Resource Loading

Speed up your site. Manage your library's dependencies. Load javascript and stylesheets in parallel but execute them in the correct order.

Resource loading has many different options to cater to various needs

{% highlight js %} // queue scripts and fire a callback when loading is finished head.load("file1.js", "file2.js", function() { // do something }); // same as above, but pass files in as an Array head.load(["file1.js", "file2.js"], function() { // do something }); // you can also give scripts a name (label) head.load({ label1: "file1.js" }, { label2: "file2.js" }, function() { // do something }); // same as above, but pass files in as an Array head.load([{ label1: "file1.js" }, { label2: "file2.js" }], function() { // do something }); // Labels are usually used in conjuntion with: head.ready() head.ready("label1", function() { // do something }); // Actually if no label is supplied, internally the filename is used for the label head.ready("file1.js", function() { // do something }); {% endhighlight %}

All the above examples also work with CSS files.

{% highlight js %} // queue scripts and fire a callback when loading is finished head.load("file1.css", "file2.css"); // same as above, but pass files in as an Array head.load(["file1.css", "file2.css"]); {% endhighlight %}

Conditional Loading

You can also run tests to load file A if a test succeeds, or fallback to file B. This is great for loading Polyfils, or loading dependencies when certain conditions are met.

{% highlight js %} // signature head.test(condition, success, failure, callback); /* condition: something that evaluates to true/false success : a file, an array of files, a labeled object, an array of labeled objects failure : a file, an array of files, a labeled object, an array of labeled objects callback : a function to call when evaluation & loading is done */ // simplified version 1 head.test(condition, "success.js", "failure.js" , callback); // simplified version 2 head.test(condition, ["success1.js", "success1.js"], "failure.js" , callback); // object version head.test({ test : bool, success : ["file1.js", "file2.js"], failure : ["poly1.js", "poly2.js"], callback: function() { // do stuff } ); // Example head.test(, "normal.js", "fallback.js", function() { // do stuff }); {% endhighlight %}

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