Temporary location of Voting Software Source code.
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# Setting up an election 0. vote/include/election-sql.php expects a secret config file that exists only on the server and is included as PHP code. It's hard coded currently to: /home/admin/secret/anonvoting currently. The file should look something like this: <?php $mysql_host = "localhost"; $mysql_user = "someuser"; $mysql_password = "somepassword"; $mysql_db = "somedb"; $committee_name = "The Vote Masters"; $committee_email = "elections@example.org"; ?> 1. When I deploy, I create an account for the election, as the mysql root user: mysql -u root -p Password: <MYSQLROOTPW> Then Run these commands at the mysql> prompt: CREATE USER 'someusername' identified by 'somepassword'; CREATE DATABASE somedbname; Then, exit, and at the main command line run: msyql -u root -p -D somedbname < ..../vote/include/schema.sql Then run this again: mysql -u root -p Password: <MYSQLROOTPW> and at the mysql command line, run these grant commands: GRANT SELECT on somedb.elections TO someuser@localhost; GRANT SELECT on somedb.election_choices TO someuser@localhost; GRANT SELECT,DELETE on somedb.election_tmp_tokens TO someuser@localhost; GRANT SELECT on somedb.election_voters TO someuser@localhost; GRANT SELECT,INSERT on somedb.election_anon_tokens TO someuser@localhost; GRANT SELECT,INSERT on somedb.election_votes TO someuser@localhost; 2. Create an election, with something like this: mysql -u root -D somedb -p SET NAMES 'utf8'; INSERT t INTO elections (type, name, voting_start, voting_end, choices_nb, question) VALUES ("elections", "2011 Spring Election", "2011-05-29 00:00:00", "2011-06-12 23:59:59", "7", "Which candidates would you like to see Elected?"); set @el_id = @@IDENTITY; INSERT INTO election_choices (election_id, choice) VALUES (@el_id, 'Candidate 1'), (@el_id, 'Candidate 2'), (@el_id, 'Candidate 3'), (@el_id, 'Candidate 4'); INSERT INTO election_voters (election_id, email_address) VALUES (@el_id, 'voter1@example.org'), (@el_id, 'voter2@example.org'), (@el_id, 'voter3@example.com'), (@el_id, 'voter4@example.net'); INSERT INTO election_tmp_tokens (election_id, election_voter_id, tmp_token) SELECT @el_id, id, SUBSTRING(MD5(RAND()) FROM 1 FOR 24) AS tmp_token FROM election_voters where election_id = @el_id; select @el_id; That number you see at the end is this election's id. The URL you'll give out is thus something like: http://example.org/vote?election_id=THAT_NUMBER Dealing With Problems ===================== ## Missing Ballots Voters might complain that they haven't received their token. Likely, it either went missing or the email address was wrongly noted in the database. In any case, you need to find the ID of the voter With the ID do something like: SELECT * FROM election_tmp_tokens WHERE election_id = 17 AND election_voter_id = $ID;