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{ "ep_email_notifications.titleGritterError": "Email subscription error"
, "ep_email_notifications.titleGritterSubscr": "Email subscription"
, "ep_email_notifications.titleGritterUnsubscr": "Email unsubscription"
, "ep_email_notifications.headerGritterSubscr": "(Receive an email when someone modifies this pad)"
, "ep_email_notifications.msgOptionsNotChecked": "You need to check at least one of the two options from 'Send a mail when someone..'"
, "ep_email_notifications.msgParamsMissing": "Some settings for the 'email_Notifications' plugin are missing.<br />Please contact your administrator."
, "ep_email_notifications.msgEmailMalformed": "The email address is malformed"
, "ep_email_notifications.msgAlreadySubscr": "You are already registered for emails for this pad"
, "ep_email_notifications.msgUnsubscrNotExisting": "This email address is not registered for this pad"
, "ep_email_notifications.msgUnknownErr": "Unknown error"
, "ep_email_notifications.msgSubscrSuccess": "An email was sent to your address.<br />Click on the link in order to validate your subscription."
, "ep_email_notifications.msgUnsubscrSuccess": "An email was sent to your address.<br />Click on the link in order to validate your unsubscription"
, "ep_email_notifications.menuLabel": "Email Notifications"
, "ep_email_notifications.formOptionsTitle": "Send a mail when someone.."
, "ep_email_notifications.formOptionOnStart": "starts editing the pad"
, "ep_email_notifications.formOptionOnEnd": "finish editing the pad"
, "ep_email_notifications.formBtnSubscr": "subscribe"
, "ep_email_notifications.formBtnUnsubscr": "unsubscribe"