The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
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# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
require 'format/currency'
require 'validation_error'
require 'stripe'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
require 'psql'
require 'qexpr'
require 'calculate/calculate_fees'
require 'param_validation'
require 'insert/insert_activities'
module InsertRefunds
# Refund a given charge, up to its net amount
# params: amount, donation obj
def self.with_stripe(charge, h)
ParamValidation.new(charge, {
payment_id: {required: true, is_integer: true},
stripe_charge_id: {required: true, format: /^ch_.*$/},
amount: {required: true, is_integer: true, min: 1},
id: {required: true, is_integer: true},
nonprofit_id: {required: true, is_integer: true},
supporter_id: {required: true, is_integer: true}
ParamValidation.new(h, { amount: {required: true, is_integer: true, min: 1} })
original_payment = Qx.select("*").from("payments").where(id: charge['payment_id']).execute.first
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound.new("Cannot find original payment for refund on charge #{charge['id']}") if original_payment.nil?
if original_payment['refund_total'].to_i + h['amount'].to_i > original_payment['gross_amount'].to_i
raise RuntimeError.new("Refund amount must be less than the net amount of the payment (for charge #{charge['id']})")
stripe_charge = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(charge['stripe_charge_id'])
refund_post_data = {'amount' => h['amount'], 'refund_application_fee' => true, 'reverse_transfer' => true}
refund_post_data['reason'] = h['reason'] unless h['reason'].blank? # Stripe will error on blank reason field
stripe_refund = stripe_charge.refunds.create(refund_post_data)
h['stripe_refund_id'] = stripe_refund.id
refund_row = Qx.insert_into(:refunds).values(h.merge(charge_id: charge['id'])).timestamps.returning('*').execute.first
gross = -(h['amount'])
platform_fee = BillingPlans.get_percentage_fee(charge['nonprofit_id'])
fees = (h['amount'] * -original_payment['fee_total'] / original_payment['gross_amount']).ceil
net = gross + fees
# Create a corresponding negative payment record
payment_row = Qx.insert_into(:payments).values({
gross_amount: gross,
fee_total: fees,
net_amount: net,
kind: 'Refund',
towards: original_payment['towards'],
date: refund_row['created_at'],
nonprofit_id: charge['nonprofit_id'],
supporter_id: charge['supporter_id']
# Update the refund to have the above payment_id
refund_row = Qx.update(:refunds).set(payment_id: payment_row['id']).ts.where(id: refund_row['id']).returning('*').execute.first
# Update original payment to increment its refund_total for any future refund attempts
Qx.update(:payments).set("refund_total=refund_total + #{h['amount'].to_i}").ts.where(id: original_payment['id']).execute
# Send the refund receipts in a delayed job
Delayed::Job.enqueue JobTypes::DonorRefundNotificationJob.new(refund_row['id'])
Delayed::Job.enqueue JobTypes::NonprofitRefundNotificationJob.new(refund_row['id'])
return {'payment' => payment_row, 'refund' => refund_row}