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<meta name="description" content="The Growing Body of Proprietary Infrastructure for FOSS Development: Repeating Bad History">
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<h3><em>The Growing Body of Proprietary Infrastructure for FOSS Development: Repeating Bad History</em></h3>
<p>Karen M. Sandler, Executive Director, Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC)</p>
<p>Denver Gingerich, Director of Compliance, SFC</p>
<p class="copious"><s>Bradley M. Kuhn, Policy Fellow &amp; Hacker-in-Residence, SFC</s></p>
<p class="copious">Bradley sends his regrets; he tested positive for
COVID-19 this morning and is quarantined.</p>
<p>FOSDEM 2025, Sunday 2 February 2025</p>
<img align="right" width="30%" src="kant.jpg"/>
<blockquote cite="FIXME">
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will
that it should become a universal law.<br/>
<p align="right"> &mdash; Immanuel Kant</p></blockquote>
<p class="copious" align="left">Bradley asked us to share the quote above and read this statement.</p>
<h3>FOSS Now Has a Long History</h3>
<img width="25%" align="left" src="samuel-clemens.jpg" />
<!-- FIXME: not thrilled with formatting here; I used to have a way to not
-- make the blog quote overlap picture, no time to research again.
-- Same is true on prior slide. -->
<blockquote cite="FIXME">
History doesn't repeat itself &hellip; but it often rhymes.
<p align="right"> &mdash; Samuel Clemens (nom de plume: Mark Twain)</p></blockquote>
<h3>The VA Linux / Sourceforge Debacle</h3>
<img align="left" height="50%" src="sourceforge-drifting-fsfe.png" />
<p class="copious" align="right">Search
“Dachary FSF Europe Sourceforge drifting” to find
<a href=""></a> &amp; read in
real time.</p>
<!-- Denver: you can edit above all you want -->
<!-- bkuhn promises to not work above here -->
<!-- bkuhn is still working on the below: -->
<h3>Post-Sourceforge Diaspora</h3>
<p>There have even
been <a href="">academic
whitepapers</a> written about this situation as late as 2011.</p>
<h3 >Follow-Up / Talk License</h3>
<p>I have a keynote about another interesting topic tomorrow:
<br/><a href="">15:00
in Janson on SUN 2025-02-02</a>
<p>Please donate to become a Conservancy
Sustainer: <a href=""></a></p>
<img align="right" src="img/cc-by-sa-4-0_88x31.png" />
<p class="copious">Presentation and slides are: Copyright &copy; 2024, 2025 Bradley M. Kuhn,
and are licensed under the <a rel="license"
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
<p class="copious"> Some images included herein are ©ed by others. I believe my use of
those images is fair use under USA © law (which I also believe is the
country of 1<sup>st</sup> publication under Berne). However, I suggest you
remove such images if you redistribute these slides.</p>
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