2013-01-29 17:35:40 +00:00

350 lines
11 KiB

#include <v8.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <node_buffer.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "BoyerMoore.h"
using namespace v8;
using namespace node;
namespace {
// this is an application of the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern
template <class Derived> struct UnaryAction {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope);
Handle<Value> operator()(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> self = args.This();
if (!Buffer::HasInstance(self)) {
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(
"Argument should be a buffer object.")));
return static_cast<Derived*>(this)->apply(self, args, scope);
template <class Derived> struct BinaryAction {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const uint8_t* data, size_t size, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope);
Handle<Value> operator()(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> self = args.This();
if (!Buffer::HasInstance(self)) {
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(
"Argument should be a buffer object.")));
if (args[0]->IsString()) {
String::Utf8Value s(args[0]->ToString());
return static_cast<Derived*>(this)->apply(self, (uint8_t*) *s, s.length(), args, scope);
if (Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])) {
Local<Object> other = args[0]->ToObject();
return static_cast<Derived*>(this)->apply(
self, (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(other), Buffer::Length(other), args, scope);
static Persistent<String> illegalArgumentException = Persistent<String>::New(String::New(
"Second argument must be a string or a buffer."));
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(illegalArgumentException));
// helper functions
Handle<Value> clear(Handle<Object>& buffer, int c) {
size_t length = Buffer::Length(buffer);
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
memset(data, c, length);
return buffer;
Handle<Value> fill(Handle<Object>& buffer, void* pattern, size_t size) {
size_t length = Buffer::Length(buffer);
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
if (size >= length) {
memcpy(data, pattern, length);
} else {
const int n_copies = length / size;
const int remainder = length % size;
for (int i = 0; i < n_copies; i++) {
memcpy(data + size * i, pattern, size);
memcpy(data + size * n_copies, pattern, remainder);
return buffer;
int compare(Handle<Object>& buffer, const uint8_t* data2, size_t length2) {
size_t length = Buffer::Length(buffer);
if (length != length2) {
return length > length2 ? 1 : -1;
const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
return memcmp(data, data2, length);
// actions
struct ClearAction: UnaryAction<ClearAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
return clear(buffer, 0);
struct FillAction: UnaryAction<FillAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
if (args[0]->IsInt32()) {
int c = args[0]->ToInt32()->Int32Value();
return clear(buffer, c);
if (args[0]->IsString()) {
String::Utf8Value s(args[0]->ToString());
return fill(buffer, *s, s.length());
if (Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])) {
Handle<Object> other = args[0]->ToObject();
size_t length = Buffer::Length(other);
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(other);
return fill(buffer, data, length);
static Persistent<String> illegalArgumentException = Persistent<String>::New(String::New(
"Second argument should be either a string, a buffer or an integer."));
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(illegalArgumentException));
struct ReverseAction: UnaryAction<ReverseAction> {
// O(n/2) for all cases which is okay, might be optimized some more with whole-word swaps
// XXX won't this trash the L1 cache something awful?
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
uint8_t* head = (uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
uint8_t* tail = head + Buffer::Length(buffer) - 1;
// xor swap, just because I can
while (head < tail) *head ^= *tail, *tail ^= *head, *head ^= *tail, ++head, --tail;
return buffer;
struct EqualsAction: BinaryAction<EqualsAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const uint8_t* data, size_t size, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
return compare(buffer, data, size) == 0 ? True() : False();
struct CompareAction: BinaryAction<CompareAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const uint8_t* data, size_t size, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
return scope.Close(Integer::New(compare(buffer, data, size)));
struct IndexOfAction: BinaryAction<IndexOfAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const uint8_t* data2, size_t size2, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
const size_t size = Buffer::Length(buffer);
int32_t start = args[1]->Int32Value();
if (start < 0)
start = size - std::min<size_t>(size, -start);
else if (static_cast<size_t>(start) > size)
start = size;
const uint8_t* p = boyermoore_search(
data + start, size - start, data2, size2);
const ptrdiff_t offset = p ? (p - data) : -1;
return scope.Close(Integer::New(offset));
static char toHexTable[] = "0123456789abcdef";
// CHECKME is this cache efficient?
static char fromHexTable[] = {
inline Handle<Value> decodeHex(const uint8_t* const data, const size_t size, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
if (size & 1) {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
"Odd string length, this is not hexadecimal data.")));
if (size == 0) {
return String::Empty();
Handle<Object>& buffer = Buffer::New(size / 2)->handle_;
uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *) data;
uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *) (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {
int a = fromHexTable[*src++];
int b = fromHexTable[*src++];
if (a == -1 || b == -1) {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
"This is not hexadecimal data.")));
*dst++ = b | (a << 4);
return buffer;
struct FromHexAction: UnaryAction<FromHexAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
size_t length = Buffer::Length(buffer);
return decodeHex(data, length, args, scope);
struct ToHexAction: UnaryAction<ToHexAction> {
Handle<Value> apply(Handle<Object>& buffer, const Arguments& args, HandleScope& scope) {
const size_t size = Buffer::Length(buffer);
const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(buffer);
if (size == 0) {
return String::Empty();
std::string s(size * 2, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
const uint8_t c = (uint8_t) data[i];
s[i * 2] = toHexTable[c >> 4];
s[i * 2 + 1] = toHexTable[c & 15];
return scope.Close(String::New(s.c_str(), s.size()));
// V8 function callbacks
Handle<Value> Clear(const Arguments& args) {
return ClearAction()(args);
Handle<Value> Fill(const Arguments& args) {
return FillAction()(args);
Handle<Value> Reverse(const Arguments& args) {
return ReverseAction()(args);
Handle<Value> Equals(const Arguments& args) {
return EqualsAction()(args);
Handle<Value> Compare(const Arguments& args) {
return CompareAction()(args);
Handle<Value> IndexOf(const Arguments& args) {
return IndexOfAction()(args);
Handle<Value> FromHex(const Arguments& args) {
return FromHexAction()(args);
Handle<Value> ToHex(const Arguments& args) {
return ToHexAction()(args);
Handle<Value> Concat(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
size_t size = 0;
for (int index = 0, length = args.Length(); index < length; ++index) {
Local<Value> arg = args[index];
if (arg->IsString()) {
// Utf8Length() because we need the length in bytes, not characters
size += arg->ToString()->Utf8Length();
else if (Buffer::HasInstance(arg)) {
size += Buffer::Length(arg->ToObject());
else {
std::stringstream s;
s << "Argument #" << index << " is neither a string nor a buffer object.";
return ThrowException(
Buffer& dst = *Buffer::New(size);
uint8_t* s = (uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(dst.handle_);
for (int index = 0, length = args.Length(); index < length; ++index) {
Local<Value> arg = args[index];
if (arg->IsString()) {
String::Utf8Value v(arg->ToString());
memcpy(s, *v, v.length());
s += v.length();
else if (Buffer::HasInstance(arg)) {
Local<Object> b = arg->ToObject();
const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*) Buffer::Data(b);
size_t length = Buffer::Length(b);
memcpy(s, data, length);
s += length;
else {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
"Congratulations! You have run into a bug: argument is neither a string nor a buffer object. "
"Please make the world a better place and report it.")));
return scope.Close(dst.handle_);
void RegisterModule(Handle<Object> target) {
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("concat"), FunctionTemplate::New(Concat)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("fill"), FunctionTemplate::New(Fill)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("clear"), FunctionTemplate::New(Clear)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("reverse"), FunctionTemplate::New(Reverse)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("equals"), FunctionTemplate::New(Equals)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("compare"), FunctionTemplate::New(Compare)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("indexOf"), FunctionTemplate::New(IndexOf)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("fromHex"), FunctionTemplate::New(FromHex)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("toHex"), FunctionTemplate::New(ToHex)->GetFunction());
} // anonymous namespace
NODE_MODULE(buffertools, RegisterModule)