This allows adding a .tex file and sending a paper renewal notice.
This worked for me to send the paper renewal notices to Conservancy
Supporters in late 2016.
This code worked reasonable well when there was only one type of renewal
notice in play for a long period of time, but the point here is that we
can have many of them and this script should handle sending out the
different ones at different types.
We probably need an entirely separate script to intuit response.
We actually can't rely on a call to $sp->findDonor({}) to give us *just*
Supporters, as eventually, this may be a donor database too. So, count
Really, $sp->findDonor() should be able to take { isSupporter => 1 }
In an effort to improve the formatting on outgoing emails from the
renewal script, add the display_name to the To: field.
I'm not completely happy with what the MIME encoding is doing here.
Specifically, it chops the line on the < of <> so you
get this:
"A very long name that leads to wrapping of the MIME encoded line" <>
As I read, it violates this SHOULD:
Note: Though structured field bodies are defined in such a way that
folding can take place between many of the lexical tokens (and even
within some of the lexical tokens), folding SHOULD be limited to
placing the CRLF at higher-level syntactic breaks. For instance, if
a field body is defined as comma-separated values, it is recommended
that folding occur after the comma separating the structured items
in preference to other places where the field could be folded, even
if it is allowed elsewhere.
Brett and I decided to leave it for now and go with it.