124 lines
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124 lines
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# -*- mode: cperl -*-
use Test::More;
if ( !$ENV{WPP_TEST} || !-f $ENV{WPP_TEST} ) {
plan skip_all =>
'No WPP_TEST env var set. Please see README to run tests';
else {
plan tests => 3;
use_ok( 'Business::PayPal::API::RecurringPayments' );
require 't/API.pl';
my %args = do_args();
my $pp = new Business::PayPal::API::RecurringPayments( %args );
#$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 1;
my %response = $pp->SetCustomerBillingAgreement(
BillingType => 'RecurringPayments',
BillingAgreementDescription => '10.00 per month for 1 year',
ReturnURL => 'http://www.google.com/',
CancelURL => 'http://www.google.com/',
BuyerEmail => $args{BuyerEmail},
#$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 0;
my $token = $response{Token};
ok( $token, "Got token" );
like( $response{Ack}, qr/Success/, "SetCustomerBillingAgreement successful" );
"No token from PayPal! Check your authentication information and try again."
unless $token;
my $pp_url
= "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_customer-billing-agreement&token=$token";
print STDERR <<"_TOKEN_";
Now paste the following URL into your browser (you'll need to have
another browser window already logged into the PayPal developer site):
Login to PayPal as the Buyer you specified in '$ENV{WPP_TEST}' and
proceed to checkout (this authorizes the transaction represented by
the token). When finished, PayPal will redirect you to a non-existent
Notice the *PayerID* URL argument (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) on the redirect from
print STDERR "\nType or paste that PayerID here and hit Enter: \n";
my $payerid = <STDIN>; chomp $payerid;
die "Need a PayerID.\n" unless $payerid;
## CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
#$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 1;
my %profile = $pp->CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile(
Token => $token,
## RecurringPaymentProfileDetails
SubscriberName => 'Joe Schmoe',
SubscriberShipperName => 'Schmoe House',
SubscriberShipperStreet1 => '1234 Street St.',
SubscriberShipperCityName => 'Orem',
SubscriberShipperStateOrProvince => 'UT',
SubscriberShipperPostalCode => '84222',
SubscriberShipperCountry => 'USA',
SubscriberShipperPhone => '123-123-1234',
BillingStartDate => '2009-12-01Z',
ProfileReference => 'BH12341234',
## ScheduleDetails
Description => '12 Month Hosting Package: We Love You!',
InitialAmount => '12.34',
TrialBillingPeriod => 'Month',
TrialBillingFrequency => 1,
TrialTotalBillingCycles => 1,
TrialAmount => 0.00,
TrialShippingAmount => 0.00,
TrialTaxAmount => 0.00,
PaymentBillingPeriod => 'Year',
PaymentBillingFrequency => 1,
PaymentTotalBillingCycles => 1,
PaymentAmount => 95.40,
PaymentShippingAmount => 0.00,
PaymentTaxAmount => 0.00,
# MaxFailedPayments => 1,
# AutoBillOutstandingAmount => 'AddToNextBilling',
#$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 0;
## GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails
#$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 1;
my %details = $pp->GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails( $token );
#$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 0;
like( $details{Ack}, qr/Success/, "details ok" );