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title: Call for Proposals
Our call for proposals has begun!
We had over 15 tracks proposed by our incredible community, so now we want to hear from you about how you fit into the mix! While our tracks set the stage for the tone and overall character of the conference, there are plenty of talks we've seen in the community that don't fit neatly into any specific one of them. In that case, we'd love to see the ways you and your community collaborate, use, build free software, and even ideas outside free software that you think a broaded audience could benefit from!
The tracks are:
- Container Days
- Sustainable Open Source Business
- Software Worker Coops
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion and FOSS
- FOSS at Play: Games, creative development, and open technology
- Open Source AI + Data
- Issues in Open Work; Common Challenges and Best Practices in the Open Source Industry, Open Scholarship, and Government
- Community: Open Source in Practice
- BSD Unix
- Science of Community
- AArch64/ARM64 Servers and Open Source- The Who, What, Why, and How
- FOSS For Education
- Copyleft and Compliance
- SFC Member Projects
- FOSS in Daily Life
- Wild card
Whether you have a talk about the history of software patents, a technical dive into CAD software your makerspace uses, or ways your intentional community has setup it's garden using open hardware and software to manage you beans, we'd love to hear from you.
And a reminder that FOSSY will require all use of proprietary software to be indicated on slides and any physical materials present. We think it's important for the conference to be as FOSS focused as possible and this reversal of assumption that any software mentioned is FOSS by default, is our way to handling this.
How to propose a talk
Sign-up and complete your speaker profile. You can always come back and update your profile later.
Visit the Dashboard and under "New Proposal", select the track you'd like to participate in. If your topic doesn't fit well with any specific track, please choose "Wild card". Then complete the details of your proposal.
The volunteer track organisers and Software Freedom Conservancy staff will review your proposal and get back to you after the Call for Proposals has closed.
Our CFP will remain open until May 28th and we hope to hear from you.