Remove custom_index() method from news view.
I don't believe custom_index() should be used anymore given that we have this new listing setup. At least, that's what I surmise based on current error messages. I may bring this back if removing it breaks something else.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 61 deletions
@ -41,67 +41,6 @@ def listing(request):
return render_to_response('pressrelease_list.html', {"news": news, "date_list" : date_list})
def custom_index(request, queryset, *args, **kwargs):
"""News index. Calls a generic list view, but passes additional
context including past and future events, and an index of news by
# debug = '<pre>This is news'
# debug += '\nqueryset: ' + str(queryset)
# debug += '\nargs: ' + str(args)
# debug += '\nkwargs: ' + str(kwargs)
# debug += '</pre>'
# return HttpResponse(debug)
articles = None
#if not request.GET.has_key("page"):
# articles = ExternalArticle.public.all().order_by("-date")[:10]
if (not kwargs.has_key('allow_future')) or not kwargs['allow_future']:
queryset = queryset.filter(**{'%s__lte' % kwargs['date_field']:
future_events = Event.future.all().filter(date_tentative=False).order_by("date")
past_events = Event.past.all().order_by("-date")[:6]
date_list = queryset.dates(kwargs['date_field'], 'year')
paginate_by = kwargs.get('paginate_by', 6)
paginator = Paginator(queryset, paginate_by)
page = request.GET.get('page')
p =
except PageNotAnInteger:
# If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
p =
page = 1
except EmptyPage:
# If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
p =
page = paginator.num_pages
kwargs = dict(kwargs, extra_context={'articles': articles,
'date_list': date_list,
'future_events': future_events,
'past_events': past_events,
# 'paginator': paginator,
'page': page,
# 'is_paginated': True,
# 'num_pages': paginator.num_pages
del kwargs['date_field']
kwargs['queryset'] = queryset
# return object_list(request, queryset, *args, **kwargs)
# callable = NewsListView.as_view(queryset=queryset,
# extra_context=kwargs,
# paginate_by=kwargs['paginate_by'])
callable = NewsListView.as_view(**kwargs)
return callable(request)
# num_navigation = 3 # in each direction
# page_navigation = range(max((page - num_navigation), 1),
# min((page + num_navigation), page_count) + 1)
class NewsYearArchiveView(YearArchiveView):
# queryset = Article.objects.all()
# date_field = "pub_date"
Reference in a new issue