The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
122 lines
4.1 KiB
122 lines
4.1 KiB
<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<% content_for :head do %>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
<% end %>
<% content_for :stylesheets do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'campaigns/peer_to_peer/page' %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :javascripts do %>
<% if @npo %>
appl.def('selected_result', {name: '<%= @npo.name.html_safe %>', id: <%= @npo.id %>})
app.nonprofit_id = <%= @npo.id %>
<% end %>
<% if current_user %>
appl.def('is_logged_in', true)
appl.def('is_confirmed', <%= !current_user.confirmed_at.nil? %>)
appl.def('user', {
name: '<%= current_user.profile.name %>',
id: <%= current_user.id %>
<% end %>
<%= IncludeAsset.js '/client/js/campaigns/peer_to_peer/page.js' %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'layouts/top_nav' %>
<header class='u-paddingX--15 container'>
<h1>Start a campaign</h1>
<h4>Start raising funds for your favorite nonprofit in less than 10 minutes.</h4>
<div class='container u-paddingRight--10'>
<td class='u-padding--15'>
<i class='icon icon-bicycle u-fontSize--50'></i>
<h5 class='u-paddingLeft--20'>Below is a roadmap to get you started on your campaign</h5>
<ul class='u-paddingLeft--10 timeline--checklist'>
<!--= set_attr_if selected_result 'class' 'is-complete' -->
<span class='annot'>10 seconds</span>
<p class='strong u-marginBottom--15'>Search for a nonprofit that you want to fundraise for</p>
<div class='u-paddingLeft--20 u-maxWidth--500'>
<%= render 'search_for_npo' %>
<!--= set_attr_if is_logged_in 'class' 'is-complete' -->
<span class='annot'>1 minute</span>
<p class='strong u-marginBottom--15'>Sign Up or Login</p>
<div class='u-paddingLeft--20 u-maxWidth--500'>
<!--= hide_if is_logged_in -->
<%= render 'components/forms/sign_up_or_login_tabs' %>
<p class='pastelBox--green u-padding--5'>
<!--= show_if is_logged_in -->
<strong><!--= put user.name --></strong>, you're logged in.
<!--= set_attr_if is_confirmed 'class' 'is-complete' -->
<span class='annot'>1 minute</span>
<p class='strong u-marginBottom--15'>Confirm your account</p>
<div class='u-paddingLeft--20 u-maxWidth--500'>
<!--= hide_if is_confirmed -->
Simply click the confirmation link in the email we sent you when you created your <%= Settings.general.name %> account.
<p class='pastelBox--green u-padding--5'>
<!--= show_if is_confirmed -->
<strong><!--= put user.name --></strong>, you're confirmed.
<p class='strong u-marginBottom--15'>Start your campaign</p>
<span class='annot'>5 minutes</span>
<div class='u-paddingLeft--20 u-maxWidth--500'>
<p>Use our simple wizard to create your campaign for
<!--= show_if selected_result -->
<!--= put selected_result.name -->.
<!--= hide_if selected_result -->
your favorite nonprofit.
<p><small>If you need any further help setting up your campaign, check out <a target='_blank' href='/help/peer-to-peer-campaigns-essentials-package-feature'>this handy article</a>.</small></p>
<div class='u-centered u-padding--15'>
<button class='button orange'>
<!--= show_if (all is_logged_in is_confirmed selected_result) -->
<!--= on 'click' (open_modal 'newCampaign') -->
Start Campaign
<% if current_user %>
<%= render 'campaigns/new_modal' %>
<% end %>