This gives template authors the ability to write entries that balance something other than the "main" amount.
296 lines
8.6 KiB
296 lines
8.6 KiB
import collections
import configparser
import contextlib
import datetime
import decimal
import io
import pathlib
import pytest
from import2ledger import errors
from import2ledger.hooks import ledger_entry
from . import DATA_DIR, normalize_whitespace
DATE = datetime.date(2015, 3, 14)
config = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes='#')
with pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'templates.ini').open() as conffile:
def template_from(section_name, *args, **kwargs):
return ledger_entry.Template(config[section_name]['template'], *args, **kwargs)
def template_vars(payee, amount, currency='USD', date=DATE, other_vars=None):
call_vars = {
'amount': decimal.Decimal(amount),
'currency': currency,
'date': date,
'payee': payee,
'ledger template': 'template',
if other_vars is None:
return call_vars
return collections.ChainMap(call_vars, other_vars)
def render_lines(render_vars, section_name, *args, **kwargs):
tmpl = template_from(section_name, *args, **kwargs)
rendered = tmpl.render(render_vars)
return [normalize_whitespace(s) for s in rendered.splitlines()]
def assert_easy_render(tmpl, entity, amount, currency, expect_date, expect_amt):
rendered = tmpl.render(template_vars(entity, amount, currency))
lines = [normalize_whitespace(s) for s in rendered.splitlines()]
assert lines == [
"{} {}".format(expect_date, entity),
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable " + expect_amt,
" Income:Donations " + expect_amt.replace(amount, "-" + amount),
assert not tmpl.is_empty()
def test_easy_template():
tmpl = template_from('Simplest')
assert_easy_render(tmpl, 'JJ', '5.99', 'CAD', '2015/03/14', '5.99 CAD')
def test_date_formatting():
tmpl = template_from('Simplest', date_fmt='%Y-%m-%d')
assert_easy_render(tmpl, 'KK', '6.99', 'CAD', '2015-03-14', '6.99 CAD')
def test_currency_formatting():
tmpl = template_from('Simplest', signed_currencies=['USD'])
assert_easy_render(tmpl, 'CC', '7.99', 'USD', '2015/03/14', '$7.99')
def test_empty_template():
tmpl = ledger_entry.Template("\n \n")
assert tmpl.render(template_vars('BB', '8.99')) == ''
assert tmpl.is_empty()
def test_complex_template():
render_vars = template_vars('TT', '125.50', other_vars={
'entity': 'T-T',
'program': 'Spectrum Defense',
'txid': 'ABCDEF',
lines = render_lines(
render_vars, 'Complex',
assert lines == [
"2015-03-14 TT",
" ;Tag: Value",
" ;TransactionID: ABCDEF",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable $125.50",
" ;Entity: Supplier",
" Income:Donations:Spectrum Defense $-119.85",
" ;Program: Spectrum Defense",
" ;Entity: T-T",
" Income:Donations:General $-5.65",
" ;Entity: T-T",
def test_balancing():
lines = render_lines(template_vars('FF', '1.01'), 'FiftyFifty')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 FF",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable 1.01 USD",
" Income:Donations -0.50 USD",
" Income:Sales -0.51 USD",
def test_multivalue():
render_vars = template_vars('DD', '150.00', other_vars={
'tax': decimal.Decimal('12.50'),
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Multivalue')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 DD",
" Expenses:Taxes 12.50 USD",
" ;TaxAuthority: IRS",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable 137.50 USD",
" Income:RBI -15.00 USD",
" Income:Donations -135.00 USD",
def test_zeroed_account_skipped():
render_vars = template_vars('GG', '110.00', other_vars={
'tax': decimal.Decimal(0),
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Multivalue')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 GG",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable 110.00 USD",
" Income:RBI -11.00 USD",
" Income:Donations -99.00 USD",
def test_zeroed_account_last():
render_vars = template_vars('JJ', '90.00', other_vars={
'item_sales': decimal.Decimal(0),
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Multisplit')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 JJ",
" Assets:Cash 90.00 USD",
" Income:Sales -90.00 USD",
" ; :NonItem:",
def test_multiple_postings_same_account():
render_vars = template_vars('LL', '80.00', other_vars={
'item_sales': decimal.Decimal(30),
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Multisplit')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 LL",
" Assets:Cash 80.00 USD",
" Income:Sales -50.00 USD",
" ; :NonItem:",
" Income:Sales -30.00 USD",
" ; :Item:",
def test_custom_payee_line():
render_vars = template_vars('ZZ', '10.00', other_vars={
'custom_date': datetime.date(2014, 2, 13),
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Custom Payee')
assert lines == [
"2014/02/13 ZZ - Custom",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable 10.00 USD",
" Income:Donations -10.00 USD",
def test_line1_not_custom_payee():
render_vars = template_vars('VV', '15.00', other_vars={
'custom_date': datetime.date(2014, 2, 12),
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Simplest')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 VV",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable 15.00 USD",
" Income:Donations -15.00 USD",
@pytest.mark.parametrize('amount,expect_fee', [
(40, 3),
(80, 6),
def test_conditional(amount, expect_fee):
expect_cash = amount - expect_fee
amount_s = '{:.02f}'.format(amount)
render_vars = template_vars('Buyer', amount_s)
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'Conditional')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 Buyer",
" Assets:Cash {:.02f} USD".format(expect_cash),
" Expenses:Banking Fees {:.02f} USD".format(expect_fee),
" Income:Sales -{} USD".format(amount_s),
def test_string_conditionals():
render_vars = template_vars('MM', '6', other_vars={
'false': '',
'true': 'true',
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'StringConditional')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 MM",
" Income:Sales -1.00 USD",
" Income:Sales -2.00 USD",
" Income:Sales -3.00 USD",
" Assets:Cash 6.00 USD",
def test_self_balanced():
# The amount needs to be different than what's in the template.
render_vars = template_vars('NN', '0')
lines = render_lines(render_vars, 'SelfBalanced')
assert lines == [
"2015/03/14 NN",
" Income:Sales -5.00 USD",
" Assets:Cash 5.00 USD",
@pytest.mark.parametrize('amount_expr', [
def test_bad_amount_expression(amount_expr):
with pytest.raises(errors.UserInputError):
ledger_entry.Template(" Income " + amount_expr)
class Config:
def __init__(self, use_section):
self.section_name = use_section
self.stdout = io.StringIO()
def open_output_file(self):
yield self.stdout
def get_section(self, name=None):
return config[self.section_name]
def run_hook(entry_data, config_section):
hook_config = Config(config_section)
hook = ledger_entry.LedgerEntryHook(hook_config)
assert hook.run(entry_data) is None
stdout = hook_config.stdout.getvalue()
return normalize_whitespace(stdout).splitlines()
def test_hook_renders_template():
entry_data = template_vars('BB', '0.99')
lines = run_hook(entry_data, 'Simplest')
assert lines == [
"2015-03-14 BB",
" Accrued:Accounts Receivable $0.99",
" Income:Donations -$0.99",
def test_hook_handles_empty_template():
entry_data = template_vars('CC', 1)
assert not run_hook(entry_data, 'Empty')
def test_hook_handles_template_undefined():
entry_data = template_vars('DD', 1)
assert not run_hook(entry_data, 'Nonexistent')
def test_string_value_is_user_error():
entry_data = template_vars('EE', 1)
with pytest.raises(errors.UserInputConfigurationError):
run_hook(entry_data, 'NondecimalWord')
def test_string_variable_is_user_error():
entry_data = template_vars('FF', 1)
with pytest.raises(errors.UserInputConfigurationError):
run_hook(entry_data, 'NondecimalVariable')