* [ERPNext's strange would-be copyright assignment policy is problematic](https://github.com/webnotes/erpnext#copyright-for-contributors)
2013-12-02 13:49:56 +00:00
for various reasons; bkuhn has [raised the issue on the ERPNext Developers' Forum](https://groups.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=msg/erpnext-developer-forum/jfsURU8Ew9A/HVDX1z3vvkgJ#!msg/erpnext-developer-forum/jfsURU8Ew9A/HVDX1z3vvkgJ).
* [This issue has now been resolved](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/erpnext-developer-forum/jfsURU8Ew9A/Ejz_J_otzDQJ)
* The linux client has not been a focus of the OpenPetra developers, and as of 2013-11-25 with the setup described in <http://www.pokorra.de/2013/11/install-openpetra-on-linux/> it crashes intermittently for various reasons.
* As a user: Due to OFBiz's apparent lack of documentation, e.g. <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBENDUSER/12.2.6+Reports>, the evaluation has been discontinued.
2013-11-27 19:28:46 +00:00
* [[ExistingProjects/Kuali]]
* Contacted
2013-12-02 13:39:02 +00:00
* As a developer: Discontinued due to the opacity of the Kuali organization.
* [[ExistingProjects/Bookyt]]
* Contacted
* Replied to my inquiriy about help with evaluating Bookyt but has not contributed any evaluations so far.
* As a user: The project seems to be in an early state, if anyone would like to spin it up and try it you're welcome.
* [[ExistingProjects/ADempiere]]
* As a user: ADempiere is hard to get clear information about, the resources that are available are hard to navigate.
> GNU Enterprise is not a Finance/ERP/Accounting software (yet). While the original project goal was to create exactly that, the maintainers at that time decided that as a first step, good development tools for database centered applications should be created. The focus of development then was strongly on these tools, and while they are to a certain extent usable to actually create database applications, further development in the project has come to a halt because most (all) developers shifted their energy to other projects.
* Entirely in french, would need l10n, i18n and might not be suitable for US or international use. *Disclaimer: I cannot read french, these are assumptions.*