This makes it possible to support transactions that divide funds in ways other than a simple percentage split. For example, there might be tax withheld, or a flat fee expense on each transaction.
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647 B
template =
Accrued:Accounts Receivable {amount}
Income:Donations -{amount}
template =
Accrued:Accounts Receivable {amount}
Income:Donations -.5 * {amount}
Income:Sales -.5*{amount}
template =
;Tag: Value
;TransactionID: {txid}
Accrued:Accounts Receivable {amount}
;Entity: Supplier
Income:Donations:Specific -.955* {amount}
;Program: Specific
;Entity: {entity}
Income:Donations:General -.045 * {amount}
;Entity: {entity}
template =
Expenses:Taxes {tax}
Accrued:Accounts Receivable {amount} - {tax}
Income:RBI -.1*{amount}
Income:Donations -.9*{amount}