use Test::More; if( ! $ENV{WPP_TEST} || ! -f $ENV{WPP_TEST} ) { plan skip_all => 'No WPP_TEST env var set. Please see README to run tests'; } else { plan tests => 6; } use_ok( 'Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout' ); ######################### require 't/'; my %args = do_args(); ## we're passing more to new() than we normally would because we're ## using %args elsewhere below. See documentation for the correct ## arguments. my $pp = new Business::PayPal::API::ExpressCheckout( %args ); ## ## set checkout info ## #$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 1; my %response = $pp->SetExpressCheckout ( OrderTotal => '55.43', ReturnURL => '', CancelURL => '', Custom => "This field is custom. Isn't that great?", PaymentAction => 'Sale', BuyerEmail => $args{BuyerEmail}, ## from %args ); #$Business::PayPal::API::Debug = 0; my $token = $response{Token}; ok( $token, "Got token" ); die "No token from PayPal! Check your authentication information and try again." unless $token; my $pp_url = "$token"; print STDERR <<"_TOKEN_"; Now paste the following URL into your browser (you'll need to have another browser window already logged into the PayPal developer site): $pp_url Login to PayPal as the Buyer you specified in '$ENV{WPP_TEST}' and proceed to checkout (this authorizes the transaction represented by the token). When finished, PayPal will redirect you to a non-existent URL: http://localhost/return.html?token=$token&PayerID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX Notice the *PayerID* URL argument (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) on the redirect from PayPal. _TOKEN_ print STDERR "\nType or paste that PayerID here and hit Enter: \n"; my $payerid = ; chomp $payerid; die "Need a PayerID.\n" unless $payerid; ## ## get checkout details ## my %details = $pp->GetExpressCheckoutDetails($token); is( $details{Token}, $token, "details ok" ); #use Data::Dumper; #print STDERR Dumper \%details; $details{PayerID} = $payerid; my %payment = ( Token => $details{Token}, PaymentAction => 'Sale', PayerID => $details{PayerID}, OrderTotal => '55.43', ); ## ## do checkout ## my %payinfo = $pp->DoExpressCheckoutPayment(%payment); is( $payinfo{Ack}, 'Success', "successful payment" ); is( $payinfo{Token}, $token, "payment ok" ); is( $payinfo{GrossAmount}, 55.43, "amount correct" );