The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
95 lines
3.9 KiB
95 lines
3.9 KiB
<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<div class='modal' id='newRecurringDonationModal'>
<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'New Subscriber' %>
<div class='wizard-steps'>
<!--= wizard.init 'rd_wizard' -->
<%= render 'components/wizard/step_index', wizard_name: 'rd_wizard' %>
<div class='modal-body'>
<div class='wizard-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'rd_wizard' 'Amount' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' rd_wizard.set_donation -->
<p class='tip u-marginBottom--20'>Enter the amount and frequency of the recurring donation.</p>
<div class='fieldsLayout--three'>
<div class='field prepend--dollar'>
<input name='dollars' parsley-type='number' type='text' parsley-min='0' required parsley-trigger='change'>
<div class='field u-centered'>
<span>Every </span><input class='input--50' required name='recurring_donation.interval' type='text' parsley-type='number' value='1'>
<div class='field'>
<select name='recurring_donation.time_unit'>
<option value='month'>Month(s)</option>
<option value='year'>Year(s)</option>
<option value='week'>Week(s)</option>
<div class='field'>
<label>Designation (optional)</label>
<textarea name='designation'></textarea>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', loading_text: 'Saving...', scope: 'rd_wizard' %>
<div class='wizard-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'rd_wizard' 'Dates' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' rd_wizard.set_donation -->
<div class='field u-marginBottom--10'>
<label>When should we activate this recurring donation?</label>
<p><small>This recurring donation will start running after this date. Default is today/immediately.</small></p>
<input name='recurring_donation.start_date' type='text' required class='input--150'>
<div class='field'>
<label>When should the recurring donation end (optional)?</label>
<p><small>Leave this blank to have it go indefinitely. It can always be deactivated at any time.</small></p>
<input name='recurring_donation.end_date' type='text' class='input--150'>
<div class='field'>
<!--= show_if (all (eq rd_wizard.donation.recurring_donation.time_unit 'month') (eq rd_wizard.donation.recurring_donation.interval 1)) -->
<label>Fixed paydate (optional)</label>
<p><small>You can pick a day of the month between 1-28 that fixes the day when this recurring donation gets paid</small></p>
<input type='number' max=28 min=1 name='recurring_donation.paydate' class='input--150'>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', loading_text: 'Saving...', scope: 'rd_wizard' %>
<div class='wizard-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'rd_wizard' 'Info' -->
<form parsley-validate class='supporterForm u-centered'>
<!--= on 'submit' (rd_wizard.save_supporter form_object) -->
<p class='tip'>Enter the donor info. The donor email is the only required field.</p>
<%= render 'supporters/fields', required: {email: true}, profile: nil %>
<p class='error'><!--= put rd_wizard.error --></p>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', loading_text: 'Saving...', scope: 'rd_wizard' %>
<div class='wizard-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'rd_wizard' 'Payment' -->
<p class='tip'>Enter the donor's credit card to use for this recurring donation</p>
<form class='cardForm u-centered'>
<!--= on 'submit' (rd_wizard.send_payment form_object) -->
<%= render 'cards/fields' %>
<%= render 'cards/form_footer' %>