diff --git a/ExistingProjects.mdwn b/ExistingProjects.mdwn
index 55d0c16..85ed53e 100644
--- a/ExistingProjects.mdwn
+++ b/ExistingProjects.mdwn
@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ linked page.
* The linux client has not been a focus of the OpenPetra developers, and as of 2013-11-25 and the client setup found in it crashes intermittently for various reasons.
* [[ApacheOFBiz]]
* Contacted
- * Due to OFBiz's apparent lack of documentation, e.g. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBENDUSER/12.2.6+Reports, the evaluation has been discontinued.
+ * Due to OFBiz's apparent lack of documentation, e.g. , the evaluation has been discontinued.