The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
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# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
module MergeSupporters
# Given some supporter ids, merge them together into a new supporter
def self.selected(merged_data, supporter_ids)
new_supporter = Psql.execute(Qexpr.new.insert(:supporters, merged_data).returning('*')).first
# Update merged supporters as deleted
Psql.execute(Qexpr.new.update(:supporters, {deleted: true}).where("id IN ($ids)", ids: supporter_ids))
# Update all associated tables
self.update_associations(supporter_ids, new_supporter['id'])
return {json: new_supporter, status: :ok}
# For supporters that have been merged, we want to update all their child tables to the new supporter_id
def self.update_associations(old_supporter_ids, new_supporter_id)
# The new supporter needs to have the following tables from the merged supporters:
associations = [:activities, :donations, :recurring_donations, :offsite_payments, :payments, :tickets, :custom_field_joins, :tag_joins, :supporter_notes, :supporter_emails, :full_contact_infos]
associations.each do |table_name|
Qx.update(table_name).set(supporter_id: new_supporter_id).where("supporter_id IN ($ids)", ids: old_supporter_ids).timestamps.execute
# Update all deleted/merged supporters to record when and where they got merged
Psql.execute(Qexpr.new.update(:supporters, {merged_at: Time.current, merged_into: new_supporter_id}).where("id IN ($ids)", ids: old_supporter_ids))
# Removing any duplicate custom fields
# Merge supporters for a nonprofit based on an array of groups of ids, generated from QuerySupporters.dupes_on_email or dupes_on_names
def self.merge_by_id_groups(np_id, arr_of_ids)
Qx.transaction do
arr_of_ids.select{|arr| arr.count > 1}.each do |ids|
# Get all column data from every supporter
all_data = Psql.execute(
.select(:email, :name, :phone, :address, :city, :state_code, :zip_code, :organization, :latitude, :longitude, :country, :created_at)
.where("id IN ($ids)", ids: ids)
.order_by("created_at ASC")
# Use the most recent non null/blank column data for the new supporter
data = all_data.reduce({}) do |acc, supp|
supp.except('created_at').each{|key, val| acc[key] = val unless val.blank?}
end.merge({'nonprofit_id' => np_id})
MergeSupporters.selected(data, ids)