tex4ht supports "overlib" for footnote popups. The hack is pretty straightforward; it dumps a Javascript area into a .js file that can then be used by overlib to popup stuff. This hack is to use that output to make the same thing work with jQuery UI's tooltip widget. Note that we run with overlib support first, then *without* it in the Makefile setup. This is to force the needed .js file to be generated, but make sure the HTML doesn't try to load overlib (which is default). (This should be adapted as a patch to upstream tex4ht ultimately.) Also included herein are improvements to the Makefile to build the HTML output.
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Copyleft and GPL Tutorial Materials
This repository contains various tutorial materials regarding the suite of GNU General Public Licenses and copyleft (as applied to software).
The primary item of interest is an omnibus book on copyleft that is built from the comprehensive-GPL-guide.tex file.
You can build this project with the following command:
$ make
HTML output will be in the public_html directory and a PDF file will be in comprehensive-gpl-guide.pdf.
You can also download a prebuilt PDF file.
Note the canonical repository for this project is on gitorious. Copies of this repository on other sites is for informational and backup purposes only.
Patches to this project are welcome. Please submit a merge request on Gitorious. If you cannot use that, you can email patches directly to Bradley. You can find his email address in the commit logs.