etherpad 53c1df8248 Unsubscription & choose to receive a mail onStart / onEnd
- The subscription panel is placed in the "mysettings" menu (not anymmore a popup)
- A Unsubscribe button were added. It removes the email if found
- The 2 options to receive a mail when someone is starting to edit and finished to edit can be chosen for each user (at least one of the two is compulsory)
- First time you go on the email notification panel in the mysettings menu, a call is made to get the email and options already subscribed for this userId
  * If found, the form is pre-filled with the datas
  * If not, the form is set with defaults values
It's just informative. Users can still subscribe another mail for this userId.
- Removed the integration of this plugin in the "Share this pad" menu. First becaue, imo, it's not the place, and second, because it meant 2 forms with the same id.
2013-03-26 20:44:34 +01:00

10 lines
127 B

.ep_email_settings {
display: none;
padding-left: 1.5em;
padding: .2em;
.ep_email_input {