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No commits in common. "2beee595e25980c64684e622cb389422c7cd3e92" and "dd0ff8e2f44672249a79058aa398f1b207387726" have entirely different histories.

8 changed files with 5 additions and 359 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ auth.txt

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@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ Revision history for Perl module Business::PayPal::API
- Extract out more payer details from XML.
(PayerName, NameSuffix, PayerCountry).
- Fix
- Options fields of GetTransactionDetails are now returned as a hash,
containing the actual options data, rather than array of empty strings.
0.70 2012-11-13

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
use 5.008001;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
NAME => 'Business::PayPal::API',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Business/PayPal/',
PREREQ_PM => { SOAP::Lite => 0.67 },
($] >= 5.005 ?
(ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Business/PayPal/',
AUTHOR => 'Scott Wiersdorf <>') : ()),

View file

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of Business:PayPal:API Module. License: Same as Perl. See its README for details.
package Business::PayPal::API::GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails;
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite 0.67;
use Business::PayPal::API ();
our @ISA = qw(Business::PayPal::API);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails); ## fake exporter
sub GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my @trans =
SOAP::Data->name( ProfileID => $args{ProfileID} )->type( 'xs:string' ),
my $request = SOAP::Data->name
( GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsRequest => \SOAP::Data->value( @trans ) )
my $som = $self->doCall( GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsReq => $request )
or return;
my $path = '/Envelope/Body/GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponse';
my %response = ();
unless( $self->getBasic($som, $path, \%response) ) {
$self->getErrors($som, $path, \%response);
return %response;
$path .= '/GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseDetails';
$self->getFields($som, $path, \%response,
{ ProfileID => 'ProfileID',
ProfileStatus => 'ProfileStatus',
Description => 'Description',
AggregateAmount => 'AggregateAmount',
RegularAmountPaid => 'RegularAmountPaid',
FinalPaymentDueDate => 'FinalPaymentDueDate',
TrialAmountPaid => 'TrialAmountPaid',
AggregateOptionalAmount => 'AggregateOptionalAmount',
AutoBillOutstandingAmount => 'AutoBillOutstandingAmount',
MaxFailedPayments => 'MaxFailedPayments',
CountryName => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/CountryName',
CityName => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/CityName',
Street1 => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/Street1',
Street2 => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/Street2',
PostalCode => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/PostalCode',
AddressID => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/AddressID',
ExternalAddressID => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/ExternalAddressID',
AddressOwner => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/AddressOwner',
Phone => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/Phone',
AddressStatus => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/AddressStatus',
Name => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/Name',
StateOrProvince => 'SubscriberShippingAddress/StateOrProvince',
BillingStartDate => 'BillingStartDate',
SubscriberName => 'SubscriberName',
TaxAmount => 'CurrentRecurringPaymentsPeriod/TaxAmount',
Amount => 'CurrentRecurringPaymentsPeriod/Amount',
ShippingAmount => 'CurrentRecurringPaymentsPeriod/ShippingAmount',
TotalBillingCycles => 'CurrentRecurringPaymentsPeriod/TotalBillingCycles',
BillingPeriod => 'CurrentRecurringPaymentsPeriod/BillingPeriod',
# 'LastPaymentAmount' => '10.00',
# 'NextBillingDate' => '2014-01-17T10:00:00Z',
# 'NumberCyclesRemaining' => '-2',
# 'NumberCyclesCompleted' => '2',
# 'LastPaymentDate' => '2013-12-17T10:59:31Z',
# 'FailedPaymentCount' => '0',
# 'OutstandingBalance' => '0.00'
# }, 'RecurringPaymentsSummaryType' ),
# '{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}RecurringPaymentsSummary',
# bless( {
# 'TaxAmount' => '0.00',
# 'Amount' => '10.00',
# 'ShippingAmount' => '0.00',
# 'TotalBillingCycles' => '0',
# 'BillingFrequency' => '1',
# 'BillingPeriod' => 'Month'
# }, 'BillingPeriodDetailsType' ),
# '{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}RegularRecurringPaymentsPeriod',
return %response;
=head1 NAME
Business::PayPal::API::GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails - PayPal GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails API
use Business::PayPal::API::GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails;
my $pp = new Business::PayPal::API::GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ( ... );
## see Business::PayPal::API documentation for parameters
use Business::PayPal::API qw(GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails);
my $pp = new Business::PayPal::API( ... );
my %response = $pp->GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails( ProfileID => $profileID, );
B<Business::PayPal::API::GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails> implements PayPal's
B<GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails> API using SOAP::Lite to make direct API calls to
PayPal's SOAP API server. It also implements support for testing via
PayPal's I<sandbox>. Please see L<Business::PayPal::API> for details
on using the PayPal sandbox.
=head2 GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails
Implements PayPal's B<GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails> API call. Supported
parameters include:
as described in the PayPal "Web Services API Reference" document.
Returns a hash containing the transaction details, including these fields:
As described in the API document.
my %resp = $pp->GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails( ProfileID => $trans_id );
print "Payer: $resp{ProfileStatus}\n";
See the B<ERROR HANDLING> section of B<Business::PayPal::API> for
information on handling errors.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Bradley M. Kuhn E<lt>bkuhn@ebb.orgE<gt>
adapted from work by:
Scot Wiersdorf E<lt>scott@perlcode.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2006 by Scott Wiersdorf
Copyright (C) 2013 by Bradley M. Kuhn
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

View file

@ -127,43 +127,12 @@ sub GetTransactionDetails {
Number => 'Number',
Quantity => 'Quantity',
Amount => 'Amount',
Options => 'Options',
if ( scalar( @$paymentitems ) > 0 ) {
# Options data must be extracted differently. Specifically, the
# "interesting" parts of the Options data is not in the values inside
# the $som structure (which means $som->valueof(), which
# $self->getFieldsList() above calls underneath, won't extract the
# useful data, because the values are empty.
# The convoluted loop below finds any Options values and matches them
# up properly with the correct PaymentItem. Note that the loop is
# written this way to account for the fact that there may be multiple
# PaymentItems.
# Finally, I contemplated placing this loop below in getFieldsList()
# with a special-case for Options, but I am not sure it belongs
# there. Ultimately, I think this is unique to the
# GetTransactionsDetails call in the API, and thus it's more
# appropriately placed here.
my $ii = 0;
my @fulloptions;
foreach my $rec ( $som->dataof($path . '/PaymentItemInfo/PaymentItem' ) ) {
my %options;
foreach my $subrec ($rec->value()) {
foreach my $fieldrec ($$subrec->value()) {
$options{$fieldrec->attr()->{name}} = $fieldrec->attr()->{value}
if ($fieldrec->name() eq "Options");
$paymentitems->[$ii]{Options} = \%options;
push(@fulloptions, \%options);
# Now, we can save the payment items properly
$response{PaymentItems} = $paymentitems;
# And set the PII_Options properly too.
$response{PII_Options} = \@fulloptions;
return %response;
@ -291,7 +260,6 @@ records:
Number => '...',
Quantity => '...',
Amount => '...',
Options => { 'key' => 'value', ... },
{ SalesTax => ..., etc.
} ]
@ -304,9 +272,6 @@ Example:
for my $item ( @{ $resp{PaymentItems} } ) {
print "Name: " . $item->{Name} . "\n";
print "Amt: " . $item->{Amount} . "\n";
for my $optionname (keys %$item->{Options}) {
print "Option: $optionname is " . $item->{Options}{$optionname} . "\n";
@ -325,12 +290,10 @@ L<>
=head1 AUTHOR
Scot Wiersdorf E<lt>scott@perlcode.orgE<gt>
Bradley M. Kuhn E<lt>bkuhn@ebb.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2006 by Scott Wiersdorf
Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 by Bradley M. Kuhn
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or,

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ sub TransactionSearch {
Payer => 'ebl:EmailAddressType',
Receiver => 'ebl:EmailAddressType',
ReceiptID => 'xs:string',
ProfileID => 'xs:string',
TransactionID => 'xs:string',
InvoiceID => 'xs:string',
PayerName => 'xs:string',

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if ( !$ENV{WPP_TEST} || !-f $ENV{WPP_TEST} ) {
'No WPP_TEST env var set. Please see README to run tests';
else {
plan tests => 14;
plan tests => 6;
use_ok( 'Business::PayPal::API::TransactionSearch' );
@ -75,14 +75,10 @@ foreach my $record (@{$resp}) {
like($detail{PaymentItems}[0]{Name}, qr/Field\s+Options/i, 'Found field options test transaction');
like($detail{PII_Name}, qr/Field\s+Options/i, 'Found field options test transaction');
foreach my $options ($detail{PaymentItems}[0]{Options}, $detail{PII_Options}[0]) {
ok(scalar(keys %$options) == 2, "The PaymentItems Options has 2 elements");
ok(defined $options->{firstOption}, "'firstOption' is present");
ok($options->{firstOption} eq 'Yes', "'firstOption' is selected as 'Yes'");
ok(defined $options->{size}, "'size' option is present");
ok($options->{size} eq "Large", "'size' option is selected as 'Large'");
foreach my $options ($detail{PaymentItems}[0]{Options}, $detail{PII_Options}) {
ok((scalar(@$options) == 2 and $options->[0] eq '' and $options->[0] eq ''),
"PaymentItems's Options has 2 elements with empty strings");
# Local Variables:
# Mode: CPerl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil

View file

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
# -*- mode: cperl -*-
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Cwd;
use List::AllUtils;
use Test::More;
if ( !$ENV{WPP_TEST} || !-f $ENV{WPP_TEST} ) {
plan skip_all =>
'No WPP_TEST env var set. Please see README to run tests';
else {
plan tests => 5;
use_ok( 'Business::PayPal::API::TransactionSearch' );
require 't/';
my %args = do_args();
The following four tests shows the methodology to use TransactionSearch to
find transactions that are part of the same ProfileID. This method was
discovered by trial-and-error. Specifically, it's somewhat odd that
TransactionSearch is used with the parameter of 'ProfileID' with the value
set to a specific TransactionID to find the ProfileID via the "Created"
transaction. Then, in turn, that ProfileID can find the subscription payments
related to the original transaction.
This works, and seems to be correct, albeit odd.
open SUBSCRIPTION_PAY_HTML, '>', 'subscription-payment.html';
<form action="" method="post" target="_top">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="$args{SellerEmail}" />
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Monthly Payment" />
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick-subscriptions">
<input id="no_shipping" type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="t3" value="M" />
<input type="hidden" name="p3" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="src" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="srt" value="0" />
<input id="no_shipping" type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input id="amount" type="text" name="a3" size="5" minimum="10" value="10" />
<input type="image" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make test monthly payment now">
my $cwd = getcwd;
Please note the next series of tests will not succeeed unless there is at
least one transaction that is part of a subscription payments in your business
if you haven't made one yet, you can visit:
and use the sandbox buyer account to make the payment.
my $start_date = '1998-01-01T01:45:10.00Z';
my $ts = Business::PayPal::API::TransactionSearch->new( %args );
my $resp = $ts->TransactionSearch( StartDate => $start_date );
ok( scalar @{$resp} > 0, 'Some transactions found' );
my ( $profileID, %possible_txn_ids );
foreach my $record ( @{$resp} ) {
if ( $record->{Type} =~ /Recurring/ ) {
if ( $record->{Status} =~ /Completed/ ) {
$possible_txn_ids{ $record->{TransactionID} } = $record;
elsif ( $record->{Status} =~ /Created/ ) {
$profileID = $record->{TransactionID};
ok( defined $profileID,
'Subscription Payment Creation Record and ProfileID Found' );
ok( scalar keys %possible_txn_ids > 0,
'Subscription Payment Transactions Found'
my $date_search_res = $ts->TransactionSearch(
ProfileID => $profileID,
StartDate => $start_date,
# One of these will need to be in the possibleTransactionID list (i.e., we're
# assuming that at least one payment has occured in this repeating).
ok( List::AllUtils::any {
defined $possible_txn_ids{ $_->{TransactionID} }
'Found one payment transaction under the given Profile ID'