The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
244 lines
8.5 KiB
244 lines
8.5 KiB
<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<% content_for(:footer_hidden) {'hidden'} %>
<%= content_for :javascripts do %>
appl.def("event_id", <%= @event.id %>)
appl.def("event_name", '<%= @event.name %>')
<%= IncludeAsset.js '/client/js/tickets/index/page.js' %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :head do %>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
<% end %>
<%= content_for :stylesheets do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'tickets/index/page' %>
<% end %>
<%= render '/components/trial_bar' if QueryBillingSubscriptions.currently_in_trial?(@nonprofit.id) %>
<header class='header'>
<div class='container'>
<i class='icon-check-list header-icon'></i>
<h3 class='header-title'>Attendees</h3>
<a class='header-profile' href='<%= @event.url%>'><%= @event.name %></a>
<section class='table-meta'>
<div class='table-meta-bar'>
<div class='container group u-marginTop--15'>
<section class='col-right-6 u-paddingLeft--10 u-marginBottom--10'>
<table class='table--plaid'>
<th><strong>Ticket Levels</strong></th>
<!--= repeat ticket_levels.data -->
<td><strong><!--= put this.name --></strong></td>
<td><!--= put this.quantity --></tr>
<section class='col-left-6'>
<table class='table--plaid'>
<!--= hide_if loading_metrics -->
<td class='strong'>Tickets Redeemed</td>
<td><!--= put metrics.total_attendees --></td>
<td class='strong'>Checked In</td>
<td><!--= put metrics.checked_in_count --></td>
<td class='strong'>Percent Checked In</td>
<td><!--= put (percentage metrics.total_attendees metrics.checked_in_count) -->%</td>
<td class='strong'>Ticket Payments</td>
<td>$<!--= put cents_to_dollars (metrics.tickets_total_paid --></td>
<td class='strong'>Donation Payments</td>
<td>$<!--= put cents_to_dollars (metrics.donations_total_paid --></td>
<td class='strong'>Total Payments</td>
<td>$<!--= put cents_to_dollars (metrics.total_paid --></td>
<span class='noResults'>Loading metrics...</span>
<!--= show_if loading_metrics -->
<div class='container'>
<%= render 'components/tables/search', scope: 'tickets' %>
<a class='table-meta-button test-addAttendeeButton'>
<!--= on 'click' show_new_tickets -->
<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Attendee
<% if current_event_editor? %>
<a href='<%= nonprofit_event_tickets_path(@nonprofit, @event, format: 'csv') %>' target='_blank' class='hideWhenTablet table-meta-button white'><i class='fa fa-file-text'></i> Export</a>
<% end %>
<div class='u-padding--30 u-centered noResults'>
<!--= show_if loading_tickets -->
Loading attendees...
<div class='u-padding--30 u-centered'>
<!--= show_if (all (not loading_tickets) (not (length tickets.data))) -->
No attendees
<main class='container u-marginBottom--20 u-marginTop--10'>
<!--= hide_if (any loading_tickets (not (length tickets.data)) -->
<table class='table--plaid js-table'>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>ID</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_id' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='u-centered'><i class="fa fa-check"></i></th>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Attendee</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_attendee' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='hideWhenPhone'>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Ticket Level</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_ticket_level' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='hideWhenTablet'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Donations</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_donation' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='hideWhenTablet'>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Note</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_note' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='u-centered'>
<small><span class='hideWhenPhone'>Payment</span></small>
<span class='showWhenPhone'><i class="fa fa-usd"></i></span>
<tr> <!--= repeat tickets.data -->
<input type='number' class='u-width--70' name='bid_id' min='1'>
<!--= set_value this.bid_id -->
<!--= on 'change' (update_ticket this.id this.name 'ID' form_object) -->
<td class='u-centered'>
<input type='checkbox'>
<!--= checked_if this.checked_in -->
<!--= set_attr 'id' (cat "checkbox" this.id) -->
<!--= on 'change' (toggle_checkin this.id this.name) -->
<!--= set_attr 'for' (cat "checkbox" this.id) -->
<div class='u-width--140'>
<a target='_blank'>
<!--= set_attr 'href' (route_with_params 'supporters' 'sid' this.supporter_id) -->
<strong><!--= put this.name --></strong>
<a class='hideWhenTablet'>
<!--= set_attr 'href' (cat 'mailto:' this.email) --> <!--= put this.email -->
<td class='hideWhenPhone'>
<div class='u-width--140'>
<strong><!--= put this.quantity --> </strong>
<!--= put this.ticket_level_name -->
($<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.total_paid) -->)
<!--= show_if this.discount_percent -->
Discount: <!--= put this.discount_percent -->%
<td class='hideWhenTablet'>
$<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.total_donations) -->
<td class='hideWhenTablet'>
<textarea rows='3' class='u-width--140 u-padding--3 u-fontSize--12 u-margin--0' name='note' placeholder='Type to edit note'></textarea>
<!--= set_value this.note -->
<!--= on 'change' (update_ticket this.id this.name 'note' form_object) -->
<td class='u-centered'>
<button class='button--micro u-inlineBlock u-margin--5'>
<!--= show_if this.token -->
<!--= on 'click' (show_new_donation this.supporter_id this.name this.email this.token this.card_name) -->
<i class='fa fa-credit-card showWhenPhone'></i>
<span class='hideWhenPhone'> Charge</span>
<a class='button--micro blue u-inlineBlock u-margin--5' style='display:none'>
<!--= hide_if this.token -->
<!--= on 'click' (show_new_card this.supporter_id this.name this.email this.id '<%= @event.id %>' -->
<i class='fa fa-plus showWhenPhone'></i>
<span class='hideWhenPhone'> Add Card</span>
<a class='button--micro blue u-inlineBlock u-margin--5' style='display:none'>
<!--= show_if this.token -->
<!--= on 'click' (remove_card this.id this.supporter_id) -->
<i class='fa fa-plus showWhenPhone'></i>
<span class='hideWhenPhone'> Remove Card</span>
<div class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<%= render 'components/show_more', scope: 'tickets' %>
<%= render 'tickets/new_modal', title: "Add attendee", show_payment_options: true, profile: nil, unrequire_email: true %>
<%= render 'donations/new_modal' %>
<%= render 'cards/new_modal' %>