KiB
89 lines
3.3 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vote.css" />
<title>The GNOME Foundation - Vote Verification</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vote.css" />
require_once ("include/election-sql.php");
$error = "";
$handle = elec_sql_open ();
if ($handle === FALSE) {
$error .= "Can not open the database.<br />\n";
$step = 0;
$verify_token = "";
if (($_POST["verify_token"])) {
$verify_token = $_POST["verify_token"];
$anon_token_id = elec_verify_voted_token ($handle, $verify_token);
if ($verify_token && $anon_token_id <= 0) {
$error .= "The vote verification token provided does not appear in the votes database. Please check that you entered it correctly.<br />\n";
if (!$verify_token || $error) {
echo "<h2>Verify your ballot</h2>\n";
echo "<p>Please enter your ballot verification token.</p>\n";
echo "<form action=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES)."\" method=\"post\"";
echo "<div class=\"votedata\">\n";
echo "<p><label for=\"verify_token\">Verification Token: </label><input type=\"text\" name=\"verify_token\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars ($verify_token)."\" /></p>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" />\n";
echo "</form>\n";
} else {
$votes = elec_get_votes_for_anon_token ($handle, $anon_token_id);
$choices = elec_choices_get_by_anon_token_id($handle, $anon_token_id);
if ($choices === FALSE) {
$error .= "The ".htmlspecialchars(elec_election_get_type ($election))." is not properly set up.\n";
$choices_name = array ();
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
$choices_name[$choice["id"]] = $choice["choice"];
echo "<tr class=\"".$class."\">\n";
echo "<td><span class=\"token\">".htmlspecialchars($verify_token)."</span></td>\n";
echo "<td>";
if ($votes === FALSE) {
echo "Can not access votes<br />for this anonymous token.";
$error .= "Can not get votes for anonymous token ".htmlspecialchars($anon_token["anon_token"])."<br />\n";
} else if (count ($votes) == 0) {
echo "This voter chose to vote for<br />none of the possible choices.";
} else {
echo "<ol>";
foreach ($votes as $vote) {
if (array_key_exists ($vote["choice_id"], $choices_name))
echo "<li><em>".htmlspecialchars($votes["preference"])." ".htmlspecialchars($choices_name[$vote["choice_id"]])."</em></li>\n";
else {
echo "<li><em>Unknown value (".htmlspecialchars($vote["choice_id"]).")</em></li>\n";
$error .= "There was an unkown vote for anonymous token ".htmlspecialchars($anon_token["anon_token"]).": ".htmlspecialchars($vote["choice_id"])."<br />\n";
echo "</ol>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
global $committee_name;
global $committee_email;
if (isset ($error) && $error != "") {
echo "<div class=\"error\">".$error."</div>\n";;
echo "<p>If you don't understand the error, you should probably contact the $committee_name, which can be reached at <a href=\"mailto:$committee_email\">$committee_email</a>.</p>\n";
if (isset ($handle))
elec_sql_close ($handle);