Kasia Jarmołkowicz b99f7959ce Add CampaignTemplate
Read S3 bucket name and AWS region from env

Add /postgres-data to .gitignore

Custom campaign layout

Adjust custom layout

wip fix wizard init on campaign page

wip adjust design

adjust campaigner profile section

wider banner, fix button colours

Fix custom layout

Add custom_layout to nonprofit and render, if exists

Fallback profile picture

2018-11-21 11:00:44 -06:00

169 lines
6.2 KiB

<%= content_for(:title_prefix) { "#{@campaign.name} - #{@campaign.nonprofit.name} | ".html_safe } %>
<% content_for(:fixed_position_cta_hidden) {'hidden'} %>
<%= content_for(:meta_description) {raw @campaign.summary} %>
<% @brand_color = @nonprofit.brand_color ? @nonprofit.brand_color : nil %>
<%= content_for :javascripts do %>
app.campaign_id = <%= @campaign.id %>
app.campaign = <%= raw(@campaign.to_json) %>
app.header_image_url = '<%= @campaign_background_image %>'
app.campaign_end_datetime = '<%= @campaign.end_datetime %>'
app.timezone = '<%= @timezone %>'
app.end_date_time = app.campaign_end_datetime
app.hide_activities = <%= @campaign.hide_activity_feed %>
app.days_remaining = '<%= @campaign.days_left %>'
app.recurring_fund = <%= @campaign.recurring_fund? %>
app.vimeo_id = "<%= @campaign.vimeo_video_id ? @campaign.vimeo_video_id : '' %>"
app.current_campaign_editor = <%= current_campaign_editor? %>
appl.def('has_video', <%= @campaign.video_url.present? %>)
appl.def('campaign_is_deleted', <%= @campaign.deleted || false %>)
appl.def('has_main_image', <%= @campaign.main_image.file.present? %>)
<%= render 'schema', campaign: @campaign, url: @url %>
<%= render 'common/froala' if current_campaign_editor? %>
<%= IncludeAsset.js '/client/js/campaigns/show/page.js' %>
<% end %>
<%= content_for :stylesheets do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'campaigns/show/page' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'campaigns/edit/page' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'campaigns/custom_layout/safety_around_water' %>
.ios-force-absolute-positioning {
position: absolute !important;
<% end %>
<% content_for :head do %>
<link rel="canonical" href='<%= @url %>' />
<% end %>
<%= content_for :facebook_tags do %>
<meta property="og:title" content="<%= raw @campaign.name %>">
<meta property="og:description" content="<%= @campaign.summary.present? ? raw(@campaign.summary) : raw(@campaign.name) %>">
<meta property="og:image" content="<%= @campaign.main_image_url(:normal) %>">
<% end %>
<%= content_for :twitter_tags do %>
<meta property="twitter:title" content="<%= raw @campaign.name %>">
<meta property="twitter:description" content="<%= raw @campaign.summary %>">
<meta property="twitter:image" content="<%= @campaign.main_image_url(:normal) %>">
<% end %>
<% if current_campaign_editor? %>
<%= render 'admin_top_nav' %>
<% end %>
<%= render '/components/trial_bar' if QueryBillingSubscriptions.currently_in_trial?(@nonprofit.id) %>
<% hide_title = @campaign.hide_title && @campaign_background_image ? true : false %>
<% css_style = current_campaign_editor? ? "style='margin-top: 0'" : '' %>
<div class='ymca-banner'></div>
<main class="custom-campaign-layout" id="safety-around-water">
<%= render 'components/fundraising_pages/header',
image_url: @campaign_background_image,
is_editor: current_campaign_editor?,
hide_title: @campaign.hide_title && @campaign_background_image,
header_content_partial: 'header_content' %>
<%= render 'components/preview_mode_notification' %>
<div class="container <%= @brand_color ? 'is-branded' : '' %>" data-id='<%= @campaign.id %>'>
<section class='box'>
<%= render 'campaign_media' %>
<section class='box-r'>
<% if current_campaign_editor? %>
<!-- Campaign editor gift option management modal -->
<button class='button edit u-width--full u-marginBottom--15'>
<!--= on 'click' (open_modal 'manageGiftOptionsModal') -->
<i class='fa fa-gift'></i> Manage Gift Options
<% end %>
<!-- flimflam gift options javascript gets rendered into this div: -->
<div class='ff-sidebar'></div>
<aside class='u-marginTop--15 pastelBox--grey'>
<header>Promote This Campaign</header>
<div class='pastelBox-body'>
<%= render 'common/social_buttons' %>
<section class='box'>
<section class="campaigner-profile">
<div class="avatar">
<img src=<%= @campaign.profile.get_profile_picture %> />
<p><%= @campaign.profile.name %></p>
<p><%= @campaign.profile.city %></p>
<section class='u-marginTop--15 u-marginBottom--15 pastelBox--grey'>
<header>I am supporting the Y because…</header>
<div class='pastelBox-body'>
(customizable reason)
<% unless current_campaign_editor? %>
<a class='button u-width--full' target='_blank' if-branded='background-color, dark' href='/peer-to-peer?campaign_id=<%= @campaign.id %>'>
Start Your Own Campaign for <%= @nonprofit.name %>
<% end %>
<section class='box'>
<h1><%= @campaign.name %></h1>
<div id='js-campaignBody' class='editable' data-path='/nonprofits/<%= @nonprofit.id %>/campaigns/<%= @campaign.id %>.json' data-key='campaign[body]'>
<%= raw @campaign.body %>
<% unless @campaign.hide_activity_feed %>
<div class='u-marginTop--15 showWhenMobile'>
<%= render 'components/activity_feed' %>
<% end %>
<% if current_campaign_editor? %>
<%= render 'settings_modal' %>
<%= render 'video_modal' %>
<%= render 'donations/campaign_new_offline_modal' %>
<%= render 'campaign_gift_options/manage_modal'%>
<%= render 'campaign_gift_options/form_modal'%>
<%= render 'components/upload_background_image',
end_point: "/nonprofits/#{@nonprofit.id}/campaigns/#{@campaign.id}",
image_url: @campaign_background_image,
input_name: 'campaign[background_image]' %>
<%= render 'components/custom_receipt_modal',
title: 'Campaign Receipt Message',
type: 'campaign',
path: nonprofit_campaign_path(@nonprofit, @campaign),
key: 'campaign[receipt_message]',
text: @campaign.receipt_message %>
<%= render 'components/duplicate_fundraiser_modal', type: 'campaign' %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'components/share_modal', name: @campaign.name, type: 'campaign' %>
<%= render 'common/email_share_modal', fundraiser: @campaign.name, fundraiser_url: @url %>