Links - [Project homepage]( - [Source code]( - [ohloh]( ## Technical - C# [.NET, Mono] - SQL [SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL] ## Preliminary evaluation - [Started in 2009]( ### Positive - i18n, l10n - Supports server-client deployments as well as standalone deployment. - [Actively developed]( - [35 contributors]( - [Well-commented source code]( - [Extensibility is core]( - Ledger-specific access control, three access levels. - using fixed point arithmetic: System.Decimal data type for all money related variables (changed from Double to Decimal in end of 2010: ### Negative - In BETA state, presently used by at least two organizations, one for accounting, one for contact management. - [Decreasing Y-O-Y commits](
2013-11-13 16:10:00 christiank joar: I have checked for the source of increased commits in January 2011: It is a mixture of a huge bug-fixing spree and the result of a merge-into-trunk of a Sideline Branch, which then still needed more development## [[UseCases/FundAccounting]] evaluation - Supports multiple ledgers
2013-11-13 16:09:36 robp quick reply re: fund accounting (and, to clarify, I'm not a "finance expert" but do have a good understanding of what the finance module in Petra - the percursor to OpenPetra - does) Tim points out we need to know from our finance users where Petra falls short of the requirements for fund accounting. Based on my rudimentary understanding of the term, I would think that much of what is needed for fund accounting can be achived with out Cost Centre structu 2013-11-13 16:09:36 robp re (eg. production of BS and I&E reports on a specific part of the CC structure)## [[UseCases/Collaborating]] evaluation - Possible to have a central application server with multiple ledgers, access control per ledger - Multiple users can work on the same or separate ledgers at the same time ## [[UseCases/GeneratingReports]] evaluation
2013-11-13 16:25:25 joar and then about generating reports:, ping robp 2013-11-13 16:26:36 TimIngham Open Petra generates a lot of different types of reports 2013-11-13 16:27:17 TimIngham At first it may be difficult to see which are the "standard" accounting ones, but I expect they're there. 2013-11-13 16:27:31 TimIngham And if they're not, it's certainly our intention to add them. 2013-11-13 16:28:22 christiank The Finance Module of (Open)Petra is very much written so that it is 'auditor-friendly' AND easy to use. 2013-11-13 16:28:48 christiank - even for not-trained book-keepers. 2013-11-13 16:29:23 christiank I mean users who aren't trained accountants, but learn accounting in the organisation on-the-job. 2013-11-13 16:31:57 christiank joar: Not sure if numbers are important, but a quick check revealed that there are at least 32 Reports in the Finance Module of OpenPetra. 2013-11-13 16:34:30 christiank joar: It has to be mentioned that OpenPetra is developed as a 'global solution' and hence some terms perhaps esp. in the Finance Module might deviate from US-specific terms. 2013-11-13 16:36:25 christiank A bookkeeper (read: bkuhn in your case) would need to have a close look at what functionatlity in the Finance Module of OpenPetra does what to find those potential differences.## Comments │15:48:14 christiank [\n] | In case you or bkuhn want to read up for yourself what OpenPetra will be │ | covering in its Finance Module when it is completed then you can have a │ | look at the Petra Finance User Guide │ | ( OpenPetra is based on Petra │ | in terms of functionality.