283 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable file
283 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright © 2018, Bradley M. Kuhn
# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use Date::Manip qw(ParseDate UnixDate);
sub FindUniqueTicket(@) {
my @searchTerms = @_;
open(my $rtLsFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "ls", "-i", 'Queue = outreachy-interns AND ' .
join(" AND ", @searchTerms));
my $ticketSpec;
while (my $lsLine = <$rtLsFH>) {
chomp $lsLine;
if ($lsLine =~ /ticket/) {
if (defined $ticketSpec) {
$ticketSpec = undef;
$ticketSpec = $lsLine;
close $rtLsFH;
return $ticketSpec;
sub PaymentDateByTicket($$) {
my($ticketSpec, $paymentNumber) = @_;
open(my $rtPayFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", "-f", 'CF.{payment-' . $paymentNumber . '-sent}', $ticketSpec);
my $date;
while (my $payLine = <$rtPayFH>) {
chomp $payLine;
if ($payLine =~ /^\s*CF\s*.\s*{payment-$paymentNumber-sent}\s*:\s*[\d\-]+\s*$/) {
$date = $payLine;
close $rtPayFH;
return $date;
sub LedgerTagFromTicket($$) {
my($ticketSpec, $tag) = @_;
open(my $rtPayFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", "-f", 'CF.{ledger-tags}', $ticketSpec);
my $tagValue;
while (my $tagsLine = <$rtPayFH>) {
print STDERR "Tag Lookup for \"$ticketSpec\" for \"$tag\", searching this line for it: $tagsLine"
if ($VERBOSE > 6);
chomp $tagsLine;
if ($tagsLine =~ /^(?:\s*|\s*CF[^:]+\s*}\s*:\s*);?$tag\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) {
$tagValue = $1;
close $rtPayFH;
return $tagValue;
sub GetLinksForTicket($) {
my($ticketSpec) = @_;
my @linked;
open(my $rtLinksFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", $ticketSpec . '/links');
while (my $linksLine = <$rtLinksFH>) {
if ($linksLine =~ m%rt.*(ticket/\d+)\s*,?\s*$%) {
push(@linked, $1);
close $rtLinksFH;
return @linked;
sub FindTaxTicketFromList(@) {
my $taxTicket;
foreach my $ticket (@_) {
open(my $rtQueueFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", "-f", 'Queue', $ticket);
while (my $queueLine = <$rtQueueFH>) {
if ($queueLine =~ /\s*Queue\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
my $queue = $1;
$taxTicket = $ticket if $queue =~ /accounts-taxinfo/;
close $rtQueueFH;
last if defined $taxTicket;
return $taxTicket;
sub GetStatusFromTicket($) {
my($ticketSpec) = @_;
my $status;
open(my $statusFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", "-f", 'Status', $ticketSpec);
while (my $statusLine = <$statusFH>) {
if ($statusLine =~ /\s*Status\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
$status = $1;
close $statusFH;
return $status;
sub GetCustomFieldForTicket($$) {
my($ticketSpec, $customField) = @_;
open(my $rtCustomFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", "-f", 'CF.{' . $customField .'}', $ticketSpec);
my $val;
while (my $customFieldLine = <$rtCustomFH>) {
chomp $customFieldLine;
if ($customFieldLine =~ /^\s*CF\s*.\s*{$customField}\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
$val = $1;
close $rtCustomFH;
return $val;
GetOptions("paymentDir=s" => \$PAYMENT_DIR, "verbose=i" => \$VERBOSE, "interactive" => \$INTERACTIVE,
"paymentNumber=i" => \$PAYMENT_NUMBER, "rtCommand=s" => \$RT_CMD,
"invoiceLine=s" => \$INVOICE_LINE);
$RT_CMD = '/usr/bin/rt' unless defined $RT_CMD;
$INTERACTIVE = 0 if not defined $INTERACTIVE;
unless (defined $INVOICE_LINE and $INVOICE_LINE =~ /^rt.*/) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 --invoiceLine=<RT_SPEC> option is required and must match an RT spec\n";
exit 1;
unless (defined $PAYMENT_DIR and -d $PAYMENT_DIR) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 --paymentDir=<DIRECTORY> option is required and directory must exist\n";
exit 1;
unless (defined $PAYMENT_NUMBER and $PAYMENT_NUMBER =~ /^[123]$/) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 --paymentNumber=<VALUE> option is required and must be 1, 2 or 3\n";
exit 1;
$VERBOSE = 0 unless defined $VERBOSE;
opendir(my $dh, $PAYMENT_DIR);
my $oldInterns = 0;
while (my $file = readdir $dh) {
unless ($file =~ /^\s*(success|faile?d?)-(\S+)\.txt\s*$/i) {
print STDERR "Skipping $file which does not match proper format...\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 2);
my($pass, $name) = ($1, $2);
$pass = ($pass =~ /success/) ? 1 : 0;
open(my $fh, "<", File::Spec->catfile($PAYMENT_DIR, $file));
my $mentorDate;
while (my $line = <$fh> ) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*Date\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/) {
$mentorDate = UnixDate(ParseDate($1), "%Y-%m-%d");
if (not defined $mentorDate) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": Skipping: Inside that file there is no valid Date: header" ;
my(@nameComponents) = split(/\s*-\s*/, $name);
foreach my $name (@nameComponents) {
push(@searchTerms, 'Subject LIKE "' . $name . '"');
# Find the ticket number for this intern.
my $ticket = FindUniqueTicket(@searchTerms);
if (not defined $ticket) {
foreach my $term (@searchTerms) {
$ticket = FindUniqueTicket(($term));
last if (defined $ticket);
if (not defined $ticket) {
if (not $INTERACTIVE) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": Skipped: unable to to find a matching ticket.\n";
} else {
# FIXME: prompt for ticket
die "interactive mode not yet supported";
my $completedInternshipField = GetCustomFieldForTicket($ticket, "completed-internship");
if (not defined $completedInternshipField) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Skipping: cannot determine Entity from ticket.\n" ;
} elsif ($completedInternshipField eq 'successful') {
# Don't print to STDERR here, just keep a count since these are "old interns"
my $entity = LedgerTagFromTicket($ticket, 'Entity');
if (not defined $entity) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Skipping: cannot determine Entity from ticket.\n" ;
if ($PAYMENT_NUMBER <= 1) {
print STDERR "Sorry, script does not yet support first payment\n";
exit 1;
# Check to see if this payment was already made
my $thisPayDate = PaymentDateByTicket($ticket, $PAYMENT_NUMBER);
if (defined $thisPayDate) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Skipped: payment $PAYMENT_NUMBER",
" was already made on \"$thisPayDate\"";
if ($pass) {
print STDERR ".\n";
} else {
print STDERR "... BIG PROBLEM: the intern actually failed but got this payment.\n";
# Check to see if previous payment was sent payment
my $prevPayNum = $PAYMENT_NUMBER - 1;
my $lastPayDate = PaymentDateByTicket($ticket, $prevPayNum);
if (not defined $lastPayDate) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Skipped: payment $prevPayNum was not made yet";
if ($pass) {
print STDERR ".\n";
} else {
print STDERR "... NOTE: previous payment was not sent; should it be sent now?\n";
my $expectVal = 'payment-' . $PAYMENT_NUMBER . "-approved";
if ($completedInternshipField eq $expectVal) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": $PAYMENT_NUMBER PAYMENT-DONE: Skipped: completed-internship is ",
"\"$completedInternshipField\" which indicates this payment round is in process.\n";
my $expectVal = 'payment-' . $prevPayNum . "-approved";
if ($completedInternshipField ne $expectVal) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Skipped: completed-internship field was ",
"\"$completedInternshipField\" instead of \"$expectVal\".\n";
my(@links) = GetLinksForTicket($ticket);
if ($VERBOSE > 5) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Found the following links: " , join( ", ", @links), "\n";
my $taxTicket = FindTaxTicketFromList(@links);
if (not defined $taxTicket) {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": Skipped: no tax ticket found.\n";
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": found a tax ticket of \"$taxTicket\"\n" if ($VERBOSE > 5);
my $taxTicketStatus = GetStatusFromTicket($taxTicket);
if ($taxTicketStatus ne "resolved") {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": TAX-TICKET-PENDING: \"$taxTicket\": Skipped: ",
"tax ticket is in status \"$taxTicketStatus\" instead of \"resolved\"\n";
my $mainTicketStatus = GetStatusFromTicket($ticket);
if ($mainTicketStatus ne "needs-project-ok") {
print STDERR "\"$file\": \"$ticket\": PREV-PAYMENT-INCOMPLETE: Skipped: ",
"ticket is in status \"$mainTicketStatus\" instead of \"needs-project-ok\"\n";
print STDERR "Old Interns, who were marked as successful (likely from previous interns) ignored: $oldInterns\n";
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c rt-outreachy-payment-next.plx"
# perl-indent-level: 2
# End: