This was necessary because render_to_response no longer takes a
context_instance. We were always using this to pass in a RequestContext,
which the render shortcut can already do, so switch to that.
The base template now has access to the fund-raising goal that will be
displayed site-wide. The view here must provide it in the context for
access everywhere.
Furthermore, we need a local context processor to make sure it's in
context everywhere, and we have to make sure that context is properly
passed along.
This code is a bit cargo-culted in, based on what I read in various
places about adding the Request context.
While I think these relative imports seem to be valid for the running
application, I am having trouble with the django-admin applications
regarding them. I don't see this syntactic sugar as absolutely
essential, so I'm just going to change it now.
The urls setup of old gave us various arguments at call time for
custom_index(), and some where useful. Hopefully, listing() can support
the same type of system, over time, once adapted. Here's an attempt to
get it started, first by supporting paginate_by.
I don't believe custom_index() should be used anymore given that we have
this new listing setup. At least, that's what I surmise based on
current error messages. I may bring this back if removing it breaks
something else.