package Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite 0.67; use Business::PayPal::API (); our @ISA = qw(Business::PayPal::API); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( SetExpressCheckout GetExpressCheckoutDetails DoExpressCheckoutPayment ); ## if you specify an InvoiceID, PayPal seems to remember it and not ## allow you to bill twice with it. sub SetExpressCheckout { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my %types = ( Token => 'ebl:ExpressCheckoutTokenType', OrderTotal => 'cc:BasicAmountType', currencyID => '', MaxAmount => 'cc:BasicAmountType', OrderDescription => 'xs:string', Custom => 'xs:string', InvoiceID => 'xs:string', ReturnURL => 'xs:string', CancelURL => 'xs:string', Address => 'ebl:AddressType', ReqConfirmShipping => 'xs:string', NoShipping => 'xs:string', AddressOverride => 'xs:string', LocaleCode => 'xs:string', PageStyle => 'xs:string', 'cpp-header-image' => 'xs:string', 'cpp-header-border-color' => 'xs:string', 'cpp-header-back-color' => 'xs:string', 'cpp-payflow-color' => 'xs:string', PaymentAction => '', BuyerEmail => 'ebl:EmailAddressType' ); ## billing agreement details type my %badtypes = ( BillingType => '', #'ns:BillingCodeType', BillingAgreementDescription => 'xs:string', PaymentType => '', #'ns:MerchantPullPaymentCodeType', BillingAgreementCustom => 'xs:string', ); ## set some defaults $args{PaymentAction} ||= 'Sale'; $args{currencyID} ||= 'USD'; my $currencyID = delete $args{currencyID}; ## SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails my @secrd = ( SOAP::Data->name( OrderTotal => delete $args{OrderTotal} ) ->type( $types{OrderTotal} )->attr( { currencyID => $currencyID, xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), SOAP::Data->name( ReturnURL => delete $args{ReturnURL} ) ->type( $types{ReturnURL} ), SOAP::Data->name( CancelURL => delete $args{CancelURL} ) ->type( $types{CancelURL} ), ); ## add all the other fields for my $field ( keys %types ) { next unless defined $args{$field}; if ( $field eq 'MaxAmount' ) { push @secrd, SOAP::Data->name( $field => $args{$field} ) ->type( $types{$field} ) ->attr( { currencyID => $currencyID, xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ); } else { push @secrd, SOAP::Data->name( $field => $args{$field} ) ->type( $types{$field} ); } } my @btypes = (); for my $field ( keys %badtypes ) { next unless $args{$field}; push @btypes, SOAP::Data->name( $field => $args{$field} ) ->type( $badtypes{$field} ); } push @secrd, SOAP::Data->name( BillingAgreementDetails => \SOAP::Data->value( @btypes ) ) if $args{'BillingType'}; my $request = SOAP::Data->name( SetExpressCheckoutRequest => \SOAP::Data->value( $self->version_req, SOAP::Data->name( SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails => \SOAP::Data->value( @secrd ) )->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ) )->type( 'ns:SetExpressCheckoutRequestType' ); my $som = $self->doCall( SetExpressCheckoutReq => $request ) or return; my $path = '/Envelope/Body/SetExpressCheckoutResponse'; my %response = (); unless ( $self->getBasic( $som, $path, \%response ) ) { $self->getErrors( $som, $path, \%response ); return %response; } $self->getFields( $som, $path, \%response, { Token => 'Token' } ); return %response; } sub GetExpressCheckoutDetails { my $self = shift; my $token = shift; my $request = SOAP::Data->name( GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest => \SOAP::Data->value( $self->version_req, SOAP::Data->name( Token => $token )->type( 'xs:string' ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ) )->type( 'ns:GetExpressCheckoutRequestType' ); my $som = $self->doCall( GetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq => $request ) or return; my $path = '/Envelope/Body/GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse'; my %details = (); unless ( $self->getBasic( $som, $path, \%details ) ) { $self->getErrors( $som, $path, \%details ); return %details; } $self->getFields( $som, "$path/GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails", \%details, { Token => 'Token', Custom => 'Custom', InvoiceID => 'InvoiceID', ContactPhone => 'ContactPhone', Payer => 'PayerInfo/Payer', PayerID => 'PayerInfo/PayerID', PayerStatus => 'PayerInfo/PayerStatus', Salutation => 'PayerInfo/PayerName/Saluation', FirstName => 'PayerInfo/PayerName/FirstName', MiddleName => 'PayerInfo/PayerName/MiddleName', LastName => 'PayerInfo/PayerName/LastName', NameSuffix => 'PayerInfo/PayerName/Suffix', PayerBusiness => 'PayerInfo/PayerBusiness', AddressStatus => 'PayerInfo/Address/AddressStatus', Name => 'PayerInfo/Address/Name', Street1 => 'PayerInfo/Address/Street1', Street2 => 'PayerInfo/Address/Street2', CityName => 'PayerInfo/Address/CityName', StateOrProvince => 'PayerInfo/Address/StateOrProvince', PostalCode => 'PayerInfo/Address/PostalCode', Country => 'PayerInfo/Address/Country', PayerCountry => 'PayerInfo/PayerCountry', } ); return %details; } sub DoExpressCheckoutPayment { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my %types = ( Token => 'xs:string', PaymentAction => '', ## NOTA BENE! PayerID => 'ebl:UserIDType', currencyID => '', ReturnFMFDetails => 'xs:boolean', ); ## PaymentDetails my %pd_types = ( OrderTotal => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', OrderDescription => 'xs:string', ItemTotal => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', ShippingTotal => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', HandlingTotal => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', TaxTotal => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', Custom => 'xs:string', InvoiceID => 'xs:string', ButtonSource => 'xs:string', NotifyURL => 'xs:string', ); ## ShipToAddress my %st_types = ( ST_Name => 'xs:string', ST_Street1 => 'xs:string', ST_Street2 => 'xs:string', ST_CityName => 'xs:string', ST_StateOrProvince => 'xs:string', ST_Country => 'xs:string', ST_PostalCode => 'xs:string', ); ##PaymentDetailsItem my %pdi_types = ( PDI_Name => 'xs:string', PDI_Amount => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', PDI_Number => 'xs:string', PDI_Quantity => 'xs:string', PDI_Tax => 'ebl:BasicAmountType', ); $args{PaymentAction} ||= 'Sale'; $args{currencyID} ||= 'USD'; my @payment_details = (); ## push OrderTotal here and delete it (i.e., and all others that have special attrs) push @payment_details, SOAP::Data->name( OrderTotal => $args{OrderTotal} ) ->type( $pd_types{OrderTotal} )->attr( { currencyID => $args{currencyID}, xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ); ## don't process it again delete $pd_types{OrderTotal}; for my $field ( keys %pd_types ) { if ( $args{$field} ) { push @payment_details, SOAP::Data->name( $field => $args{$field} ) ->type( $pd_types{$field} ); } } ## ## ShipToAddress ## my @ship_types = (); for my $field ( keys %st_types ) { if ( $args{$field} ) { ( my $name = $field ) =~ s/^ST_//; push @ship_types, SOAP::Data->name( $name => $args{$field} ) ->type( $st_types{$field} ); } } if ( scalar @ship_types ) { push @payment_details, SOAP::Data->name( ShipToAddress => \SOAP::Data->value( @ship_types )->type( 'ebl:AddressType' ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ); } ## ## PaymentDetailsItem ## my @payment_details_item = (); for my $field ( keys %pdi_types ) { if ( $args{$field} ) { ( my $name = $field ) =~ s/^PDI_//; push @payment_details_item, SOAP::Data->name( $name => $args{$field} ) ->type( $pdi_types{$field} ); } } if ( scalar @payment_details_item ) { push @payment_details, SOAP::Data->name( PaymentDetailsItem => \SOAP::Data->value( @payment_details_item ) ->type( 'ebl:PaymentDetailsItemType' ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ); } ## ## ExpressCheckoutPaymentDetails ## my @express_details = ( SOAP::Data->name( Token => $args{Token} )->type( $types{Token} ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), SOAP::Data->name( PaymentAction => $args{PaymentAction} ) ->type( $types{PaymentAction} ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), SOAP::Data->name( PayerID => $args{PayerID} ) ->type( $types{PayerID} ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), SOAP::Data->name( PaymentDetails => \SOAP::Data->value( @payment_details ) ->type( 'ebl:PaymentDetailsType' ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ), SOAP::Data->name( ReturnFMFDetails => $args{ReturnFMFDetails} ) ->type( $types{ReturnFMFDetails} ) ->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ); ## ## the main request object ## my $request = SOAP::Data->name( DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest => \SOAP::Data->value( $self->version_req, SOAP::Data->name( DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetails => \SOAP::Data->value( @express_details ) ->type( 'ns:DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetailsType' ) )->attr( { xmlns => $self->C_xmlns_ebay } ), ) ); my $som = $self->doCall( DoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq => $request ) or return; my $path = '/Envelope/Body/DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponse'; my %response = (); unless ( $self->getBasic( $som, $path, \%response ) ) { $self->getErrors( $som, $path, \%response ); return %response; } $self->getFields( $som, "$path/DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseDetails", \%response, { Token => 'Token', BillingAgreementID => 'BillingAgreementID', TransactionID => 'PaymentInfo/TransactionID', TransactionType => 'PaymentInfo/TransactionType', PaymentType => 'PaymentInfo/PaymentType', PaymentDate => 'PaymentInfo/PaymentDate', GrossAmount => 'PaymentInfo/GrossAmount', FeeAmount => 'PaymentInfo/FeeAmount', SettleAmount => 'PaymentInfo/SettleAmount', TaxAmount => 'PaymentInfo/TaxAmount', ExchangeRate => 'PaymentInfo/ExchangeRate', PaymentStatus => 'PaymentInfo/PaymentStatus', PendingReason => 'PaymentInfo/PendingReason', AcceptFilters => 'FMFDetails/AcceptFilters', DenyFilters => 'FMFDetails/DenyFilters', PendingFilters => 'FMFDetails/PendingFilters', ReportsFilters => 'FMFDetails/ReportsFilters', ProtectionEligibility => 'PaymentInfo/ProtectionEligibility', } ); return %response; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout - PayPal Express Checkout API =head1 SYNOPSIS use Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout; ## see Business::PayPal::API documentation for parameters my $pp = new Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout ( ... ); my %resp = $pp->SetExpressCheckout ( OrderTotal => '55.43', ## defaults to USD ReturnURL => 'http://site.tld/return.html', CancelURL => 'http://site.tld/cancellation.html', ); ... time passes, buyer validates the token with PayPal ... my %details = $pp->GetExpressCheckoutDetails($resp{Token}); ## now ask PayPal to xfer the money my %payinfo = $pp->DoExpressCheckoutPayment( Token => $details{Token}, PaymentAction => 'Sale', PayerID => $details{PayerID}, OrderTotal => '55.43' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION B<Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout> implements PayPal's B<Express Checkout API> using SOAP::Lite to make direct API calls to PayPal's SOAP API server. It also implements support for testing via PayPal's I<sandbox>. Please see L<Business::PayPal::API> for details on using the PayPal sandbox. =head2 SetExpressCheckout Implements PayPal's "Website Payment Pro" B<SetExpressCheckout> API call. Supported parameters include: Token OrderTotal currencyID MaxAmount OrderDescription Custom InvoiceID ReturnURL CancelURL Address ReqConfirmShipping NoShipping AddressOverride LocaleCode PageStyle 'cpp-header-image' 'cpp-header-border-color' 'cpp-header-back-color' 'cpp-payflow-color' PaymentAction BuyerEmail BillingType BillingAgreementDescription PaymentType BillingAgreementCustom as described in the PayPal "Web Services API Reference" document. The default currency setting is 'USD' if not otherwise specified. Returns a hash containing a 'Token' key, whose value represents the PayPal transaction token. Required fields: OrderTotal, ReturnURL, CancelURL. my %resp = $pp->SetExpressCheckout(); my $token = $resp{Token}; Example (courtesy Ollie Ready): my $address = { Name => 'Some Customer', Street1 => '888 Test St.', Street2 => 'Suite 9', CityName => 'San Diego', StateOrProvince => 'CA', PostalCode => '92111', Country => 'US', Phone => '123-123-1234', }; my %response = $pp->SetExpressCheckout( OrderTotal => '11.01', ReturnURL => '<![CDATA[]]>', CancelURL => '', PaymentAction => 'Authorization', AddressOverride => 1, Address => $address, ); =head2 GetExpressCheckoutDetails Implements PayPal's WPP B<SetExpressCheckout> API call. Supported parameters include: Token as described in the PayPal "Web Services API Reference" document. This is the same token you received from B<SetExpressCheckout>. Returns a hash with the following keys: Token Custom InvoiceID ContactPhone Payer PayerID PayerStatus FirstName LastName PayerBusiness AddressStatus Name Street1 Street2 CityName StateOrProvince PostalCode Country Required fields: Token =head2 DoExpressCheckoutPayment Implements PayPal's WPP B<SetExpressCheckout> API call. Supported parameters include: Token PaymentAction (defaults to 'Sale' if not supplied) PayerID currencyID (defaults to 'USD' if not supplied) OrderTotal OrderDescription ItemTotal ShippingTotal HandlingTotal TaxTotal Custom InvoiceID ButtonSource NotifyURL ST_Name ST_Street1 ST_Street2 ST_CityName ST_StateOrProvince ST_Country ST_PostalCode PDI_Name PDI_Amount PDI_Number PDI_Quantity PDI_Tax as described in the PayPal "Web Services API Reference" document. Returns a hash with the following keys: Token TransactionID TransactionType PaymentType PaymentDate GrossAmount FeeAmount SettleAmount TaxAmount ExchangeRate PaymentStatus PendingReason BillingAgreementID (if BillingType 'MerchantInitiatedBilling' was specified during SetExpressCheckout) Required fields: Token, PayerID, OrderTotal =head2 ERROR HANDLING See the B<ERROR HANDLING> section of B<Business::PayPal::API> for information on handling errors. =head1 EXAMPLES Andy Spiegl <> has kindly donated some example code (in German) which may be found in the F<eg> directory of this archive. Additional code examples may be found in the F<t> test directory. =head2 EXPORT None by default. =head1 SEE ALSO L<SOAP::Lite>, L<Business::PayPal::API>, L<>, L<> =head1 AUTHOR Scott Wiersdorf, E<lt>scott@perlcode.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006 by Scott Wiersdorf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut