The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later The Additional Permission is designed to permit publicly distributed Javascript code to be relicensed under LGPL-3.0-or-later, but not server-side Javascript code. As such, we've relicensed here static Javscript files under LGPL-3.0-or-later, and those that run as part of build and/or server side under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Note that in future, Javascript files may be updated to be stronger copyleft license with the Additional Permission, particularly if they adapted to run on server side and/or turned into templates. Of course, we'd seek public discussion with the contributor community about such changes. This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
166 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file
166 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file
// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
const flyd = require('flyd')
const h = require('snabbdom/h')
const R = require('ramda')
const donateWiz = require('../../nonprofits/donate/wizard')
const render = require('ff-core/render')
const snabbdom = require('snabbdom')
const modal = require('ff-core/modal')
flyd.mergeAll = require('flyd/module/mergeall')
flyd.scanMerge = require('flyd/module/scanmerge')
const format = require('../../common/format')
const giftOptions = require('./gift-option-list')
const chooseGiftOptionsModal = require('./choose-gift-options-modal')
const metricsAndContributeBox = require('./metrics-and-contribute-box')
const timeRemaining = require('../../common/time-remaining')
const request = require('../../common/request')
const activities = require('../../components/public-activities')
// Viewscript legacy side effect stuff
function calculateIOS()
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
var hasVersion11 = userAgent.search("Version/11.0") > 0
var has11_or_later = userAgent.search("OS 11_0_\d{1,2} like Mac OS X") > 0
return hasVersion11 && has11_or_later;
// Campaign editor only functionality
if(app.current_campaign_editor) {
appl.def('current_campaign_editor', true)
var create_info_card = require('../../supporters/info-card.es6')
// Initialize the state for the top-level campaign component
// This includes the metrics, contribute button, gift options listing, and the donate wizard (most of right sidebar)
// Later can include the other viewscript pieces
function init() {
var state = {
timeRemaining$: timeRemaining(app.end_date_time, app.timezone),
onIOS11: calculateIOS()
state.giftOptions = giftOptions.init(flyd.stream(), state)
const metricsResp$ = flyd.map(R.prop('body'), request({
method: 'get'
, path: `/nonprofits/${app.nonprofit_id}/campaigns/${app.campaign.id}/metrics`
state.loadingMetrics$ = flyd.mergeAll([
flyd.map(_ => false, metricsResp$)
, flyd.stream(true)
state.metrics$ = flyd.merge(
flyd.stream({goal_amount: 0, total_raised: 0, supporters_count: 0})
, metricsResp$
state.metrics = metricsAndContributeBox.init(state)
state.activities = activities.init('campaign', `/nonprofits/${app.nonprofit_id}/campaigns/${app.campaign_id}/activities`)
const contributeModalType$ = R.compose(
flyd.map(_ =>
state.timeRemaining$() && state.giftOptions.giftOptions$().length
? 'gifts' : 'regular')
const clickContributeGifts$ = flyd.filter(x => x === 'gifts', contributeModalType$)
const clickContributeRegular$ = flyd.filter(x => x === 'regular', contributeModalType$)
state.clickRegularContribution$ = flyd.stream()
const startWiz$ = flyd.mergeAll([
, clickContributeRegular$
, state.clickRegularContribution$
state.selectedModalGift$ = flyd.stream({})
state.modalID$ = flyd.merge(
flyd.map(R.always('chooseGiftOptionsModal'), clickContributeGifts$)
, flyd.map(R.always('donationModal'), startWiz$))
// Stream of which gift option you have selected
const giftOption$ = flyd.map(setGiftParams, state.giftOptions.clickOption$)
const donateParam$ = flyd.scanMerge([
[state.metrics.clickContribute$, resetDonateForm]
, [giftOption$, setGiftOption]
], {campaign_id: app.campaign.id} )
state.donateWiz = donateWiz.init(donateParam$)
return state
const resetDonateForm = (params, _) => R.merge(params, {
single_amount: undefined
, gift_option: undefined
, type: undefined
const setGiftOption = (params, gift) => R.merge(params, {
single_amount: gift.amount / 100
, gift_option: gift
, type: gift.type
// Set the donate wizard parameters using data from a gift option
const setGiftParams = (triple) => {
var [gift, amount, type] = triple
return { amount: amount, type: type , id: gift.id, name: gift.name, to_ship: gift.to_ship}
function view(state) {
return h('div', [
, giftOptions.view(state.giftOptions)
, activities.view(state.activities)
, h('div.donationModal', [
thisID: 'donationModal'
, id$: state.modalID$
, body: donateWiz.view(state.donateWiz)
// , notCloseable: state.donateWiz.paymentStep.cardForm.loading$()
, modal({
thisID: 'chooseGiftOptionsModal'
, title: 'Contribute'
, id$: state.modalID$
, body: chooseGiftOptionsModal(state)
// -- Render to the page
const patch = snabbdom.init([
, require('snabbdom/modules/class')
, require('snabbdom/modules/props')
, require('snabbdom/modules/style')
render({state: init(), view, patch, container: document.querySelector('.ff-sidebar')})
// Init the metrics
appl.def('metrics.path_prefix', '/nonprofits/' + app.nonprofit_id + '/campaigns/' + app.campaign_id + '/')