* Added files for 2001 elections * Committed old change to change From: address to something sane in membership handling script
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# This is the list of members who were eligible to vote in the 2001 election.
Ole Aamot <ole@no_spam.gnu.org> (gPhoto co-maintainer, libgnomera architect)
Ali Abdin <aliabdin@no_spam.aucegypt.edu> (Help System, gLife)
Joaquín Cuenca Abela <e98cuenc@no_spam.yahoo.com> (AbiWord, a bunch of Spanish translations)
David Abilleira <odaf@no_spam.nexo.es> (early gnome-libs, early gtk+)
Trever Adams <trever_Adams@no_spam.bigfoot.com> (helped out with irssi, software testing, deeply interested in GNOME's future)
Darin Adler <darin@no_spam.eazel.com> (nautilus, gnome-vfs, bonobo, medusa, small contributions to glib, oaf, etc.)
Lauri Alanko <nether@no_spam.gimp.org> (GIMP, misc hacks)
Jon Allen <jonallen@no_spam.sdf.lonestar.org> (Nautilus testing, bug transfer from eazel to gnome)
Christopher David Alm <chrisalm@no_spam.cs.wcu.edu> (Nautilus testing, bug reports for several projects)
Shawn T. Amundson <amundson@no_spam.gimp.org> (GTK+, GIMP)
Marius Andreiana <mandreiana@no_spam.yahoo.com> (Romanian translations)
Alan Aspuru-Guzik <aspuru@no_spam.okra.cchem.berkeley.edu> (moiss)
Sean Atkinson <sca@no_spam.uk.research.att.com> (gnumeric, Gnome Basic, gnome-games)
Ty Augustine <tyronea_2000@no_spam.yahoo.com> (application testing, feedback)
Hassan Aurag <aurag@no_spam.geocities.com> (GMatH, flame wars, bug submissions, gnome-python)
Ahmad Baitalmal <ahmad@no_spam.bitbuilder.com> (GnewsAlert, BitNotes, gtkDiff contributions, maillist about Gnome Development Solutions Roadmap)
Timur Bakeyev <timur@no_spam.gnu.org> (patches mc, gnome-libs, gnome-core, libgtop, porting to BSD/OS)
Szabolcs Ban <shooby@no_spam.gnome.hu> (gnome-applets, gnome-games, Hungarian translations, Hungarian Translation Project)
Joe Barr <warthawg@no_spam.blackhat.net> (bug reports, reviews)
Josh Barrow <josh@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus contributor)
Nils Barth <nils_barth@no_spam.post.harvard.edu> (dr-genius, GTK+)
David T. Bath <david@no_spam.orasoft.org> (porting of Gtk/Oracle tools, help with gnome-db design, advocate)
Eric Baudais <baudais@no_spam.okstate.edu> (GDP documenter, gnome-games doc maintainer)
Martin Baulig <martin@no_spam.home-of-linux.org> (LibGTop, GTop, GNOME-Libs HEAD hacker, helping with GNOME Foundation, sysadmin, european GNOME marketing + talks)
Joel Becker <jlbec@no_spam.evilplan.org> (glib, gtk+, misc hacker, misc portability stuff)
Martijn van Beers <martijn@no_spam.earthling.net> (glade, mooonsooon, gnome-build, pkg-config, misc. small patching)
Roman Beigelbeck <roman@no_spam.gnome.org> (Artwork, European advocacy and events)
Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@no_spam.gnu.org> (odometer applet, i18n, docs, gPhoto)
Luis Manuel Benítez <vigueto@no_spam.teleline.es> (Spanish translation, es.gnome.org, GNOME-MGP)
Jacob Berkman <jacob@no_spam.ximian.com> (gnome-core, gnome-applets, bug-buddy maintainer; misc hacker)
Xavier Bestel <xavier.bestel@no_spam.free.fr> (bug reports)
Carlos Betancourt <carlos.betancourt@no_spam.chello.be> (advocavy, events, testing)
Dirk-Jan Binnema <djcb@no_spam.djcbsoftware.nl> (bonobo dev docs, patches for gnome-core, gnome-pim, translations)
Jonathan Blandford <jrb@no_spam.redhat.com> (AisleRiot, control-center, GTK+, gnome-libs, docs wannabe, other stuff)
Sebastián Blanes <sblanes@no_spam.larural.es> (Euroaplique)
Christopher Blizzard <blizzard@no_spam.redhat.com> (Mozilla, gnome-http)
Jonas Borgström <jonas@no_spam.codefactory.se> (gtkhtml, gtkhtml2, mixmagic)
Andrea Bosio <st970751@no_spam.educ.di.unito.it> (Electric Ears developer)
Grahame Bowland <gbowland@no_spam.gbowland.com> (gnome-vfs)
Robert Brady <rwb197@no_spam.ecs.soton.ac.uk> (en_GB translations, gote, pango, libunicode, misc)
Eric Brayeur <eb@no_spam.ibelgique.com> (gnome-utils, libGcolorsel2, GColorsel2)
Kevin Breit <battery841@no_spam.mypad.com> (Gnibbles documentation writer, Evolution documentation, GDP bug-list)
Dominik Brettnacher <dominik@no_spam.brettnacher.org> (Bug reports, translations, FreeBSD ports)
Walter F. Brisken <walterfb@no_spam.nacho.princeton.edu> (Stars: http://nacho.princeton.edu/~walterfb/stars/))
Marcus Brito <pazu@no_spam.visaotec.com.br> (various translations)
Rob Brown-Bayliss <on_the_net@no_spam.clear.net.nz> (all round fan, beta-testing and associated bug-reporting, advocating)
Rob Browning <rlb@no_spam.cs.utexas.edu> (GnuCash developer)
Simon Budig <Simon.Budig@no_spam.unix-ag.org> (Gimp contributor)
Francisco Bustamante <pancho@no_spam.nuclecu.unam.mx> (Mahjongg, Gimp plug-ins, some fixes)
David Camp <dave@no_spam.ximian.com> (gnome-debug, gnome-applets, gnome-pilot)
Ian Campbell <ijc25@no_spam.cam.ac.uk> (Balsa, other small patches)
Thomas Canty <tommydal@no_spam.ihug.com.au> (Gnumeric, Gnomeicu documentation)
James M. Cape <jcape@no_spam.jcinteractive.com> (GNOME UI IP, other minor stuff)
Lance Capser <lmc@no_spam.usurf.com> (GTK+, libglade)
John W. Carbone <jwc@no_spam.sgc.com> ("OpenRisk", a financial derivative Gnome app)
Anders Carlsson <andersca@no_spam.gnu.org> (gtkhtml, gmf, tasklist applet, Swedish translations and other secret stuff :)
Juan Carlos Castro <jcastro@no_spam.appi.com.br> (some pt_BR translations, GTM dev list owner)
Nate Case <nd@no_spam.kracked.com> (Galeon)
Antonio de la Toree <adltorre@no_spam.terra.es> (Spanish translations)
Alvaro del Castillo San Félix <acs@no_spam.barrapunto.com> (gnome-db developer, Barrapunto GNOME section editor, several articles and talks about gnome development)
Chema Celorio <chema@no_spam.celorio.com> (gedit, gnome-print drivers)
Manuel M. T. Chakravarty <chak@no_spam.cse.unsw.edu.au> (Haskell language binding)
Damon Chaplin <damon@no_spam.ximian.com> (Glade, gtk-doc, GTK+/GLib docs, Evolution)
Erwann Chénedé <erwann.chenede@no_spam.sun.com> (Multi-head support for Gtk+)
Sergey Chernikov <sc@no_spam.ivvs.eu.org> (developer of Gnome ReadNews, Russian translation for X-Chat)
Frank Chiulli <fc-linux@no_spam.home.com> (Gnumeric, libole2, gb)
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen <kenneth@no_spam.gnu.org> (bugfixes, i18n tools, translations, next year guadec, nautilus icons, gnome european foundation, stuff to come ahead ;))
Gerry Chu <gerrychu@no_spam.bigfoot.com> (bug reports, testing pre-releases, contributor to UI project)
Zbigniew Chyla <cyba@no_spam.gnome.pl> (Polish translations, Gnumeric/Evolution fixes)
Pavel Cisler <pavel@no_spam.eazel.com> (nautilus, gnome-vfs maintainer)
Mauro Colorio <linuxbox@no_spam.interfree.it> (Italian translations, advocacy)
Rusty Conover <rconover@no_spam.zootweb.com> (gnome-libs, gconf, gnome-pim, gnome-core, other hacks and opinions)
Paul Cooper <pgc@no_spam.darboux.uklinux.net> (Gnome Administrators Guide)
Greg Corrin <gcorrin@no_spam.yahoo.com> (Marketing & PR, GNOME 1.4 release team)
Alan Cox <alan@no_spam.redhat.com> (googlizer, gnome-lokkit, the immortal gpenguin, idetool and irritating Miguel)
Rhett Creighton <rhett@no_spam.mit.edu> (Gnome, Ximian, Evolution)
Mark Crichton <crichton@no_spam.gimp.org> (gnomovision, some gdk-pixbuf, some gnome-libs)
Frédéric Crozat <fcrozat@no_spam.mandrakesoft.com> (packager MandrakeLinux, bug fixes for Evolution, Nautilus)
J Shane Culpepper <pepper@no_spam.eazel.com> (nautilus, many misc fixes elsewhere)
Murray Cumming <murrayc@no_spam.usa.net> (Gtk--, Gnome--)
Trevor Curtis <tcurtis@no_spam.somaradio.ca> (GDP, Bugsquad)
Adrian Vance Custer <acuster@no_spam.nature.berkeley.edu> (user, enthusiast, bug reports, feedback)
Johan Dahlin <zilch.am@no_spam.home.se> (bonobo-python, devhelp)
Dan Damian <dand@no_spam.softhome.net> (Romanian translations, unfinished stuff specialist)
Bart Decrem <bart@no_spam.eazel.com> (helped create GNOME Foundation, helped create Eazel)
Cristiano De Michele <demichel@no_spam.na.infn.it> (MultiGnomeTerminal, gnome-core, gnome-terminal)
Fatih Demir <kabalak@no_spam.gmx.net> (i18n,all Turkish translations,gtranslator)
Stéphane Démurget <zzrough@no_spam.free.fr> (G-nerator, docs, testing, bug-reports)
Arik Devens <adevens@no_spam.antioch-college.edu> (Ximian GNOME, eog, gnome-ihop)
Gerhard Dieringer <GDieringer@no_spam.compuserve.com> (gASQL, gnome-db)
Anna Dirks <anna@no_spam.ximian.com> (Ximian GNOME, user interface engineer at Ximian)
Radek Doulik <rodo@no_spam.ximian.com> (gtop, gnome-core, gmap, gtkhtml,gnome-spell)
Daniel Egger <egger@no_spam.suse.de> (GIMP core hacker, german translations all around, bugfixes for several projects, SuSE GNOME integrator)
Christian Egli <christian.egli@no_spam.stest.ch> (GNOME booth and talk in Germany and Austria)
Mohamed Elassadi <mohamed@no_spam.val.com> (gmyclient)
Mike Engber <engber@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus)
Gergõ Érdi <cactus@no_spam.telnet.hu> (RadioActive, Gnomoku, bonobo sample application, small contributions to Gnumeric, MonkeyBeans)
Mattias Eriksson <snaggen@no_spam.acc.umu.se> (Gtk+Licq, GuiSlp, Small patches and crashing apps and tell about it ;) )
Arturo Espinosa <arturo@no_spam.nuclecu.unam.mx> (gnomecard, gturing and joyitas. Ximian)
Ramiro Estrugo <ramiro@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus)
Larry Ewing <lewing@no_spam.gimp.org> (gtkhtml, Evolution, gdk-pixbuf)
Pat Eyler <pate@no_spam.gnu.org> (Gnumeric HOWTOs, advocate, other docs)
David Fallon <davef@no_spam.getacard.com> (GDP member, author of GDP DocTable)
Joaquim Fellmann <joaquim@no_spam.hrnet.fr> (i18n, balsa)
Valek Filippov <frob@no_spam.df.ru> (Russian translation, www.gnome.ru)
Jens Finke <jens@no_spam.triq.net> (Atomix, Eye of Gnome, DE advocacy)
Darin Fisher <darinf@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (Gnofin)
Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire@no_spam.ofset.org> (Dr. Geo, Dr. Genius)
David FitzGerald <dpf@no_spam.cs.bham.ac.uk> (porting Gnome to Solaris)
Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@no_spam.ecf.utoronto.ca> (Balsa)
John Fleck <jfleck@no_spam.inkstain.net> (GDP member, doc writer, gnome-utils docs herder)
Michael Fleming <mfleming@no_spam.eazel.com> (gnome-vfs, Nautilus)
Glynn Foster <glynn.foster@no_spam.sun.com> (gnome-session, panel, developer webpages, misc. bug fixes)
Steve Fox <drfickle@no_spam.k-lug.com> (advocate, user assistance, beginning developer)
Brian Frank <bfrank@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus)
Ben FrantzDale <bfrantzdale@no_spam.thuban.ac.hmc.edu> (Icon author, misc advice/help)
Zach Frey <zfrey@no_spam.bright.net> (advocate, bug reporter, mailing list annoyer, beginning developer)
Nat Friedman <nat@no_spam.ximian.com> (Bonobo, Ximian, Evolution)
Alessio Frusciante <algol@no_spam.firenze.linux.it> (Italian translations)
Christopher R. Gabriel <cgabriel@no_spam.gnu.org> (www.it.gnome.org, most of italian translations, italian users-guide and some docs)
Adriano Galano <adriano.galano@no_spam.innosec.es> (GPointFW2, advocacy, GNOME seminars)
Mark Galassi <rosalia@no_spam.galassi.org> (early gnome-libs and gnome-core, initial docs, docbook tools)
Bjoern Ganslandt <bganslan@no_spam.gmx.net> (Gnomogram, German i18n)
Héctor García <hector@no_spam.scouts-es.org> (Contributions to Balsa, Spanish translations of Evolution)
Juan Tomas García <juantomas@no_spam.lared.es> (European GNOME foundation)
Jim Garrison <garrison@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (advocacy, applets, other useless things)
Laurent Gauthier <lolo@no_spam.seul.org> (Dr. Genius)
Stéphane Genaud <genaud@no_spam.icps.u-strasbg.fr> (Gquotes,part of ORBit beginners guide documentation)
Steve George <blah@no_spam.dircon.co.uk> (GNOME Summaries, documentation)
Mike Gerdts <Michael.Gerdts@no_spam.usa.alcatel.com> (various small patches and bug reports)
Tim Gerla <timg@no_spam.rrv.net> (gnome-media maintainance, gtcd, various applets and documentation)
Daniel M. German <dmg@no_spam.csg.uwaterloo.ca> (ggv maintainer, GNOME architecture and future)
Jim Gettys <jg@no_spam.pa.dec.com> (X, GNOME libraries on iPAQ)
Frédéric Gobry <gobry@no_spam.puck.ch> (pybiographer, random patching)
Eli Goldberg <eli@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus testing)
Jody Goldberg <jgoldberg@no_spam.home.com> (Gnumeric, gnome-print, gnome-libs)
Hector Gomez Morales <hgomez_36@no_spam.flashmail.com> (bug reports, promoting gnome in mexico, wishlist)
Javier Gomez Sierras <jgomsi@no_spam.apolo.umh.es> (Spanish translations)
Mark Gordon <mtgordon@no_spam.ximian.com> (QA, maintaining bugs.ximian.com, support)
Nick Gorham <nick@no_spam.lurcher.org> (gnome-db)
Allan Gottlieb <gottlieb@no_spam.nyu.edu> (CS Prof; Editing documentation)
Kenny Graunke <kenny@no_spam.whitecape.org> (developer.gnome.org webmaster, GDP member)
Alex Graveley <alex@no_spam.ximian.com> (ORBit, odd jobs)
Jamin Gray <jgray@no_spam.writeme.com> (gPad, articles, general advocacy)
Bill Gribble <grib@no_spam.billgribble.com> (gnucash developer)
Marco Pesenti Gritti <marco@no_spam.it.gnome.org> (Galeon)
Etienne Grossmann <etienne@no_spam.isr.ist.utl.pt> (bloksi)
Matthew Guenther <mguenthe@no_spam.attcanada.ca> (Balsa)
Bertrand Guiheneuf <bertrand@no_spam.henzai.com> (gnome-objc, evolution, embedded gnome)
Ricardo Soares Guimarães <ricardo@no_spam.conectiva.com.br> (Brazillian translations of GGAD and potfiles)
Prana Gunadi <pranalukas@no_spam.gmx.de> (gnome-telnet)
Telsa Gwynne <hobbit@no_spam.aloss.ukuu.org.uk> (docs: gtop, glife, a bunch of applets and gnome-lokkit that I remember; FAQ stuff; random advocacy; bug report madness)
Christian Hagemeier <hagemeier@no_spam.zpr.uni-koeln.de> (some translations for GnomePGP, other minor stuff)
Michael Hall <mphall@no_spam.cstone.net> (GDP contributor, various documentation)
Steve Hall <digitect@no_spam.mindspring.com> (Icons, graphics and web design/maintenance for gedit and gnome-print)
Mikael Hallendal <micke@no_spam.hallendal.net> (mrProject, DevHelp)
Lars Hamann <lars@no_spam.gtk.org> (gtk+)
Bill Haneman <bill.haneman@no_spam.sun.com> (GNOME Accessibility Project, at-spi, atk)
Raja Harinath <harinath@no_spam.cs.umn.edu> (Misc. configure.in/Makefile hacking)
John Harper <jsh@no_spam.eazel.com> (Sawfish, gdk-pixbuf xlib port)
David Harris <dbarclay10@no_spam.yahoo.ca> (pundit, UI help, suggestions, beating boy, design suggestions, bug report, feedback)
Mathias Hasselmann <mathias.hasselmann@no_spam.gmx.de> (Galeon, libxml and panel patches, IceWM)
Ville Hautamäki <villeh@no_spam.cs.joensuu.fi> (Finnish translation)
Jason Hawke <jhawke@no_spam.rochester.rr.com> (user, bug-report, docs)
Peter Hawkins <peter@no_spam.hawkins.emu.id.au> (Gnome-office web pages, occasional docs and patches)
Gregory S Hayes <ghayes@no_spam.syncomm.org> (Nautilus, VoodooTracker, ripperX, WindowMaker Gnome Support)
Thompson Hayner <thompson.hayner@no_spam.tycohealthcare.com> (beta testing, odd jobs)
Stephan Heinze <st.heinze@no_spam.gmx.net> (gnome-db)
David Helder <dhelder@no_spam.umich.edu> (GNet, Jungle Monkey)
Jon Kåre Hellan <hellan@no_spam.acm.org> (Gnumeric)
James Henstridge <james@no_spam.daa.com.au> (gnome-python, dia, libglade, gnome-libs)
David Hepkin <dahd@no_spam.lehigh.edu> (GnomeICU)
Andy Hertzfeld <andy@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus)
Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@no_spam.debian.org> (debian packages, bug reports)
Bernhard Herzog <bernhard@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (Sketch)
Richard Hestilow <tvgm@no_spam.ximian.com> (gmc, the ever-annoying HAL applet, test-gnome, metatheme)
Jason Hildebrand <jason@no_spam.peaceworks.ca> (pygmy, gsysinfo)
Ed Hill <edhill@no_spam.eh3.com> (bug-hunter)
Zack Hobson <zack@no_spam.cnation.com> (ZClock applet, advocacy)
Luke Holden <luke@no_spam.dragonarmy.nu> (contributed to various applications including Spruce)
Iain Holmes <iain@no_spam.sawfish.org> (GNOME-Iconedit, GNOME-libs, Bug fixes in Bonobo and Evolution and other things)
Thomas Holmgren <sir_Layman@no_spam.yahoo.com>(gEdit)
Bradford Hovinen <hovinen@no_spam.ximian.com> (GDict, Screensaver properties, GNOME Admin Tools)
Richard Hult <d4hult@no_spam.dtek.chalmers.se> (Bug fixes, Swedish translations, Oregano)
Miguel de Icaza <miguel@no_spam.gnu.org> (GNOME)
Jukka-Pekka Iivonen <jiivonen@no_spam.hutcs.cs.hut.fi> (Gnumeric)
Tambet Ingo <tambet@no_spam.ximian.com> (helix-setup-tools)
Kjetil Jacobsen <kjetilja@no_spam.cs.uit.no> (Pygmy mail client, python/GNOME advocacy)
Amaury Jacquot <sxpert@no_spam.esitcom.org> (GNOME basic hacker, gnomovie leader)
Ivan Jager <ivanjager@no_spam.bigfoot.com> (Warp GTK theme)
Tim Janik <timj@no_spam.gtk.org> (GLib and things depending on it)
Erik Janssens <Erik.Janssens@no_spam.vub.ac.be> (PrintRabbit, Advocacy)
Hans Petter Jansson <hpj@no_spam.ximian.com> (Conglomerate, Ximian Setup Tools)
Fritz Jetzek <fritz.jetzek@no_spam.buggerz.com> (The Gernel, Gerk)
Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm@no_spam.redhat.com> (gnome-linuxconf, early glib/gtk/gnome-libs hacking, rp3)
Remco de Jong <rdj@no_spam.rdj.cg.nu> (galeon developer, close follower of everything related to GNOME)
Laurent Julliard <laurent@no_spam.julliard-online.org> (bug reports, Gnome and Open Source advocacy in Xerox Corporation)
Tomas Junnonen <majix@no_spam.sci.fi> (Firestarter, 5th toe)
Drazen Kacar <dave@no_spam.srce.hr> (libgtop Solaris port, ANSI C-ification, small fixes)
Benjamin Kahn <xkahn@no_spam.zoned.net> (RPM Explorer, glib bug fixes, control panel bug fixes)
Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@no_spam.ximian.com> (gnome-print, sodipodi, floyd, et translations)
John Karcz <jsk29@no_spam.cornell.edu> (several small patches)
Charles Kerr <charles@no_spam.superpimp.org> (Pan newsreader)
Mike Kestner <mkestner@no_spam.ameritech.net> (Achtung, bonobo, gnumeric)
Alexander Kirillov <kirillov@no_spam.math.sunysb.edu> (GDP, bug reports)
Takuo Kitame <kitame@no_spam.debian.org> (GnomeICU, dedit, Japanese translation)
Kevin D. Knerr, Sr. <ld_barthel@no_spam.yahoo.com> (GNOME user, author of AquaX sawfish & GTK themes, other minor hacking)
David A Knight <david@no_spam.screem.org> (Screem Author)
John Kodis <kodis@no_spam.jagunet.com> (gnome-utils and miscellaneous)
Michael Koziarski <michael@no_spam.koziarski.com> (Gnome-xBill, documentation)
Matthias Kranz <mskranz@no_spam.acm.org> (Pharmacy maintainer)
Naba Kumar <kh_naba@no_spam.yahoo.com> (Anjuta)
Tuomas Kuosmanen <tigert@no_spam.ximian.com> (GIMP testing and feedback, GNOME icons and all around artwork, Evolution GUI design and artwork, ...)
Mathieu Lacage <mathieu@no_spam.eazel.com> (Gdome, Nautilus, OAF, gnome-vfs, developer documentation, GUADEC)
Dominic Lachowicz <cinamod@no_spam.hotmail.com> (Abiword, gnumeric bits, gnome-print bits, gb bits)
Christopher James Lahey <clahey@no_spam.ximian.com> (Go, evolution, gnome-print, ...)
Eliot Landrum <eliot@no_spam.landrum.cx> (Gabber, EOG manuals)
Andrew Lanoix <alanoix@no_spam.umich.edu> (GNet, Jungle Monkey)
Ole Laursen <olau@no_spam.hardworking.dk> (Danish translations)
Will LaShell <will@no_spam.lashell.net> (Crescendo maint, bug testing)
Jason Leach <jasonleach@no_spam.usa.net> (Pan, GEdit, Evolution, misc bug fixes)
George Lebl <jirka@no_spam.5z.com> (Wanda, gnome-libs, Panel, Applets, Grapevine, gnop, gob, dr-genius ...)
Gregory M. Leblanc <gleblanc@no_spam.cu-portland.edu> (GDP member, doc writer and maintainer)
Elliot Lee <sopwith@no_spam.redhat.com> (Wasting everyone else's time)
Eric Lemings <eric.b.lemings@no_spam.lmco.com> (GLib testing and occasional patches)
Sean M Lentner <sean.lentner@no_spam.nyfix.com> (testing)
Peter Lerner <peter@no_spam.lerner.de> (gtk--)
Raph Levien <raph@no_spam.acm.org> (Libart)
Todd Lewis <tlewis@no_spam.mindspring.com> (GNOME FAQ Author)
James LewisMoss <dres@no_spam.debian.org> (Debian packager, misc hacks)
Marcus Leyman <marcus.leyman@no_spam.gfs.nu> (translation to swedish of different docs, bug-testing, writing new ppp-connector for gnome)
Markus Lindholm <markus@no_spam.iki.fi> (bug reports, translations)
Erik Lou <erik@no_spam.eazel.com> (GNOME evangelism to potential distribution partners, Nautilus product marketing)
Ade Lovett <ade@no_spam.FreeBSD.org> (FreeBSD GNOME port)
Janne Löf <jlof@no_spam.mail.student.oulu.fi> (GtkGLArea)
Langa Lucian <cooly@no_spam.gyl.ro> (gnomeRAR,GDP)
Seth Lytle <seth_lytle@no_spam.yahoo.com> (small patch to gtk+, app author, advocacy, user tech support)
Chris Lyttle <chris@no_spam.wilddev.net> (Documentation for CD Player applet)
Roberto Majadas <phoenix@no_spam.nova.es> (gedit)
Vivien Malerba <malerba@no_spam.linuxave.net> (gnome-db, gASQL)
Lee Mallabone <lee@no_spam.fonicmonkey.net> (xsitecopy, gnometrek, screem, gnome-list-admin, a gdm configurator that's not been merged yet)
Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas@no_spam.gnu.org> (i18n, docs, [www,developer].gnome.org, various other stuff)
Christian Marillat <marillat.christian@no_spam.wanadoo.fr> (Debian packaging of gnome-libs, gnome-core, control-center, gnome-applets, sawfish)
Carlos Perelló Marín <carlos@no_spam.hispalinux.es> (gnome-db, gedit, glade, Spanish l10n)
Ryan Marsh <me@no_spam.ryanmarsh.com> (bug reports for the Evolution groupware app)
Ben Martin <monkeyiq@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (Gevas, Ferris)
David Martin <dmartina@no_spam.excite.es> (Spanish translations)
Brian Masney <masneyb@no_spam.seul.org> (gFTP)
David Mason <dcm@no_spam.redhat.com> (GDP founder, maintainer gdp-doc-tools, RHAD Labs member, gnotices editor, developer site, very small hacks and patches)
Paul Matthews <pablo8itall@no_spam.yahoo.ie> (gnome advocacy)
Dietmar Maurer <dietmar@no_spam.maurer-it.com> (libefs, gfdisk, misc hacker)
Justin Maurer <justin@no_spam.ximian.com> (Ximian GNOME, Slashapp, misc.)
Ian McKellar <yakk@no_spam.yakk.net> (gnome-vfs, Nautilus)
Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry@no_spam.computer.org> (Irish translations)
Gregory McLean <gregm@no_spam.comstar.net> (gnome-utils maint, gdiskfree, volume meter, specfile hackery ...)
Mark McLoughlin <mark@no_spam.skynet.ie> (ORBit2, OAF)
Daniele Medri <madrid@no_spam.linux.it> (Italian translator for GNOME applications and GIMP)
Michael Meeks <michael@no_spam.ximian.com> (Bonobo, gnumeric, gnome-print, gnome-vfs, oaf, gnome-games, eog, gpdf, misc. hacker)
Thomas Meeks <MEEKTE95@no_spam.christs-hospital.org.uk> (Gnome Basic)
Federico Mena-Quintero <federico@no_spam.ximian.com> (GIMP, GTK+, gnome-libs, gnome-core, gnome-games, gnome-pim, Evolution, gdk-pixbuf, Eye of Gnome, GNU Midnight Commander, misc. hacks)
Juan Pablo Mendoza Mendoza <pablo_juan@no_spam.yahoo.com> (gnome-games maintainer)
Robert Graham Merkel <rgmerk@no_spam.mira.net> (GnuCash)
Christophe Merlet <christophe@no_spam.merlet.net> (French translation)
Ben van der Merwe <bvdmerwe@no_spam.sun.ac.za> (localization, bug hunts)
Christian Meyer <cm@no_spam.ggtt.de> (German translations, policy)
Julian Missig <julian@no_spam.linuxpower.org> (Gabber, discuss things with docs and interface)
Eric B. Mitchell <ricdude@no_spam.toad.net> (esound, rare patches)
Jaka Mocnik <jaka@no_spam.activetools.si> (gnome-libs, ghex, ggv, OAF, gnome-core)
Paolo Molaro <lupus@no_spam.debian.org> (Gtk-Perl, Gnome-Perl, gspeech, glib, Gtk+)
David Monniaux <monniaux@no_spam.laurier.ens.fr> (Gtk+ portability, Gimp, French translation)
Ramses Morales <ramses@no_spam.computer.org> (Spanish translations)
Jeffrey Morgan <jeffrey.morgan@bristolwest.com> (Java-GNOME language bindings)
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@no_spam.linuxave.net> (gnome-db)
Dan Mueth <d-mueth@no_spam.uchicago.edu> (GDP coordination, DocTable, writing docs, developer web pages, misc)
Ryan Muldoon <rpmuldoon@no_spam.students.wisc.edu> (Nautilus bug testing, feature ideas)
Tom Musgrove <TomM@no_spam.Pentstar.com> (Evolution, gnome-db, misc.)
Yukihiro Nakai <nakai@no_spam.gnome.gr.jp> (Japanese translation, and some i18n patch)
Karl Einar Nelson <kenelson@no_spam.ece.ucdavis.edu> (gtk--, gnome--)
Mike Newman <mike@no_spam.gtnorthern.demon.co.uk> (docs, i18n, foundation committee)
Timothy Ney <ten@no_spam.gnome.org> (operations, promotion, fundraising)
Seth Nickell <snickell@no_spam.stanford.edu> (Nautilus, gnome-vfs, medusa, kapplet, misc. hacks)
Xavier Nicolovici <xavier.nicolovici@no_spam.che.xerox.com> (French translation of the GNOME User's Guide v1.0)
Bastien Nocera <hadess@no_spam.writeme.com> (Debian/PPC Ximian Gnome Packages, Advocacy, Support)
Leandro Noferini <leandro@no_spam.firenze.linux.it> (italian translations of gnome-applets e gnumeric)
Martin Norbäck <d95mback@no_spam.dtek.chalmers.se> (Swedish translations)
Priyadi Iman Nurcahyo <priyadi@no_spam.priyadi.id.org> (Indonesian translation coordinator)
Ismael Olea <olea@no_spam.hispalinux.es> (Spanish l10n and Euroaplique)
Jaime Anguiano Olarra <jaime@no_spam.gcubo.org> (Spanish translation, gnome-db, GUADEC III)
Eskil Heyn Olsen <eskil@no_spam.eazel.com> (gnome-pilot, Nautilus)
Xavier Ordoquy <mcarkan@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (Gael, dia-newcanvas, libglade)
Thomas Östreicher <oestreicher@no_spam.aon.at> (Gnome worshipping, small hacks)
Ville Pätsi <drc@no_spam.gnome.org> (Graphic artist, icons&ßstuff)
Mike Palczewski <mpalczew@no_spam.u.washington.edu> (two small gnome applets, patch for balsa)
Sergey Panov <sipan@no_spam.sipan.ne.mediaone.net> (Russian translation, some patches)
Stuart Parmenter <pavlov@no_spam.netscape.com> (balsa, Mozilla, gnome-libs, clock applet)
Ricardo Fernández Pascual <ric@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (galeon)
Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@no_spam.delfi.lt> (all Lithuanian translations, gtranslator, i18n fixes)
Jesse Pavel <jpavel@no_spam.ximian.com> (Evolution)
Matthew R. Pavlovich <mpav@no_spam.debian.org> (Debian Developer, LiViD Founder, OpenDVD.org Founder, plans to start Debian's Desktop (End-User) Initiative)
Nils Pedersen <n.p@no_spam.sun.com> (GUP, Sun ARC)
Havoc Pennington <hp@no_spam.redhat.com> (GConf, GTK+, gnome-libs, odd jobs)
Lucas Di Pentima <lucas@no_spam.lunix.com.ar> (Spanish translations)
Ettore Perazzoli <ettore@no_spam.ximian.com> (Evolution, gnome-vfs, gnome-libs, Bonobo, Nautilus)
Bruce Perens <bruce@no_spam.perens.com> (Spokesperson, long-time promoter of GNOME, author of software tools, primary author of Open Source Definition)
Andreas Persenius <ndap@no_spam.swipnet.se> (GSokoban, Gnopo, Swedish translations)
Sami Pesonen <spesonen@no_spam.dlc.fi> (Finnish translation)
Ian Peters <itp@no_spam.ximian.com> (GNOME Games, Ximian)
Martin K. Petersen <mkp@no_spam.mkp.net> (GDM)
Dave Peticolas <dave@no_spam.krondo.com> (GnuCash developer)
Christof Petig <christof.petig@no_spam.wtal.de> (glade-- maintainer)
Francisco Petrucio <fpcj@no_spam.impa.br> (pt_BR i18n dia, gnome-utils, sawfish, gedit etc.)
Chris Phelps <chicane@no_spam.reninet.com> (Glimmer, GtkExText, gIDE, gdl, anjuta, vdk)
Robey Pointer <robey@no_spam.eazel.com> (nautilus, ammonite)
Dick Porter <dick+gnome@no_spam.acm.org> (ORBit)
Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh@no_spam.sharif.edu> (Persian translation of GTK+)
Daniel A. Powers <dap@no_spam.us.ibm.com> (Got IBM to join foundation, contribution of an IBM Technology to Gnome (SashXB))
Marco Pozzato <marco_pozzato@no_spam.linuxfan.com> (italian traslation of Balsa)
Ravi Pratap M <ravi@no_spam.che.iitm.ac.in> (Gnome Basic, gpdf)
Brittany Proctor <proctors@no_spam.pacbell.net> (manned booths and supervised volunteers for GNOME booths, assisted in PR efforts)
Leslie Proctor <lproctor@no_spam.aopr.com> (coordinated PR for GNOME launch and announcements, supervised, set up and manned GNOME booths at trade shows)
Michael Pruett <michael@no_spam.68k.org> (audiofile)
Tero Pulkkinen <terop@no_spam.modeemi.cs.tut.fi> (gtk-- ex-maintainer)
Liam Quin <liam@no_spam.holoweb.net> (nuisance, spiritual guidance, documentation)
Gene Ragan <gzr@no_spam.eazel.com> (nautilus, gnome-vfs, medusa, oaf, gmf)
Sri Ramkrishna <sri@no_spam.aracnet.com> (bug reports, user support, advocacy)
Mikko Rauhala <mjrauhal@no_spam.mappi.helsinki.fi> (Some Finnish translations)
Detlef Reichl <detlef.reichl@no_spam.arcormail.de> (MuLi, Teatime-applet, some Icons, de-i18n)
Karsten Reincke <karsten.reincke@no_spam.karubik.de> (docs, GNOME installation guide)
Vincent Renardias <vincent@no_spam.echo.fr> (French translations; Sysadmin of the BTS; Debian packaging of Bonobo, Gnumeric, Evolution)
Ariel Rios <ariel@no_spam.arcavia.com> (gnome-guile, galway, gtkhtml, gb, gnumeric)
Gregorio Robles <grex@no_spam.scouts-es.org> (Spanish translations, www.es.gnome.org webmaster)
Cleber Rodrigues <cleberrrjr@no_spam.bol.com.br> (Gnome-DB And Libgda documentation translation to Portuguese, Evolution docs on the way)
Miguel Rodríguez <migrax@no_spam.terra.es> (wanda patch, bug-reports, user)
Antonio Miguel Zugaldía Rodríguez-Campra <azugaldia@no_spam.eresmas.net> (Spanish translations)
Arlo Rose <arlo@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus)
Christian Rose <menthos@no_spam.menthos.com> (Swedish translations)
JP Rosevear <jpr@no_spam.ximian.com> (Evolution, gnumeric, gnome-chess, gIDE)
Pavel Roskin <proski@no_spam.gnu.org> (GNU Midnight Commander)
Benedikt Roth <Benedikt.Roth@no_spam.gmx.net> (GTP page, German translations, various stuff)
Mathieu Roy <yeupou@no_spam.free.fr> (translations, testing, feedback, Tayau)
Philippe Roy <ph_roy@no_spam.yahoo.com> (ToutDoux)
Cody Russell <bratsche@no_spam.gnome.org> (misc hacking on gdk-pixbuf, bonobo, evolution, gnome-libs, etc..)
Diego Sevilla Ruiz <dsevilla@no_spam.um.es> (bonobo-doc maintainer and some spanish translations)
Stephen Rust <steve@no_spam.tp.org> (gbuild, docs, small patches, help, evangelism)
Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@no_spam.debian.org> (Korean translation, gnome-games)
Pawel Salek <pawsa@no_spam.theochem.kth.se> (Balsa)
Rodrigo Sancho Senosiain <ruy_ikari@no_spam.bigfoot.com> (GIMP spanish translation)
David Santiago <mrcooger@no_spam.cyberverse.com> (GTK+ contributions)
Pablo Saratxaga <pablo@no_spam.mandrakesoft.com> (Spanish and Walloon translations, some i18n patches)
Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <amayita@no_spam.demasiado.com> (Spanish translations)
Christian Schaller <Uraeus@no_spam.linuxrising.org> (advocacy, articles on linuxpower, Gnotices editor/newshunter, Icon-creation)
JP Schnapper-Casteras <jpsc@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (Gnome Accessibility, Sun's GNOME Accessibility Labe)
Rebecca Schulman <rebecka@no_spam.eazel.com> (medusa, Nautilus)
Phil Schwan <phil@no_spam.off.net> (Achtung, tktext-port, gnome-games)
Dean Scott <dean@no_spam.thestuff.net> (icons, small patches)
Merkuriev Sergey <sergey@no_spam.maks.net> (gnome-libs, odd jobs)
Martin Sevior <msevior@no_spam.physics.unimelb.edu.au> (Abiword)
Joe Shaw <joe@no_spam.ximian.com> (Ximian GNOME, Achtung)
John R. Sheets <dusk@no_spam.ravendusk.org> (GNOME Anvil, Writing GNOME Applications book)
Alan Shutko <ats@no_spam.acm.org> (patches for gnome-pilot & gnome-pim)
Frank Siebenlist <frank@no_spam.eazel.com> (working to make gnome more secure, recommended security related patches in nautilus, gnome-vfs, ammonite,trilobite)
Dan Siemon <dan@no_spam.coverfire.com> (Sensor Sweep Applet, gnome-core debugging)
Manish Singh <yosh@no_spam.gimp.org> (GIMP, GEGL, GTK+, GLIB)
Miroslav Silovic <silovic@no_spam.zesoi.fer.hr> (helped with gnome-guile, author of SART)
Adam Sleight <adamsleight@no_spam.yahoo.com> (chbg)
Robin Slomkowski <pretender@no_spam.parts-unknown.com> (gnome-vfs, nautilus, medusa, packaging stuffs)
Dennis Smit <synap@no_spam.area101.penguin.nl> (nl translations, piXYZification - the new GNOME pixpacks project)
Bob Smith <bob@no_spam.thestuff.net> (gx10, gblade-generate, ideas)
Dave Smith <dave@no_spam.jabber.org> (Gabber)
Seer Snively <seer@no_spam.northcoast.com> (bug reports ifor Evolution, panel, Ximiancode, GnomeICU)
Patanjali Somayaji <patanjali@no_spam.usa.net> (docs, bonobo-support, gnome-db2html3)
Simo Sorce <simo.sorce@no_spam.tiscalinet.it> (gnozip, other coming...)
Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus, OAF, Medusa, Bonobo, gnome-vfs, etc)
Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj@no_spam.ximian.com> (Spruce, Evolution, GMime)
Richard M. Stallman <rms@no_spam.gnu.org> (licensing and copyright advice to GNOME developers/documenters)
Russell Steinthal <rms39@no_spam.columbia.edu> (gnome-pim co-maintainer)
John Sullivan <sullivan@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus, gnome-vfs, etc)
Yuri Syrota <rasta@no_spam.renome.rovno.ua> (Ukrainian translation, some patches)
David Tabachnikov <captain@no_spam.isdn.net.il> (GnomeICU co-maintainer)
Akira Tagoh <tagoh@no_spam.gnome.gr.jp> (gnome-db, Japanese translation)
Li-Cheng (Andy) Tai <atai@no_spam.atai.org> (GtkCanvas, advocating GNOME on web sites)
Katsunori Tanaka <tanaka@no_spam.computer.org> (author of a Japanese GNOME 1.4 book)
Owen Taylor <otaylor@no_spam.redhat.com> (GTK+, Pango, ...)
Peter Teichman <pat@no_spam.gnu.org> (Ximian GNOME, think, gnome-media maintainer)
Javier Terradas Royo <terry@no_spam.ati.es> (Spanish translations)
Charles R. Tersteeg <aa0na@no_spam.arrl.net> (beta-tester mainly palmpilot/gphoto and now helixcode/evolution)
Benjy Thomas <benjy@no_spam.alum.mit.edu> (Icon author)
Almer Tigelaar <almer1@no_spam.dds.nl> (Gnumeric)
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sam@no_spam.uchicago.edu> (AbiWord)
Juan Toledo <toledo@no_spam.users.sourceforge.net> (EtherApe)
Malcolm Tredinnick <malcolm@no_spam.commsecure.com.au> (gnorpm, installation documentation, advocacy and help)
Bud Tribble <bud@no_spam.eazel.com> (Nautilus)
Jon Trowbridge <trow@no_spam.gnu.org> (Guppi)
John Tunison <john@no_spam.tunison.net> (gnome-print, abiword gnome port)
Fracisco de Urquijo <urquijo@no_spam.servidor.unam.mx> (The GNOME concept together with Miguel de Icaza)
Jean-Marc Valin <valj01@no_spam.gel.usherb.ca> (Overflow)
Kevin Vandersloot <kfv101@no_spam.psu.edu> (Procman)
Manuel de Vega Barreiro <barreiro@no_spam.arrakis.es> (Spanish translations and web page)
Daniel Veillard <Daniel.Veillard@no_spam.w3.org> (libxml, troublemaker)
Linas Vepstas <linas@no_spam.linas.org> (gnucash)
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <gdvieira@no_spam.zaz.com.br> (Brazilian translator gnome-core, evolution, nautilus, etc)
Luis Villa <louie@no_spam.ximian.com> (Bugzilla maintainer/improvements)
Patrick Vielle <patvie@no_spam.baras.net> (numerous GNOME talks at universities, advocacy)
Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir@no_spam.ximian.com> (Ximian, gnomotion, yuv/video)
Matthias Warkus <mawa@no_spam.iname.com> (Artwork project, German translations, talks, promotion)
Jeff Waugh <jdub@no_spam.perkypants.org> (GNOME 2.0 release team, website, support, advocacy, spreading of love and some UI things)
Aaron Weber <aaron@no_spam.ximian.com> (Evolution docs, Gataxx docs, GDP Handbook, Red Carpet Manual, Time Tracker Manual)
Morten Welinder <terra@no_spam.diku.dk> (Hacker-at-Large)
Robert Wilhelm <robert.wilhelm@no_spam.gmx.net> (gnome-chess)
Sebastian Wilhelmi <seppi@no_spam.seppi.de> (GLib, ORBit)
Peter Willaism <peterw@no_spam.ximian.com> (Balsa, Evolution mailer)
J. Greg Williams <jgreg@no_spam.ximian.com> (porting, testing, polishing)
Matt Wilson <msw@no_spam.redhat.com> (PyGTK, LXR and Bonsai on cvs.gnome.org, gnome system administration, The GIMP, various fixes)
Dan Winship <danw@no_spam.ximian.com> (Evolution and things it depends on)
Jeremy Wise <jwise@no_spam.pathwaynet.com> (GnomeICU, Gabber, Evolution)
Erick Woods <erick@no_spam.erick.com> (Evolution packaging and testing)
Simos Xenitellis <simos@no_spam.hellug.gr> (Greek translations of GNOME)
Rosanna Yuen <zanaun@no_spam.usa.net> (AisleRiot)
Joakim Ziegler <joakim@no_spam.ximian.com> (www.gnome.org, Conglomerate, Ximian Setup Tools UI)
Michael Zucchi <notzed@no_spam.ximian.com> (libzvt, Evolution, gnome-print bits)