This is a very basic daemon to run bean-query so that other Perl programs can call it. The speed savings is not really there yet, as to get that, it would need to leave bean-query running, perhaps timing out and reloading files as needed. That's the long term plan. Right now, all that this is useful for is to run another Perl process that wants to submit and receive answers to bean-query.
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# Beancount Tools Written in Perl
These are various tools written in Perl to interact with [Beancount project](http://furius.ca/beancount/).
## bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx
This daemon uses Perl's [`IPC::Shareable`](https://metacpan.org/pod/IPC::Shareable) library to take queries as a daemon for Beancount's `bean-query`. Note that this daemon is not particularly secure, as it has the same security flaws inherent in `IPC::Shareable` and use of named pipes (as it uses `mkfifo` from [Perl's `POSIX` library](https://perldoc.perl.org/POSIX.html) underneath.
## bean-query-daemon-lib.pl
This file defines three functions to use in client scripts that want to talk to `bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx`.
It's not an actual Perl library; just use `require` in Perl to load it.
[comment]: Local variables:
[comment]: mode: markdown
[comment]: eval: (visual-line-mode t)
[comment]: eval: (auto-fill-mode -1)
[comment]: End: