The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later The Additional Permission is designed to permit publicly distributed Javascript code to be relicensed under LGPL-3.0-or-later, but not server-side Javascript code. As such, we've relicensed here static Javscript files under LGPL-3.0-or-later, and those that run as part of build and/or server side under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Note that in future, Javascript files may be updated to be stronger copyleft license with the Additional Permission, particularly if they adapted to run on server side and/or turned into templates. Of course, we'd seek public discussion with the contributor community about such changes. This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
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// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
var format_err = require('../../../common/format_response_error')
var format = require('../../../common/format')
var request = require('../../../common/super-agent-promise')
var create_donation = require('../../../donations/create')
var create_card = require('../../../cards/create')
var formToObj = require('../../../common/form-to-object')
var wiz = {}
// Set the wizard's donation object to the form data
// amount, interval, time_unit, designation
wiz.set_donation = function(node) {
var data = formToObj(appl.prev_elem(node))
var rd = data.recurring_donation
if(rd.start_date) {
rd.start_date = format.date.toStandard(rd.start_date)
if(rd.end_date) {
rd.end_date = format.date.toStandard(rd.end_date)
if(data.dollars) {
data.amount = format.dollarsToCents(data.dollars)
delete data.dollars
appl.def('rd_wizard.donation', data)
// Save the supporter info. Advance immediately but save the promise.
wiz.save_supporter = function(form_obj) {
appl.rd_wizard.save_supporter_promise = request.post('/nonprofits/' + ENV.nonprofitID + '/supporters')
.send({supporter: form_obj}).perform()
// Resume on the supporter post promise, create a card, then create the donation with nested recurring donation
wiz.send_payment = function(card_obj) {
if(appl.rd_wizard.loading) return
appl.def('rd_wizard', {loading: true, error: ''})
return appl.rd_wizard.save_supporter_promise
.then(function(supporter) {
return create_card({type: 'Supporter', id: supporter.id}, card_obj)
.then(function(card) {
appl.rd_wizard.donation.card_id = card.id
return request.post('/nonprofits/' + ENV.nonprofitID + '/recurring_donations')
.send({ recurring_donation: appl.rd_wizard.donation }).perform()
// To be called on payment completion and a new recurring donation was successfully created
function complete_wizard() {
appl.notify("Successfully created! Reloading page...")
appl.def('loading', false)
setTimeout(()=> window.location.reload(), 1000)
appl.def('rd_wizard', wiz)
// Set the supporter values from a response to the wizard's data
function set_supporter_data(resp) {
appl.def('rd_wizard.donation', {
supporter_id: resp.body.id
return resp.body
// Set a general error on the wizard from an ajax response, displayed on any step
function show_err(resp) {
appl.def('rd_wizard.loading', false)
appl.def('rd_wizard.error', format_err(resp))
throw new Error(resp)
// Set all the default values for the data used in the recurring donation wizard
function set_defaults() {
appl.def('rd_wizard.donation', null)
appl.def('rd_wizard', {
donation: {
nonprofit_id: ENV.nonprofitID,
recurring_donation: {
interval: 1,
time_unit: 'month'
// Initialize wizard defaults
// Initialize the pikaday date picker inputs in the various fields on the page
// jank
var Pikaday = require('pikaday')
var moment = require('moment')
var el = $('#newRecurringDonationModal')
new Pikaday({
field: el.find('input[name="recurring_donation.start_date"]')[0],
format: 'M/D/YYYY',
minDate: moment().toDate()
new Pikaday({
field: el.find('input[name="recurring_donation.end_date"]')[0],
format: 'M/D/YYYY',
minDate: moment().toDate()
new Pikaday({
field: document.querySelector('#edit_end_date'),
format: 'M/D/YYYY',
minDate: moment().toDate()