#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright © 2018, Bradley M. Kuhn # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later # This script finds the most recent correspondence from the requestor, and # sets the Due date out from that, based on the CLI input using Date::Manip # should also add correspondence to note it wsa received. Easiest way to send template? use strict; use warnings; use autodie qw(:all); use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec; use Date::Manip qw(ParseDate UnixDate); my($VERBOSE, $INTERACTIVE, $RT_CMD, $SVN_CMD, $DUE_ADD, $DUE_DATE_FROM, $TICKET); ############################################################################### sub FindDateOfMostRecentEmailBy ($@) { my($ticketSpec, @emails) = @_; my $ownSpecialEpoch = '1973-01-01'; $ticketSpec =~ s%^\s*ticket\s*/\s*%%; open(my $rtShowFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", $ticketSpec); my $latestDate = $ownSpecialEpoch; foreach my $email (@emails) { while (my $showLine = <$rtShowFH>) { print STDERR "rt show line for $ticketSpec: $showLine" if ($VERBOSE >= 10); if ($showLine =~ /^.+\s+by\s+$email\s+on\s+(.+)$/) { my($fullDate) = $1; my $curDate = ParseDate($fullDate); die "'rt show' line, \"$showLine\" matches as if it were a comment/correspondence line but has an unprocessable date of \"$fullDate\"" unless defined $curDate; $latestDate = $curDate if ($latestDate lt $curDate); } } } close $rtShowFH; die("No correspondence/comment of any kind found for \"" . join(", ", @emails) . "\" in \"$ticketSpec\"") if $latestDate eq $ownSpecialEpoch; return $latestDate; } ############################################################################### sub RequestorsForTicket ($) { my($ticketSpec) = @_; $ticketSpec =~ s%^\s*ticket\s*/\s*%%; my @requestors; open(my $rtShowFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", '-s', $ticketSpec); while (my $showLine = <$rtShowFH>) { print STDERR "rt show line for $ticketSpec: $showLine" if ($VERBOSE >= 10); if ($showLine =~ /^\s*Requestors\s*:\s+(.+)$/) { my $emails = $1; @requestors = split(/\s*,\s*/, $emails); last; } } close $rtShowFH; return @requestors; } ############################################################################### GetOptions("verbose=i" => \$VERBOSE, "interactive" => \$INTERACTIVE, "rtCommand=s" => \$RT_CMD, "svnCommand=s" => \$SVN_CMD, "dueAdd=s" => \$DUE_ADD, "dueDateFrom" => \$DUE_DATE_FROM, "ticket=i" => \$TICKET); $RT_CMD = '/usr/bin/rt' unless defined $RT_CMD; $SVN_CMD = '/usr/bin/svn' unless defined $SVN_CMD; $INTERACTIVE = 0 if not defined $INTERACTIVE; unless (defined $TICKET) { print STDERR "--ticket where is a valid ticket is required\n"; exit 1; } unless (defined $DUE_ADD) { print STDERR "--dueAdd where is a valid datetime is required\n"; exit 1; } my(@requestors) = RequestorsForTicket($TICKET); if (@requestors <= 0) { print STDERR "No requestors found for $TICKET, giving up.\n"; exit 1; } my $lastDate = FindDateOfMostRecentEmailBy($TICKET, @requestors); my $forwardDate = DateCalc($lastDate, $DUE_ADD); print UnixDate($forwardDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z"); ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c rt-set-deadline-from-last-correspondence.plx" # perl-indent-level: 2 # End: