The changes come from the SVN repository at https://garage.maemo.org/svn/maemo2midgard/maemo-elections/vote, revision 1433. This commit only ports changes in the include/ subdirectory.
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function step2_do () {
global $election;
global $choices;
global $vote;
global $votes_array;
$result = "<h2>Step 2/4 - Choose your vote</h2>\n";
$result .= "<p>Choose your candidates in the order of your preference by ";
$result .= "clicking on them. Don't worry, if you click on someone by mistake ";
$result .= "you can correct it later. Once you are happy with the order, ";
$result .= "submit your vote. You will have the chance to review and confirm";
$result .= " your ballot on the next page.</p>";
$result .= "<p>You can vote for as few or as many candidates as you choose. ";
$result .= "Your vote will be counted for your first choice candidate as ";
$result .= "long as he is still in the race, and when he is eliminated, your ";
$result .= "vote will transfer to the next preference candidate still in the ";
$result .= "race.</p>";
$result .= "<p><noscript>Note: This page requires Javascript</noscript></p>";
$result .= "<p>Possible choices:</p>\n";
$result .= "<div class=\"canddata\">\n";
$result .= "<h3>Candidates</h3>\n";
$result .= "<ul id=\"candidates\">\n";
$result .= "</ul>\n";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "<div class=\"prefdata\">";
$result .= "<h3>Preferences</h3>\n";
$result .= "<ol id=\"preferences\">\n";
$result .= "</ol>\n";
$result .= "</div>\n";
return $result;