Links - [[!wikipedia GNU_Enterprise]] - Wikipedia - - Project homepage - - FSF's GNUe page, which redirects to. - - Source code and has been unreachable on 2013-10-22, 2013-10-23, 2013-10-24. It is reachable as of 2013-11-15. ## Technical ## Preliminary evaluation - GNUe-dev mailing list is not very active: - GNUe mailing list is not very active: - No GNUe announcements since 2009: - I can get the bazaar repo and then get all the GNUe packages by running `./bin/bzr-get-all`, each of the GNUe packages then have an `INSTALL` file in its subdirectory but I cannot find meta-installation instructions for GNUe anywhere on the web, nor in the main GNUe bazaar repository. I sent an email to Reinhard Mueller, this is his response:
Dear Joar Wandborg,

Am Freitag, 15. November 2013, 17:04:05 schrieb Joar Wandborg:
> I am assessing a wide variety of open source finance/erp/accounting software
> packages[0] for fitness as not-for-profit accounting software on behalf of
> Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc[1].

GNU Enterprise is not a Finance/ERP/Accounting software (yet). While the 
original project goal was to create exactly that, the maintainers at that time 
decided that as a first step, good development tools for database centered 
applications should be created. The focus of development then was strongly on 
these tools, and while they are to a certain extent usable to actually create 
database applications, further development in the project has come to a halt 
because most (all) developers shifted their energy to other projects.

I hope this helps!
