package Business::PayPal::API::DirectPayments; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite; #use SOAP::Lite +trace => 'debug'; use Business::PayPal::API (); our @ISA = qw(Business::PayPal::API); our $VERSION = '0.03'; our $CVS_VERSION = '$Id:,v 1.5 2009/07/28 18:00:59 scott Exp $'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(DoDirectPaymentRequest); sub DoDirectPaymentRequest { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my %types =( PaymentAction => '', # Payment Detail OrderTotal => 'xs:string', ItemTotal => 'xsd:string', ShippingTotal => 'xsd:string', TaxTotal => 'xsd:string', InvoiceID => 'xsd:string', ButtonSource => 'xsd:string', # Credit Card CreditCardType => '', CreditCardNumber => 'xsd:string', ExpMonth => 'xs:int', ExpYear => 'xs:int', # CardOwner Payer => 'ns:EmailAddressType', # Payer Name FirstName => 'xs:string', LastName => 'xs:string', # Payer Address Street1 => 'xs:string', Street2 => 'xs:string', CityName => 'xs:string', StateOrProvince => 'xs:string', Country => 'xs:string', PostalCode => 'xs:string', # Shipping Address ShipToName => 'xs:string', ShipToStreet1 => 'xs:string', ShipToStreet2 => 'xs:string', ShipToCityName => 'xs:string', ShipToStateOrProvince => 'xs:string', ShipToCountry => 'xs:string', ShipToPostalCode => 'xs:string', # Misc CVV2 => 'xs:string', IPAddress => 'xs:string', MerchantSessionId => 'xs:string', ); $args{currencyID} ||= 'USD'; $args{PaymentAction} ||= 'Sale'; #Assemble Credit Card Information my @payername = ( SOAP::Data->name(FirstName => $args{FirstName}), SOAP::Data->name(LastName => $args{LastName}), ); my @payeraddr = ( SOAP::Data->name(Street1 => $args{Street1} )->type($types{Street1}), SOAP::Data->name(Street2 => $args{Street2} )->type($types{Street2}), SOAP::Data->name(CityName => $args{CityName} )->type($types{CityName}), SOAP::Data->name(StateOrProvince => $args{StateOrProvince} )->type($types{StateOrProvince}), SOAP::Data->name(Country => $args{Country} )->type($types{Country}), SOAP::Data->name(PostalCode => $args{PostalCode} )->type($types{PostalCode}), ); my @shipaddr = ( SOAP::Data->name(Name => $args{ShipToName})->type($types{ShipToName}), SOAP::Data->name(Street1 => $args{ShipToStreet1} )->type($types{ShipToStreet1}), SOAP::Data->name(Street2 => $args{ShipToStreet2} )->type($types{ShipToStreet2}), SOAP::Data->name(CityName => $args{ShipToCityName} )->type($types{ShipToCityName}), SOAP::Data->name(StateOrProvince => $args{ShipToStateOrProvince} )->type($types{ShipToStateOrProvince}), SOAP::Data->name(Country => $args{ShipToCountry} )->type($types{ShipToCountry}), SOAP::Data->name(PostalCode => $args{ShipToPostalCode} )->type($types{ShipToPostalCode}), ); my @ccard = ( SOAP::Data->name(CreditCardType => $args{CreditCardType})->type($types{CreditCardType}), SOAP::Data->name(CreditCardNumber => $args{CreditCardNumber})->type($types{CreditCardNumber}), SOAP::Data->name(ExpMonth => $args{ExpMonth})->type($types{ExpMonth}), SOAP::Data->name(ExpYear => $args{ExpYear})->type($types{ExpYear}), ); my @ccowner = ( SOAP::Data->name (CardOwner => \SOAP::Data->value ( SOAP::Data->name(Payer => $args{Payer})->type($types{Payer}), SOAP::Data->name(PayerName => \SOAP::Data->value ( @payername )), SOAP::Data->name(Address => \SOAP::Data->value( @payeraddr )), ) ) ); push( @ccard, @ccowner); push( @ccard, SOAP::Data->name(CVV2 => $args{CVV2})->type($types{CVV2})); #Assemble Payment Details my @paydetail = ( SOAP::Data->name(OrderTotal => $args{OrderTotal}) ->attr({currencyID=>$args{currencyID}})->type($types{currencyID}), SOAP::Data->name(ItemTotal => $args{ItemTotal}) ->attr({currencyID => $args{currencyID}})->type($types{currencyID}), SOAP::Data->name(TaxTotal => $args{TaxTotal}) ->attr({currencyID => $args{currencyID}})->type($types{currencyID}), SOAP::Data->name(ShippingTotal => $args{ShippingTotal}) ->attr({currencyID => $args{currencyID}})->type($types{currencyID}), SOAP::Data->name(ShipToAddress => \SOAP::Data->value( @shipaddr)), SOAP::Data->name(InvoiceID => $args{InvoiceID})->type($types{InvoiceID}), SOAP::Data->name(ButtonSource => $args{ButtonSource})->type($types{ButtonSource}) ); my @payreqdetail = ( SOAP::Data->name(PaymentAction => $args{PaymentAction})->type(''), SOAP::Data->name(PaymentDetails =>\SOAP::Data->value( @paydetail )), SOAP::Data->name(CreditCard => \SOAP::Data->value( @ccard)), SOAP::Data->name(IPAddress => $args{IPAddress})->type($types{IPAddress}), SOAP::Data->name(MerchantSessionId => $args{MerchantSessionId})->type($types{MerchantSessionId}), ); #Assemble request my @reqval = ( SOAP::Data->value($self->version_req), SOAP::Data->name( DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails => \SOAP::Data->value( @payreqdetail ))->attr({xmlns=>"urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"}), ); my $request = (SOAP::Data->name(DoDirectPaymentRequest => \SOAP::Data->value(@reqval)), ); my $som = $self->doCall( DoDirectPaymentReq => $request ) or return; my $path = '/Envelope/Body/DoDirectPaymentResponse'; my %response = (); unless( $self->getBasic($som, $path, \%response) ) { $self->getErrors($som, $path, \%response); return %response; } $self->getFields( $som, $path, \%response, { TransactionID => 'TransactionID', Amount => 'Amount', AVSCode => 'AVSCode', CVV2Code => 'CVV2Code', Timestamp => 'Timestamp', } ); return %response; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Business::PayPal::API::DirectPayments - PayPal DirectPayments API =head1 SYNOPSIS use Business::PayPal::API qw(DirectPayments); ## see Business::PayPal::API documentation for parameters my $pp = new Business::PayPal::API( Username => '', Password => 'somepass', CertFile => '/path/to/tester1.cert_key_pem.txt', KeyFile => '/path/to/tester1.cert_key_pem.txt', sandbox => 1, ); my %response = $pp->DoDirectPaymentRequest ( PaymentAction => 'Sale', OrderTotal => 13.59, TaxTotal => 0.0, ShippingTotal => 0.0, ItemTotal => 0.0, HandlingTotal => 0.0, InvoiceID => 'your-tracking-number', CreditCardType => 'Visa', CreditCardNumber => '4561435600988217', ExpMonth => '01', ExpYear => '2007', CVV2 => '123', FirstName => 'James', LastName => 'PuffDaddy', Street1 => '1st Street LaCausa', Street2 => '', CityName => 'La', StateOrProvince => 'Ca', PostalCode => '90210', Country => 'US', Payer => '', ShipToName => 'Jane Doe', ShipToStreet1 => '1234 S. Pleasant St.', ShipToStreet2 => 'Suite #992', ShipToCityName => 'Vacation Town', ShipToStateOrProvince => 'FL', ShipToCountry => 'US', ShipToPostalCode => '12345', CurrencyID => 'USD', IPAddress => '', MerchantSessionID => '10113301', ); =head1 DESCRIPTION B<Business::PayPal::API::DirectPayments> implements PayPal's B<DirectPayments> API using SOAP::Lite to make direct API calls to PayPal's SOAP API server. It also implements support for testing via PayPal's I<sandbox>. Please see L<Business::PayPal::API> for details on using the PayPal sandbox. =head2 DoDirectPaymentRequest Implements PayPal's B<DoDirectPaymentRequest> API call. Supported parameters include: PaymentAction ( Sale|Authorize, Sale is default ) OrderTotal TaxTotal ShippingTotal ItemTotal HandlingTotal InvoiceID CreditCardType CreditCardNumber ExpMonth ( two digits, leading zero ) ExpYear ( four digits, 20XX ) CVV2 FirstName LastName Street1 Street2 CityName StateOrProvince PostalCode Country Payer ShipToName ShipToStreet1 ShipToStreet2 ShipToCityName ShipToStateOrProvince ShipToCountry ShipToPostalCode CurrencyID (USD is default) IPAddress MerchantSessionID as described in the PayPal "Web Services API Reference" document. Returns a hash containing the results of the transaction. The B<Ack> element and TransactionID are the most useful return values. Example: my %resp = $pp->DoDirectPaymentRequest( PaymentAction => 'Sale', OrderTotal => '10.99', ... ); unless( $resp{Ack} !~ /Success/ ) { for my $error ( @{$response{Errors}} ) { warn "Error: " . $error->{LongMessage} . "\n"; } } =head2 ERROR HANDLING See the B<ERROR HANDLING> section of B<Business::PayPal::API> for information on handling errors. =head2 EXPORT None by default. =head1 SEE ALSO L<> =head1 AUTHOR Daniel Hembree E<lt>danny@dynamical.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006 by Daniel P. Hembree This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut