2003-10-07 Vincent Untz <vincent@vuntz.net> * index.html: put the dates in dd/mm/yyyy format instead of two or three different formats. * .htaccess: added so we can redirect people from the old pages to the new ones. I'd like to have a htaccess file which is moved to .htaccess when copying the website (so it is not hidden in CVS), but that'll be for later * membership-form.html: removed (we now use membership-form.php) * press.html * press/*: removed these because we now point to press releases on gnome.org. * advisory_board.html * board_of_directors-2000.html * board_of_directors-2001.html * board_of_directors.html * charter.html * directory.html * documentation.html * executive_director.html * faq-ln7.html * faq.html * index.html * membership-list.html * membership-policy.html * membership.html * organization.html * template.html: updated the links to the elections pages, and added the Fundraising links when it was missing. * announcement.html * ballot-summary-2000.html * election-2000.html * electionresults.html * electionrules-2000.html * final-vote-archive.diff * final_membership_list.txt * list-addresses.py * overview_2000.html * vote-counter.py * voters-2000.html: removed. Those files are now in elections/2000/ (some have been renamed) * ballot-summary-2001.html * election-2001.html * electionrules-2001.html * voters-2001.html * elections/2001-eligible-members.txt * elections/2001-prelim-results.txt * elections/2001-vote-archive.diff * elections/list-addresses.py * elections/verify.html * elections/vote-counter.py: removed. Those files are now in elections/2001/ (some have been renamed) * ballot-summary.html * electionrules.html * elections.html * overview.html * voters.html: removed. Those files are now in elections/2002/ (some have been renamed) * elections/index.html * elections/2000/* * elections/2001/* * elections/2002/candidates.html * elections/2002/overview.html * elections/2002/rules.html * elections/2002/voters.html: new files. Most of them are copies of old files with some modifications (because of the change of directory and updated title).
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<title>The GNOME Foundation: How to verify the 2002 elections results</title>
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Verify instructions :
<a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2002-December/msg00005.html">Official results</a>
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<h2 align="center">HOW TO VERIFY THE RESULTS</h2>
<h3>Obtaining all the files</h3>
To run the vote counting scripts, you need several files:
<li>the votes archives for <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/vote/2002-November.txt.gz">November</a> and <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/vote/2002-December.txt.gz">December</a></li>
<li>the list of <a href="registered-voters.txt">registered voters</a></li>
<li>the script to <a href="list-addresses.py">generate the addresses of the voters</a></li>
<li>the script to <a href="vote-counter.py">count the votes</a></li>
<li>the <a href="vote-archives.diff">diff file</a> that we applied to the vote archives</li>
Please note that you need python to run the scripts.
<h3>Running the scripts</h3>
Here are the steps to obtain the results:
<pre>$ gunzip 2002-November.txt.gz 2002-December.txt.gz</pre>
<pre>$ cat 2002-November.txt 2002-December.txt > vote-archives.txt</pre>
<pre>$ python list-addresses.py registered-voters.txt > addresses.txt</pre>
<pre>$ python vote-counter.py vote-archives.txt dontforgettovote addresses.txt > results.txt</pre>
The results should be in results.txt. A list of errors will be
generated at the top of the output, but note that many of those errors
will represent problems which are fixed later in the archive
(manifested by the voter having a counted ballot later in the
results). The final tallies will be at the bottom.
If you want to replicate the posted results, you have to apply the diff
file before running the scripts:
<pre>$ diff -p0 < vote-archives.diff</pre>
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<center><font size=-1>This site is maintained by
<a href="mailto:membership-committee@gnome.org">the GNOME Foundation Membership and Elections Committee</a>
and was designed by <a href="mailto:jpsc@users.sourceforge.net">JP
Schnapper-Casteras</a> and <a href="mailto:bart@eazel.com">Bart Decrem</a>.</font></center>