36 lines
1.6 KiB
36 lines
1.6 KiB
<div class='modal skinny' id='newNonprofitModal'>
<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'Register Your Organization' %>
<div class='modal-body'>
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' (create_admin_and_nonprofit form_object) -->
<input type='text' name='name' placeholder='Organization name' required parsley-trigger='change'>
<!--= show_if is_onboarding_with_trial -->
<!--= set_attr_if is_onboarding_with_trial 'name' 'tier' -->
<!--= set_attr_if is_onboarding_with_trial 'required' '' -->
<option value='' selected>Organization Budget</option>
<option value='1'>less than $250K</option>
<option value='2'>$250K ~ $5M</option>
<option value='3'>$5M+</option>
<input type='text' name='city' placeholder='City' required parsley-trigger='change' class='input--half'>
<input type='hidden' name='referrer' value="<%= params[:referrer] %>">
<select name='state_code' class='input--half u-floatR' required>
<option value='' selected>State</option>
<% us_states.each do |state| %>
<option value='<%= state[1] %>'><%= state[1] %></option>
<% end %>
<input type='text' name='website' parsley-trigger='change' placeholder='Nonprofit website'>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Create', scope: 'new_nonprofit' %>
<p class='finePrint u-marginTop--20 u-marginBottom--0 u-centered'>By clicking Create, you agree to our <%= link_to "terms of service & privacy policy", (root_url + "help/terms-of-service-and-privacy-policy"), target: :blank %></p>