and at the mysql command line, run these grant commands:
GRANT SELECT on somedb.elections TO someuser@localhost;
GRANT SELECT on somedb.election_choices TO someuser@localhost;
2. Create an election, with something like this:
mysql -u root -D somedb -p
SET NAMES 'utf8';
INSERT t INTO elections (type, name, voting_start, voting_end, choices_nb, question) VALUES ("elections", "2011 Spring Election", "2011-05-29 00:00:00", "2011-06-12 23:59:59", "7", "Which candidates would you like to see Elected?");
set @el_id = @@IDENTITY;
INSERT INTO election_choices (election_id, choice)
(@el_id, 'Candidate 1'),
(@el_id, 'Candidate 2'),
(@el_id, 'Candidate 3'),
(@el_id, 'Candidate 4');
select @el_id;
That number you see at the end is your election id. The URL you'll give out