60 lines
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60 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
require 'qx'
require 'format/csv'
require 'format/currency'
module HealthReport
# Send an email report about what has happend on the servers and database in the last 24hrs, and how things are running
# Returns a hash of metrics data
def self.query_data
# Transaction metrics
charges = Qx.select('COUNT(charges.id), SUM(charges.amount), SUM(charges.fee) as fees')
.where('created_at > $d', d: 24.hours.ago)
.and_where("charges.status != 'failed'")
# Recurring donation metrics
rec_dons = Qx.select('COUNT(id), SUM(amount)')
# Info about disabled nonprofit accounts due to ident verification
disabled_nps = Qx.select('nonprofits.id', 'nonprofits.name', 'nonprofits.stripe_account_id')
.where("verification_status != 'verified'")
.and_where('created_at > $d', d: 3.months.ago)
.ex(format: 'csv')
charges_count: charges['count'],
charges_sum: charges['sum'],
charges_fees: charges['fees'],
recently_disabled_nps: disabled_nps,
active_rec_don_count: rec_dons['count'],
active_rec_don_amount: rec_dons['sum']
# Given a hash of data, formats it into a multi-line string
def self.format_data(data)
disabled_nps = Format::Csv.from_array(data[:recently_disabled_nps])
Transaction Metrics for the last 24hrs:
Total count: #{data[:charges_count]}
Total amount: $#{Format::Currency.cents_to_dollars(data[:charges_sum])}
Total fees processed: $#{Format::Currency.cents_to_dollars(data[:charges_fees])}
Active recurring donation metrics:
Total active count: #{data[:active_rec_don_count]}
Total active amount: $#{Format::Currency.cents_to_dollars(data[:active_rec_don_amount])}
Recent nonprofit accounts that are disabled due to identity verification: