- Take time to study(important to understand its design(Unified Business Model))
- Installation is not simple
- Need to read source code and need some experience.
2013-11-01 10:07:48 +00:00
### Comments
Yusei Tahara(an ERP5 developer): I'm sure ERP5 can be customized into an international NPO accounting program. ERP5 is very flexible, customizable, strong i18n/l10n support. However it takes time to understand how to use/develop. Let me know if there are any questions.
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: Not exist, it would be needed to implement "bank reconciliation transaction" document.
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: Exist(go to account module)
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: Exists.(go to accounting module and filter by document type)
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: Use trial balance report.
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: Use trial balance report.
implementing a security rule(note that security rule is configurable) based on project/group category with hierarchical structure. Since ERP5 accounting supports hierarchical structure to manage data, non-profit org can be parent and all fiscal sponsorship users can be children. This way, non-profit org can view everything and each fiscal sponsorship user can view only his data.
- Is a [[specific workflow dictated by the system|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-dictated]] ? No. Workflow is completely customizable and you can even remove it if it is not needed.
- Is a [[the workflow configurable|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-configurable]] ?Yes. Workflow is customizable through the web.
- [[Unaccrued Invoice|UseCases/WorkFlow#unaccrued-invioice]] ? No problem. For example, it is possible to create invoice transaction once invoice is accepted(once invoice workflow becomes a specific state). And purchase order is not mandatory for example. Everything is customizable.
There is so called [Inventory API](http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/erp5.git/blob/HEAD:/product/ERP5/Tool/SimulationTool.py?js=1#l1000) which you can know your inventory from various aspects. From ERP5 design point of view, warehouse inventory management and accounting is same.(container is warehouse or account, resource is currency or physical product, etc) Test code is [here](http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/erp5.git/blob/HEAD:/product/ERP5/tests/testInventoryAPI.py?js=1)
There is also a reporting system and file conversion system. For example you can create a report which can be exported as PDF, ODS or other famous file format.
- Is the [[license both determined as Free Software by FSF and OSI-approved|USeCases/CommunityHealth#license-approved]]? Yes (Mainly GPLv2 and some are Zope public license and maybe others)
- Is the [[license GPL-compatible||UseCases/CommunityHealth#gpl-compatible]]? Yes
[[active developers/companies contribute to the project||USeCases/CommunityHealth#dev-count]]? ERP5 is a company based free software(not community based). Nexedi is the developer company. And I think there are some companies which can support/use ERP5.
- Is there good [[developer documentation|UseCases/CommunityHealth#dev-docs]]? Not so much. Source code and test code is the best documents.
- How easy it to [[engage as a developer with the community|UseCases/CommunityHealth#dev-welcoming]]? Since ERP software is never implemented for personal use, all ERP developers do it as their job. If somebody want to engage as a developer, he/she need a real ERP project and requires a lot of experience.