
1077 lines
33 KiB

* HeadJS The only script in your <HEAD>
* Author Tero Piirainen (tipiirai)
* Maintainer Robert Hoffmann (itechnology)
* License MIT /
* Version 0.98
; (function (win, undefined) {
"use strict";
// gt, gte, lt, lte, eq breakpoints would have been more simple to write as ['gt','gte','lt','lte','eq']
// but then we would have had to loop over the collection on each resize() event,
// a simple object with a direct access to true/false is therefore much more efficient
var doc = win.document,
nav = win.navigator,
loc = win.location,
html = doc.documentElement,
klass = [],
conf = {
screens : [240, 320, 480, 640, 768, 800, 1024, 1280, 1440, 1680, 1920],
screensCss: { "gt": true, "gte": false, "lt": true, "lte": false, "eq": false },
browsers : [
{ ie : { min: 6, max: 10 } }
//,{ chrome : { min: 8, max: 24 } }
//,{ ff : { min: 3, max: 19 } }
//,{ ios : { min: 3, max: 6 } }
//,{ android: { min: 2, max: 4 } }
//,{ webkit : { min: 9, max: 12 } }
//,{ opera : { min: 9, max: 12 } }
browserCss: { "gt": true, "gte": false, "lt": true, "lte": false, "eq": true },
section : "-section",
page : "-page",
head : "head"
if (win.head_conf) {
for (var item in win.head_conf) {
if (win.head_conf[item] !== undefined) {
conf[item] = win.head_conf[item];
function pushClass(name) {
klass[klass.length] = name;
function removeClass(name) {
var re = new RegExp("\\b" + name + "\\b");
html.className = html.className.replace(re, '');
function each(arr, fn) {
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {, arr[i], i);
// API
var api = win[conf.head] = function () {
api.ready.apply(null, arguments);
api.feature = function (key, enabled, queue) {
// internal: apply all classes
if (!key) {
html.className += ' ' + klass.join(' ');
klass = [];
return api;
if ( === '[object Function]') {
enabled =;
pushClass((enabled ? '' : 'no-') + key);
api[key] = !!enabled;
// apply class to HTML element
if (!queue) {
removeClass('no-' + key);
return api;
// no queue here, so we can remove any eventual pre-existing no-js class
api.feature("js", true);
// browser type & version
var ua = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
mobile = /mobile|midp/.test(ua);
// useful for enabling/disabling feature (we can consider a desktop navigator to have more cpu/gpu power)
api.feature("mobile" , mobile , true);
api.feature("desktop", !mobile, true);
ua = /(chrome|firefox)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Chrome & Firefox
/(iphone|ipad|ipod)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Mobile IOS
/(android)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Mobile Webkit
/(webkit|opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Safari & Opera
/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || [];
var browser = ua[1],
version = parseFloat(ua[2]);
switch (browser) {
case 'msie':
browser = 'ie';
version = doc.documentMode || version;
case 'firefox':
browser = 'ff';
case 'ipod':
case 'ipad':
case 'iphone':
browser = 'ios';
case 'webkit':
browser = 'safari';
// Browser vendor and version
api.browser = {
name : browser,
version: version
api.browser[browser] = true;
for (var i = 0, l = conf.browsers.length; i < l; i++) {
for (var key in conf.browsers[i]) {
if (browser === key) {
var min = conf.browsers[i][key].min;
var max = conf.browsers[i][key].max;
for (var v = min; v <= max; v++) {
if (version > v) {
if (conf.browserCss["gt"])
pushClass("gt-" + key + v);
if (conf.browserCss["gte"])
pushClass("gte-" + key + v);
else if (version < v) {
if (conf.browserCss["lt"])
pushClass("lt-" + key + v);
if (conf.browserCss["lte"])
pushClass("lte-" + key + v);
else if (version === v) {
if (conf.browserCss["lte"])
pushClass("lte-" + key + v);
if (conf.browserCss["eq"])
pushClass("eq-" + key + v);
if (conf.browserCss["gte"])
pushClass("gte-" + key + v);
else {
pushClass('no-' + key);
// IE lt9 specific
if (browser === "ie" && version < 9) {
// HTML5 support : you still need to add html5 css initialization styles to your site
// See: assets/html5.css
each("abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video".split("|"), function (el) {
// CSS "router"
each(loc.pathname.split("/"), function (el, i) {
if (this.length > 2 && this[i + 1] !== undefined) {
if (i) {
pushClass(this.slice(1, i + 1).join("-").toLowerCase() + conf.section);
} else {
// pageId
var id = el || "index", index = id.indexOf(".");
if (index > 0) {
id = id.substring(0, index);
} = id.toLowerCase() +;
// on root?
if (!i) {
pushClass("root" + conf.section);
// basic screen info
api.screen = {
height: win.screen.height,
width : win.screen.width
// viewport resolutions: w-100, lt-480, lt-1024 ...
function screenSize() {
// remove earlier sizes
html.className = html.className.replace(/ (w-|eq-|gt-|gte-|lt-|lte-|portrait|no-portrait|landscape|no-landscape)\d+/g, "");
// Viewport width
var iw = win.innerWidth || html.clientWidth,
ow = win.outerWidth || win.screen.width;
api.screen['innerWidth'] = iw;
api.screen['outerWidth'] = ow;
// for debugging purposes, not really useful for anything else
pushClass("w-" + iw);
each(conf.screens, function (width) {
if (iw > width) {
if (conf.screensCss["gt"])
pushClass("gt-" + width);
if (conf.screensCss["gte"])
pushClass("gte-" + width);
else if (iw < width) {
if (conf.screensCss["lt"])
pushClass("lt-" + width);
if (conf.screensCss["lte"])
pushClass("lte-" + width);
else if (iw === width) {
if (conf.screensCss["lte"])
pushClass("lte-" + width);
if (conf.screensCss["eq"])
pushClass("e-q" + width);
if (conf.screensCss["gte"])
pushClass("gte-" + width);
// Viewport height
var ih = win.innerHeight || html.clientHeight,
oh = win.outerHeight || win.screen.height;
api.screen['innerHeight'] = ih;
api.screen['outerHeight'] = oh;
// no need for onChange event to detect this
api.feature("portrait" , (ih > iw));
api.feature("landscape", (ih < iw));
// Throttle navigators from triggering too many resize events
var resizeId = 0;
function onResize() {
resizeId = win.setTimeout(screenSize, 100);
// Manually attach, as to not overwrite existing handler
if (win.addEventListener) {
win.addEventListener("resize", onResize, false);
} else {
win.attachEvent("onresize", onResize);
* HeadJS The only script in your <HEAD>
* Author Tero Piirainen (tipiirai)
* Maintainer Robert Hoffmann (itechnology)
* License MIT /
* Version 0.98
;(function(win, undefined) {
"use strict";
var doc = win.document,
To add a new test:
head.feature("video", function() {
var tag = document.createElement('video');
return !!tag.canPlayType;
Good place to grab more tests
/* CSS modernizer */
el = doc.createElement("i"),
style =,
prefs = ' -o- -moz- -ms- -webkit- -khtml- '.split(' '),
domPrefs = 'Webkit Moz O ms Khtml'.split(' '),
headVar = win.head_conf && win.head_conf.head || "head",
api = win[headVar];
// Thanks Paul Irish!
function testProps(props) {
for (var i in props) {
if (style[props[i]] !== undefined) {
return true;
function testAll(prop) {
var camel = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
props = (prop + ' ' + domPrefs.join(camel + ' ') + camel).split(' ');
return !!testProps(props);
var tests = {
gradient: function() {
var s1 = 'background-image:',
s2 = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(#fff));',
s3 = 'linear-gradient(left top,#eee,#fff);';
style.cssText = (s1 + prefs.join(s2 + s1) + prefs.join(s3 + s1)).slice(0,-s1.length);
return !!style.backgroundImage;
rgba: function() {
style.cssText = "background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";
return !!style.backgroundColor;
opacity: function() {
return === "";
textshadow: function() {
return style.textShadow === '';
multiplebgs: function() {
style.cssText = "background:url(//:),url(//:),red url(//:)";
return new RegExp("(url\\s*\\(.*?){3}").test(style.background);
boxshadow: function() {
return testAll("boxShadow");
borderimage: function() {
return testAll("borderImage");
borderradius: function() {
return testAll("borderRadius");
cssreflections: function() {
return testAll("boxReflect");
csstransforms: function() {
return testAll("transform");
csstransitions: function() {
return testAll("transition");
touch: function () {
return 'ontouchstart' in win;
retina: function () {
return (win.devicePixelRatio > 1);
font-face support. Uses browser sniffing but is synchronous.
fontface: function() {
var browser =, version = api.browser.version;
switch (browser) {
case "ie":
return version >= 9;
case "chrome":
return version >= 13;
case "ff":
return version >= 6;
case "ios":
return version >= 5;
case "android":
return false;
case "webkit":
return version >= 5.1;
case "opera":
return version >= 10;
return false;
// queue features
for (var key in tests) {
if (tests[key]) {
api.feature(key, tests[key].call(), true);
// enable features at once
* HeadJS The only script in your <HEAD>
* Author Tero Piirainen (tipiirai)
* Maintainer Robert Hoffmann (itechnology)
* License MIT /
* Version 0.98
; (function (win, undefined) {
"use strict";
var doc = win.document,
domWaiters = [],
queue = [], // waiters for the "head ready" event
handlers = {}, // user functions waiting for events
scripts = {}, // loadable scripts in different states
isAsync = "async" in doc.createElement("script") || "MozAppearance" in || win.opera,
/*** public API ***/
headVar = win.head_conf && win.head_conf.head || "head",
api = win[headVar] = (win[headVar] || function () { api.ready.apply(null, arguments); }),
// states
// Method 1: simply load and let browser take care of ordering
if (isAsync) {
api.load = function () {
/// INFO: use cases
/// head.load("","", callBack)
/// head.load({ label1: "" }, { label2: "" }, callBack)
var args = arguments,
callback = args[args.length - 1],
items = {};
if (!isFunction(callback)) {
callback = null;
each(args, function (item, i) {
if (item !== callback) {
item = getScript(item);
items[] = item;
load(item, callback && i === args.length - 2 ? function () {
if (allLoaded(items)) {
} : null);
return api;
// Method 2: preload with text/cache hack
} else {
api.load = function () {
var args = arguments,
rest = [], 1),
next = rest[0];
// wait for a while. immediate execution causes some browsers to ignore caching
if (!isHeadReady) {
queue.push(function () {
api.load.apply(null, args);
return api;
// multiple arguments
if (next) {
/* Preload with text/cache hack (not good!)
* If caching is not configured correctly on the server, then scripts will load twice !
each(rest, function (item) {
if (!isFunction(item)) {
// execute
load(getScript(args[0]), isFunction(next) ? next : function () {
api.load.apply(null, rest);
// single script
else {
return api;
// INFO: for retro compatibility
api.js = api.load;
api.test = function (test, success, failure, callback) {
/// INFO: use cases:
/// head.test(condition, null , "file.NOk" , callback);
/// head.test(condition, "fileOk.js", null , callback);
/// head.test(condition, "fileOk.js", "file.NOk" , callback);
/// head.test(condition, "fileOk.js", ["file.NOk", "file.NOk"], callback);
/// head.test({
/// test : condition,
/// success : [{ label1: "file1Ok.js" }, { label2: "file2Ok.js" }],
/// failure : [{ label1: "file1NOk.js" }, { label2: "file2NOk.js" }],
/// callback: callback
/// );
/// head.test({
/// test : condition,
/// success : ["file1Ok.js" , "file2Ok.js"],
/// failure : ["file1NOk.js", "file2NOk.js"],
/// callback: callback
/// );
var obj = (typeof test === 'object') ? test : {
test: test,
success: !!success ? isArray(success) ? success : [success] : false,
failure: !!failure ? isArray(failure) ? failure : [failure] : false,
callback: callback || noop
// Test Passed ?
var passed = !!obj.test;
// Do we have a success case
if (passed && !!obj.success) {
api.load.apply(null, obj.success);
// Do we have a fail case
else if (!passed && !!obj.failure) {
api.load.apply(null, obj.failure);
else {
return api;
api.ready = function (key, callback) {
/// INFO: use cases:
/// head.ready(callBack)
/// head.ready(document , callBack)
/// head.ready("file.js", callBack);
/// head.ready("label" , callBack);
// DOM ready check: head.ready(document, function() { });
if (key === doc) {
if (isDomReady) {
else {
return api;
// shift arguments
if (isFunction(key)) {
callback = key;
key = "ALL";
// make sure arguments are sane
if (typeof key !== 'string' || !isFunction(callback)) {
return api;
// This can also be called when we trigger events based on filenames & labels
var script = scripts[key];
// script already loaded --> execute and return
if (script && script.state === LOADED || key === 'ALL' && allLoaded() && isDomReady) {
return api;
var arr = handlers[key];
if (!arr) {
arr = handlers[key] = [callback];
else {
return api;
// perform this when DOM is ready
api.ready(doc, function () {
if (allLoaded()) {
each(handlers.ALL, function (callback) {
if (api.feature) {
api.feature("domloaded", true);
/* private functions
function noop() {
// does nothing
function each(arr, callback) {
if (!arr) {
// arguments special type
if (typeof arr === 'object') {
arr = [];
// do the job
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {, arr[i], i);
/* A must read:
function is(type, obj) {
var clas =, -1);
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && clas === type;
function isFunction(item) {
return is("Function", item);
function isArray(item) {
return is("Array", item);
function toLabel(url) {
///<summary>Converts a url to a file label</summary>
var items = url.split("/"),
name = items[items.length - 1],
i = name.indexOf("?");
return i !== -1 ? name.substring(0, i) : name;
// INFO: this look like a "im triggering callbacks all over the place, but only wanna run it one time function" ..should try to make everything work without it if possible
// INFO: Even better. Look into promises/defered's like jQuery is doing
function one(callback) {
///<summary>Execute a callback only once</summary>
callback = callback || noop;
if (callback._done) {
callback._done = 1;
function getScript(item) {
/// Gets a script in the form of
/// {
/// name: label,
/// url : url
/// }
var script = {};
if (typeof item === 'object') {
for (var label in item) {
if (!!item[label]) {
script = {
name: label,
url: item[label]
else {
script = {
name: toLabel(item),
url: item
// is the item already existant
var existing = scripts[];
if (existing && existing.url === script.url) {
return existing;
scripts[] = script;
return script;
function allLoaded(items) {
items = items || scripts;
for (var name in items) {
if (items.hasOwnProperty(name) && items[name].state !== LOADED) {
return false;
return true;
function onPreload(script) {
script.state = PRELOADED;
each(script.onpreload, function (afterPreload) {;
function preLoad(script, callback) {
if (script.state === undefined) {
script.state = PRELOADING;
script.onpreload = [];
scriptTag({ src: script.url, type: 'cache' }, function () {
function load(script, callback) {
///<summary>Used with normal loading logic</summary>
callback = callback || noop;
if (script.state === LOADED) {
// INFO: why would we trigger a ready event when its not really loaded yet ?
if (script.state === LOADING) {
api.ready(, callback);
if (script.state === PRELOADING) {
script.onpreload.push(function () {
load(script, callback);
script.state = LOADING;
scriptTag(script.url, function () {
script.state = LOADED;
// handlers for this script
each(handlers[], function (fn) {
// dom is ready & no scripts are queued for loading
// INFO: shouldn't we be doing the same test above ?
if (isDomReady && allLoaded()) {
each(handlers.ALL, function (fn) {
function scriptTag(src, callback) {
var s;
if (/\.css[^\.]*$/.test(src)) {
s = doc.createElement('link');
s.type = 'text/' + (src.type || 'css');
s.rel = 'stylesheet';
s.href = src.src || src;
else {
s = doc.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/' + (src.type || 'javascript');
s.src = src.src || src;
loadAsset(s, callback);
/* Parts inspired from:
function loadAsset(s, callback) {
callback = callback || noop;
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = process;
s.onerror = error;
/* Good read, but doesn't give much hope !
// ASYNC: load in parellel and execute as soon as possible
s.async = false;
// DEFER: load in parallel but maintain execution order
s.defer = false;
function error(event) {
// need some more detailed error handling here
// release event listeners
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = s.onerror = null;
// do callback
function process(event) {
event = event || win.event;
// IE 7/8 (2 events on 1st load)
// 1) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loading
// 2) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loaded
// IE 7/8 (1 event on reload)
// 1) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = complete
// event.type === 'readystatechange' && /loaded|complete/.test(s.readyState)
// IE 9 (3 events on 1st load)
// 1) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loading
// 2) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loaded
// 3) event.type = load , s.readyState = loaded
// IE 9 (2 events on reload)
// 1) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = complete
// 2) event.type = load , s.readyState = complete
// event.type === 'load' && /loaded|complete/.test(s.readyState)
// event.type === 'readystatechange' && /loaded|complete/.test(s.readyState)
// IE 10 (3 events on 1st load)
// 1) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loading
// 2) event.type = load , s.readyState = complete
// 3) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loaded
// IE 10 (3 events on reload)
// 1) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = loaded
// 2) event.type = load , s.readyState = complete
// 3) event.type = readystatechange, s.readyState = complete
// event.type === 'load' && /loaded|complete/.test(s.readyState)
// event.type === 'readystatechange' && /complete/.test(s.readyState)
// Other Browsers (1 event on 1st load)
// 1) event.type = load, s.readyState = undefined
// Other Browsers (1 event on reload)
// 1) event.type = load, s.readyState = undefined
// event.type == 'load' && s.readyState = undefined
// IE: i hate you, i hate you, i hate you !
// I'm sure there are somekind of internal jokes going on at MS, where they break something and have a laugh while we pull our hair out
if (event.type === 'load' || /loaded|complete/.test(s.readyState) && doc.documentMode < 9) {
// release event listeners
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = s.onerror = null;
// do callback
// emulates error on browsers that don't create an exception
// INFO: timeout not clearing ..why ?
//s.timeout = win.setTimeout(function () {
// error({ type: "timeout" });
//}, 7000);
// use insertBefore to keep IE from throwing Operation Aborted (thx Bryan Forbes!)
var head = doc['head'] || doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
// but insert at end of head, because otherwise if it is a stylesheet, it will not ovverride values
head.insertBefore(s, head.lastChild);
/* Mix of stuff from jQuery & IEContentLoaded
function domReady() {
// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (jQuery ticket #5443).
if (!doc.body) {
// let's not get nasty by setting a timeout too small.. (loop mania guaranteed if scripts are queued)
api.readyTimeout = win.setTimeout(domReady, 50);
if (!isDomReady) {
isDomReady = true;
each(domWaiters, function (fn) {
function domContentLoaded() {
// W3C
if (doc.addEventListener) {
doc.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domContentLoaded, false);
// IE
else if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
// we're here because readyState === "complete" in oldIE
// which is good enough for us to call the dom ready!
doc.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", domContentLoaded);
// Catch cases where ready() is called after the browser event has already occurred.
// we once tried to use readyState "interactive" here, but it caused issues like the one
// discovered by ChrisS here:
if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
// W3C
else if (doc.addEventListener) {
doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domContentLoaded, false);
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
win.addEventListener("load", domReady, false);
// IE
else {
// Ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes
doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", domContentLoaded);
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
win.attachEvent("onload", domReady);
// If IE and not a frame
// continually check to see if the document is ready
var top = false;
try {
top = win.frameElement == null && doc.documentElement;
} catch (e) { }
if (top && top.doScroll) {
(function doScrollCheck() {
if (!isDomReady) {
try {
// Use the trick by Diego Perini
} catch (error) {
// let's not get nasty by setting a timeout too small.. (loop mania guaranteed if scripts are queued)
api.readyTimeout = win.setTimeout(doScrollCheck, 50);
// and execute any waiting functions
We wait for 300 ms before script loading starts. for some reason this is needed
to make sure scripts are cached. Not sure why this happens yet. A case study:
setTimeout(function () {
isHeadReady = true;
each(queue, function (fn) {
}, 300);