#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright © 2020, Bradley M. Kuhn # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later # probably want to pipe in: rt ls -i "Status = 'needs-release-approval'" | xargs -I_ rt show -f DependsOn _/links | grep -Eo '[0-9]+,?' | sed -e 's/,$//' use strict; use warnings; use autodie qw(:all); my $RT_CMD = '/usr/bin/rt'; my($queue, $oldUser, $newUser) = @ARGV; my $count = 0; foreach my $id () { chomp $id; my $line; open(my $rtShowFH, "-|", "$RT_CMD", "show", '-t', 'ticket', '-f', 'Queue,id,status,owner', $id); my %tixData; while (my $line = <$rtShowFH>) { die "$id: invalid line: $line" unless $line =~ /^(\S+)\s*:\s+(\S+)\s*$/; $tixData{$1} = $2; } close $rtShowFH; die "$tixData{id} is not $id" unless $tixData{id} =~ /$id/; die "$id: missing status or Owner" unless defined $tixData{Status} and defined $tixData{Owner}; my $skip = 0; if ($tixData{Queue} ne $queue) { $skip++; print STDERR "$id: skipping since status $tixData{Queue}\n"; } elsif ($tixData{Status} ne 'open') { $skip++; print STDERR "$id: skipping since status $tixData{Status} is not open\n" } elsif ($tixData{Owner} ne $oldUser) { $skip++; print STDERR "$id: skipping since status $tixData{Owner} is not $oldUser\n" unless $tixData{Owner} eq $oldUser; } next if $skip > 0; print STDERR "$id: reassigning to $newUser\n"; system($RT_CMD, 'edit', $id, 'set', "Owner=$newUser"); $count++; } print "Reassigned $count tickets to $newUser from $oldUser\n";