The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
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# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
class RecurringDonation < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible \
:amount, # int (cents)
:active, # bool (whether this recurring donation should still be paid)
:paydate, # int (fixed date of the month for monthly recurring donations)
:interval, # int (interval of time, ie the '3' in '3 months')
:time_unit, # str ('month', 'day', 'week', or 'year')
:start_date, # date (when to start this recurring donation)
:end_date, # date (when to deactivate this recurring donation)
:n_failures, # int (how many times the charge has failed)
:edit_token, # str / uuid to validate the editing page, linked from their email client
:cancelled_by, # str email of user/supporter who made the cancellation
:cancelled_at, # datetime of user/supporter who made the cancellation
:donation_id, :donation,
:nonprofit_id, :nonprofit,
:supporter_id #used because things are messed up in the datamodel
scope :active, -> {where(active: true)}
scope :inactive, -> {where(active: [false,nil])}
scope :monthly, -> {where(time_unit: 'month', interval: 1)}
scope :annual, -> {where(time_unit: 'year', interval: 1)}
belongs_to :donation
belongs_to :nonprofit
has_many :charges, through: :donation
has_one :card, through: :donation
has_one :supporter, through: :donation
validates :paydate, numericality: {less_than: 29}, allow_blank: true
validates :donation_id, presence: true
validates :nonprofit_id, presence: true
validates :start_date, presence: true
validates :interval, presence: true, numericality: {greater_than: 0}
validates :time_unit, presence: true, inclusion: {in: Timespan::Units}
validates_associated :donation
def most_recent_charge
if (self.charges)
return self.charges.sort_by { |c| c.created_at }.last()
def most_recent_paid_charge
if (self.charges)
return self.charges.find_all {|c| c.paid?}.sort_by { |c| c.created_at }.last()
def total_given
if (self.charges)
return self.charges.find_all(&:paid?).sum(&:amount)
# XXX let's make these monthly_totals a query
# Or just push it into the front-end
def self.monthly_total
def monthly_total
multiple = {
'week' => 4,
'day' => 30,
'year' => 0.0833
}[self.interval] || 1
return self.donation.amount * multiple