An errant ``{% if pending %}`` meant that we were only showing paid
and cancelled invoices - and the ability to buy new products - if
there was currently a pending invoice.
This change remove the errant check and allows for anyone with a paid
invoice to inspect it; or to add products.
* Remove the outdated compiled javascript once again
* Update the sitetree_header template to use more detail.
The extra detail here is taken from the menu_bootstrap3.html template
distributed with django-sitetree
Flagging this as a review table means we get sorting, pagination, and
search. Much awesome, esp when we want to do this like "show me all
the ones that haven't been notified yet"
* This reference was added in the very distant past
* But jquery.history.js itself has never been in the repo
* pyconau-2017 team resolved the dilemma but dropping
jquery.history.js into the repo
* But as near as I can tell, this does nothing except in obsolete
older browsers. The fact that it's been broken ever since it was
"added" is highly suggestive of it never having ever been used or
* So, trim the fat. It's possible that this might break an older
browser that needs the functionality jquery.history.js provides -
except that such a browser would *already* be broken because
jquery.history.js has never actually been around to be used.
* If we ever do need this functionality, we can revert this
change.. and then we'd have to drop in jquery.history.js. In that
circumstance, may be of interest.
Remove in-app stale resources and their branching of different cons.
Remove dist and move everyting into static/src.
Remove unused stale resouces such as less and hbs, etc.
The bootstrap renderer did not do anything to signify required rows. We
can do this by adding a class for CSS to work on, and add this field in
a more simplified manner.
label-required == append ' *'
Boot custom CSS, and put some base, standard css in its place.
Shame I did not start with fresh Bootstrap4, but oh well.
Some more templates could be made to make this less messy, which would
be good.
This removes images, and giant headers, and makes the text - not white.
The next layer down in CSS is blue, so that's it for now.
This helps understand what's on the page visually, so this, at the
least, make testing easier for now.
This should eradicate wagtail from the project.
While wagtail may be nice, our goals are to keep all things public, and
having things locked behidn a DB is congruent to that plan.
All in all, the django project only leveraged a single wagtail feature,
"richtext" which has been hacikly removed and will result in bad display
of however it comes up. But this is on homepage.html, which will be
removed and covered up with a static website, which means we should be
able remove homepage entirely from this project.
This reduction hopefully makes the monolith easier to understand,
maintain, and wield.
Boxes takes content directly from the DB and drops it into the django
templates. This is rather ugly and goes against keeping as much as we
can in static locations. As such, this is being dropped.