2020-11-18 20:57:38 +00:00
"""client.py - PayPal API client class"""
# Copyright © 2020 Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import collections
import datetime
import enum
import logging
import math
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import operator
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import urllib.parse as urlparse
import requests
import requests_oauthlib # type:ignore[import]
from oauthlib import oauth2 # type:ignore[import]
from typing import (
from .paypal_types import (
from .transaction import Transaction
FieldsType = TypeVar('FieldsType', bound='PayPalFields')
Params = Mapping[str, str]
class PayPalSite(enum.Enum):
SANDBOX = 'api-m.sandbox.paypal.com'
LIVE = 'api-m.paypal.com'
def url(self) -> str:
return f'https://{self.value}'
class PayPalFields(enum.Flag):
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"""Base class for PayPal fields specifiers
Multiple PayPal APIs accept a ``fields`` parameter to let the user specify
what details to return. This class lets code enumerate acceptable values
and combine them programmatically. The ``param_value`` method then helps
``PayPalAPIClient`` format the result when needed.
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def choices(cls) -> Iterator[str]:
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"""Iterate the names of all field values"""
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for flag in cls:
yield flag.name.lower()
def combine(cls: Type[FieldsType], fields: Optional[Sequence[FieldsType]]=None) -> FieldsType:
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"""Combine multiple field objects into one
This method just returns the result of ORing all of the fields in the
sequence together. If no argument is given or the sequence is empty,
return the combination of all fields.
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if fields:
fields_iter = iter(fields)
fields_iter = iter(cls)
retval = next(fields_iter)
for field in fields_iter:
retval |= field
return retval
def from_arg(cls: Type[FieldsType], arg: str) -> FieldsType:
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"""Return a field object from an argument name string"""
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return cls[arg.upper()]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"unknown {cls.__name__} {arg!r}") from None
def is_base_field(self) -> bool:
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"""Return true if this is a single field value, not a combination"""
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return not math.log2(self.value) % 1
def _base_value(self) -> str:
return self.name.lower()
def param_value(self) -> str:
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"""Return these fields formatted as a query string
The result is in the format PayPal's API expects for ``fields``
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return ','.join(
for flag in type(self)
if flag & self and flag.is_base_field()
class SubscriptionFields(PayPalFields):
PLAN = enum.auto()
class TransactionFields(PayPalFields):
TRANSACTION = enum.auto()
PAYER = enum.auto()
SHIPPING = enum.auto()
AUCTION = enum.auto()
CART = enum.auto()
INCENTIVE = enum.auto()
STORE = enum.auto()
def _base_value(self) -> str:
return f'{self.name.lower()}_info'
class PayPalSession(requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session):
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"""Low-level HTTP session for the PayPal API
This is a subclass of requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session that implements
PayPal's recommended authorization strategy: if an API request returns
HTTP Unauthorized, get an OAuth token and retry. This gracefully handles
refreshing expired tokens.
This class only handles the mechanics of handling an HTTP connection.
It doesn't know anything about the higher-level REST API. That's the job
of ``PayPalAPIClient``.
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TOKEN_PATH = '/v1/oauth2/token'
def __init__(self, client: oauth2.Client, client_secret: str) -> None:
self._client_secret = client_secret
def request(self, method: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response:
response = super().request(method, url, **kwargs)
if response.status_code == requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED:
token_url=urlparse.urljoin(url, self.TOKEN_PATH),
response = super().request(method, url, **kwargs)
return response
class PayPalAPIClient:
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"""Primary access point for the PayPal API
This is the primary class of the library. Most users will instantiate a
``PayPalAPIClient`` using one of the constructor classmethods, then call
methods to make API calls.
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def __init__(
session: requests.Session,
root_url: Union[str, PayPalSite]=PayPalSite.SANDBOX,
logger: Optional[logging.Logger]=None,
) -> None:
2020-11-19 17:00:14 +00:00
"""Low-level constructor
``PayPalAPIClient`` expects its underlying ``Session`` object to know
how to authorize itself to PayPal. Usually that means using an instance
of ``PayPalSession``. You can implement and provide your own subclass
of ``requests.Session`` to do this if you prefer.
``root_url`` is either a PayPalSite value, or a string with a full URL
to a PayPal API endpoint.
``logger`` is a ``logging.Logger`` object where all log messages (like
API errors) will be sent. If none is provided, this instance will get
its own, with a name based on the hostname in ``root_url``.
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self._session = session
if isinstance(root_url, str):
self._root_url = root_url
self._root_url = root_url.url()
if logger is None:
host_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(self._root_url).netloc.split('.')
logger_name = f'paypal_rest.PayPalAPIClient.{".".join(host_parts)}'
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
self.logger = logger
def from_client_secret(
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
root_url: Union[str, PayPalSite]=PayPalSite.SANDBOX,
logger: Optional[logging.Logger]=None,
) -> 'PayPalAPIClient':
2020-11-19 17:00:14 +00:00
"""High-level constructor from individual string arguments
Given ``client_id`` and ``client_secret`` strings, this method
constructs a ``PayPalSesssion`` from them, and then returns a
``PayPalAPIClient`` backed by it.
``root_url`` and ``logger`` arguments are passed directly to
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client = oauth2.BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id)
session = PayPalSession(client, client_secret)
return cls(session, root_url, logger)
def from_config(
config: Mapping[str, str],
default_url: Union[str, PayPalSite]=PayPalSite.SANDBOX,
logger: Optional[logging.Logger]=None,
) -> 'PayPalAPIClient':
2020-11-19 17:00:14 +00:00
"""High-level constructor from a configuration mapping
Given a mapping of strings (e.g., a configparser section object),
gets the arguments necessary to call ``from_client_secret``, and calls
If the mapping has a ``site`` key, the value will be used as the
``root_url``. Otherwise, ``root_url`` has the value of ``default_url``.
``logger`` is passed directly to ``PayPalAPIClient.__init__``.
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client_id = config['client_id']
client_secret = config['client_secret']
except KeyError as error:
raise ValueError(f"configuration missing {error.args[0]!r}") from None
root_url: Union[str, PayPalSite] = config['site']
except KeyError:
root_url = default_url
# In this case, we know root_url must be a str because we got
# it from the Mapping, but mypy doesn't track that.
root_url = PayPalSite[root_url.upper()] # type:ignore[union-attr]
except KeyError:
return cls.from_client_secret(client_id, client_secret, root_url, logger)
def _get_json(self, path: str, params: Optional[Params]=None) -> APIResponse:
url = urlparse.urljoin(self._root_url, path)
response = self._session.get(url, params=params)
except requests.HTTPError:
return response.json()
def _iter_pages(self, path: str, params: Params) -> Iterator[APIResponse]:
response: APIResponse = {'page': 0, 'total_pages': 1}
page_params = collections.ChainMap(params).new_child()
while response['page'] < response['total_pages']:
page_params['page'] = str(response['page'] + 1)
response = self._get_json(path, page_params)
yield response
def _log_error(self, error: APIResponse) -> None:
parts = [
'{name}: {message}'.format_map(error),
*('{issue} (in {location})'.format_map(detail)
for detail in error.get('details', ())),
self.logger.error(" — ".join(parts))
2020-11-19 20:38:13 +00:00
def _iter_date_params(
start_date: datetime.datetime,
end_date: datetime.datetime,
params: Optional[Params]=None,
) -> Iterator[Params]:
"""Generate parameters with date windows to cover a wider span
The PayPal transaction search API only allows the ``start_date`` and
``end_date`` to be a month apart. Given a user's desired date range and
other API parameters, this method generates parameters with different
date pairs to cover the entire date range.
Normally the method keeps incrementing ``start_date`` until the user's
desired ``end_date`` is reached. If the ``start_date`` if later than the
``end_date``, instead it works backwards: it uses the ``start_date``
argument as the first ``end_date`` parameter, and keeps decrementing it
until the ``start_date`` parameter reaches the other end of the range.
if start_date > end_date:
key1 = 'end_date'
key2 = 'start_date'
days_sign = operator.neg
pred = operator.gt
limit_func = max
key1 = 'start_date'
key2 = 'end_date'
days_sign = operator.pos
pred = operator.lt
limit_func = min
retval = collections.ChainMap(params or {}).new_child()
retval[key1] = start_date.isoformat(timespec='seconds')
next_date = start_date
date_diff = datetime.timedelta(days=days_sign(30))
while pred(next_date, end_date):
next_date = limit_func(next_date + date_diff, end_date)
retval[key2] = next_date.isoformat(timespec='seconds')
yield retval
retval[key1] = retval[key2]
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def get_subscription(
subscription_id: str,
fields: SubscriptionFields=SubscriptionFields.ALL,
) -> APIResponse:
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"""Fetch and return a subscription by its id"""
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return self._get_json(f'/v1/billing/subscriptions/{subscription_id}', {
'fields': fields.param_value(),
def get_transaction(
transaction_id: str,
end_date: Optional[datetime.datetime]=None,
start_date: Optional[datetime.datetime]=None,
fields: TransactionFields=TransactionFields.TRANSACTION,
2020-11-24 14:22:40 +00:00
) -> Transaction:
2020-11-19 17:00:14 +00:00
"""Find and return a transaction by its id
The PayPal API does not provide a way to look up transactions solely by
id. This is a convenience method that wraps the search method to search
different windows of time until it finds the desired transaction.
``start_date`` and ``end_date`` specify the full window of time to
search. This method starts by searching 30 days before ``end_date``,
then the previous 30 days, and so on until it reaches ``start_date``.
The default ``end_date`` is now, and the default ``start_date`` is
three years ago (the API only supports searches this far back).
``fields`` is a TransactionFields object that flags the information to
include in the returned Transaction.
2020-11-18 20:57:38 +00:00
now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
if end_date is None:
end_date = now
if start_date is None:
# The API only goes back three years
start_date = now - datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 3)
response: APIResponse = {'transaction_details': None}
2020-11-19 20:38:13 +00:00
for params in self._iter_date_params(end_date, start_date, {
2020-11-18 20:57:38 +00:00
'transaction_id': transaction_id,
'fields': fields.param_value(),
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response = self._get_json('/v1/reporting/transactions', params)
if response['transaction_details']:
return Transaction(response['transaction_details'][0])
raise ValueError(f"transaction {transaction_id!r} not found")
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def iter_transactions(
start_date: datetime.datetime,
end_date: datetime.datetime,
fields: TransactionFields=TransactionFields.TRANSACTION,
) -> Iterator[Transaction]:
2020-11-19 17:00:14 +00:00
"""Iterate transactions over a date range
``start_date`` and ``end_date`` represent the range to query.
``fields`` is a TransactionsFields object that flags the information to
include in returned Transactions.
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for params in self._iter_date_params(start_date, end_date, {
2020-11-18 20:57:38 +00:00
'fields': fields.param_value(),
2020-11-19 20:38:13 +00:00
for page in self._iter_pages('/v1/reporting/transactions', params):
for txn_source in page['transaction_details']:
yield Transaction(txn_source)