123 lines
3.7 KiB
123 lines
3.7 KiB
* API title
* No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)
* OpenAPI spec version: 0.0.1
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import * as models from '../model/models';
import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
const page_info = require('../../../page_info.js.erb')
/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
export class UsersApi {
protected basePath = `${page_info.apiDomain}`;
public defaultHeaders: Array<string> = [];
public defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings?: JQueryAjaxSettings = null;
public configuration: Configuration = new Configuration();
constructor(basePath?: string, configuration?: Configuration, defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings?: JQueryAjaxSettings) {
if (basePath) {
this.basePath = basePath;
if (configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
if (defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings) {
this.defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings = defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings;
private extendObj<T1, T2 extends T1>(objA: T2, objB: T2): T1|T2 {
for (let key in objB) {
if (objB.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
objA[key] = objB[key];
return objA;
* Register a nonprofit
* @summary Register a nonprofit
* @param Nonprofit
public postUser(User: models.PostUser, extraJQueryAjaxSettings?: JQueryAjaxSettings): JQueryPromise<models.Nonprofit > {
let localVarPath = this.basePath + '/users';
let queryParameters: any = {};
let headerParams: any = {};
// verify required parameter 'Nonprofit' is not null or undefined
if (User === null || User === undefined) {
throw new Error('Required parameter Nonprofit was null or undefined when calling postNonprofit.');
localVarPath = localVarPath + "?" + $.param(queryParameters);
// to determine the Content-Type header
let consumes: string[] = [
// to determine the Accept header
let produces: string[] = [
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
let requestOptions: JQueryAjaxSettings = {
url: localVarPath,
type: 'POST',
headers: headerParams,
processData: false
requestOptions.data = JSON.stringify(User);
if (headerParams['Content-Type']) {
requestOptions.contentType = headerParams['Content-Type'];
if (extraJQueryAjaxSettings) {
requestOptions = Object.assign(requestOptions, extraJQueryAjaxSettings);
if (this.defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings) {
requestOptions = Object.assign(requestOptions, this.defaultExtraJQueryAjaxSettings);
let dfd = $.Deferred();
(data: any, textStatus: string, jqXHR: JQueryXHR) =>
dfd.resolve(jqXHR, data),
(xhr: JQueryXHR, textStatus: string, errorThrown: string) => {
if (xhr.status == 422)
dfd.reject(new models.ValidationErrorsException(xhr.responseJSON as models.ValidationErrors))
return dfd.promise();