The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
108 lines
3.9 KiB
108 lines
3.9 KiB
<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<!-- partial campaigns/new-modal -->
<!-- include 'campaigns/new/index' -->
<div class='modal' id='newCampaign'>
<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'New Campaign' %>
<div class='wizard-steps' style='display:none;'>
<!--= wizard.init 'new_campaign_wiz' -->
<%= render 'components/wizard/step_index', wizard_name: 'new_campaign_wiz' %>
<div class='modal-body' style='display: table;'>
<div class='wizard-step name-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'new_campaign_wiz' 'Name' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' (advance_campaign_name_step form_object) -->
<input type='hidden' name='campaign[profile_id]' value='<%= current_user.profile.id %>'>
<label>Campaign Name</label>
<input type='text' name='campaign[name]' required parsley-trigger='change'>
<label>Short Tagline</label>
<input type='text' name='campaign[tagline]' required parsley-trigger='change'>
<label>Short Description <small>(used for sharing on social media)</small></label>
<textarea name='campaign[summary]' required parsley-maxlength='300' parsley-trigger='change'></textarea>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', scope: 'new_campaign_wiz', branded: true %>
<div class='wizard-step amount-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'new_campaign_wiz' 'Goals' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' (def 'new_campaign' form_object) (wizard.advance 'new_campaign_wiz') -->
<div class='u-margin--auto'>
<fieldset class='group u-marginBottom--0'>
<label class='u-paddingTop--5'>Goal Amount</label>
<div class='prepend--dollar'>
<input class='input--100 u-marginBottom--5' value='1000' type='number' name='campaign[goal_amount_dollars]' required min='1'>
<fieldset class='group'>
<label class='u-paddingTop--5'>End Date & Time</label>
<div pikaday-timepicker='MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a'>
<input class='u-width--200 u-bold u-inlineBlock' type='text' name='campaign[end_datetime]' required parsley-trigger='change' placeholder='MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM'>
<a class='button edit u-inlineBlock'>Set</a>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', scope: 'new_campaign_wiz', branded: true %>
<div class='wizard-step media-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'new_campaign_wiz' 'Media' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' create_campaign -->
<p class='u-color--red'>
<!--= show_if (length image_upload.error) -->
<small><!--= put image_upload.error --></small>
<div class='col-left-8'>
<label>Image <small>(recommended width: 500px)</small></label>
<p>This image appears below the campaign's header as well as on the campaign's preview card. You'll have a chance to upload an additional header image once you've created your campaign.</p>
<div class='image-upload u-margin--0 u-floatR' if-branded='border-color, light'>
<span><i class='fa fa-image'></i> Upload</span>
<input type='file' name='campaign[main_image]' parsley-trigger='change'>
<p>If you have a video, it can greatly boost your success. Copy and paste the URL from Vimeo or Youtube.</p>
<input type='text' class='u-marginBottom--10' name='campaign[video_url]' placeholder='Youtube or Vimeo URL' />
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Preview Campaign!', scope: 'new_campaign_wiz', branded: true %>
<!-- end partial campaigns/new-modal -->