--- layout: main title: HeadJS v1.0.0 Released excerpt: Yes, it's finally out ! Adding a few new features, and a few fixes. scripts: ["/site/assets/libs/jquery/jquery.min.js", "https://cdn.moot.it/latest/moot.min.js", "/site/assets/js/comments.min.js"] --- #{{ page.title }} ({{ page.date | date_to_string }})
It's finally time for a v1 release ! First let me say that this release is way past due, so thank's to all that reported features requests and bugs to the issue tracker ! Also, no fear, this release is drop in compatible with previous versions. So what's changed in v1 ? - New: Detect Windows 8 Mobile (Surface RT/Pro), IE11, Kindle, and other Android devices - New: Add Browser & Version CSS no matter what browser breakpoints are configured - Example: .ff .ff20 - There is no need to cycle through all browser versions in 90% of cases - Makes it possible to work without any breakpoints at all - New: Improved CSS Router - View: [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/227](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/227) - New: Added "main" HTML5 element to shim - View on Github - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/230](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/230) - New: Enable/Disable HTML5 Shim in head_conf - New: Load files from Array of Files or Array of Labels - ``head.load(["file1", "file2"], callBack);`` - ``head.load([{ label1: "file1" }, { label2: "file2" }], callBack);`` - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/139](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/139) - New: Possibility to wait for multiple labels or files - ``head.ready(["label1", "label2"], callBack);`` - ``head.ready(["file1.js", "file2.js"], callBack);`` - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/212](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/212) - New: Load file via data attribute on HeadJS script tag - ```` - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/213](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/213) - New: Source map files have been added for all minified JS files - Fix: Prevent loading empty strings - View on Github - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/184](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/184) - Fix: CSS classes getting bigger on successive resizes under Chrome - View on Github - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/226](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/226) - Fix: Invalid regular expression for CSS detection - View on Github - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/255](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/255) - Fix: callback failing to trigger under certain cirumstances - View on Github - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/262](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/262) - Divers: Changed window.frameElement detection - View on Github - [https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/257](https://github.com/headjs/headjs/pull/257) - Divers: Cleaned up a bunch of syntaxt to conform to JSHint - Easier to find quirks - Now using a very strict .jshintrc - Divers: Added missing .gitattributes

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